I'm so grateful every day for this program!! I don't think I've ever felt this good even when I was a kid. And I still haven't gone through gut healing yet. Thank you!

Ari, I just want to reiterate what I wrote in the A& today: You are awesome and this program is brilliant.
Using your strategies, I finally have a healthy circadian rhythm for the first time in my entire life. My energy levels are already way up, and if I had to put a number on it, I would say it's something like 60% more energy than I had before, maybe more.

It's like waking up after a long time, it's like coming to life after a long winter, it's like re-learning to be really alive, that's how I am feeling. Even my brain is doing much better. Now I can assist to Ari Whittens videos and understand almost all he says. It's time to start and I will start at the beginning, Thank you very much, Ari Whitten, for all your knowledge shared and for you being that science geek you are.

I've had CFS for a few years and recently started module 6 protocol (HIT), feeling better than I have in years!

Thank you so much for inviting me to do this. I love your course so much and learned so much more than I learned in my zillions of schools.

When I started the EB program I was so fatigued I could hardly do anything. Now my body is craving to move just like you said, Ari! I'm so thankful!

So I want to say yippie I'm on The Energy Blueprint and thank you Ari for almost 100% fixing my sleep in just over three weeks. And my energy levels going through the roof. I've gone from crazy night owl to lark and enjoying my morning exercises and meditation in the forest. Can't imagine how good this will get.

I started the EBP a year ago. I struggle with crippling insomnia related to childhood trauma for most of my life, sleeping as little as 3 hours a night...I also have Hashimotos and thyroid dysfunction. I started with the EBP with hopes to find a real solution to my exhaustion. In one year, I now sleep most nights for eight hours and my energy at the age of 57 is better than it was 20 years ago...

I joined the very first Energy Blueprint Program back in June 2016. At the time I could barely get off the couch. I was suffering from fatigue and crippling anxiety... This program gave me back my life... Now I function much as I did 10 years ago - sometimes even better.

...My energy improved by 50-60%!!! This is amazing and I'm in remission, my insomnia gone since October! I don't suffer with depressioin anymore (was discharged by my doctor) and CF gone, just tiredneess...and I feel wonderful!! I've never believed it could happen because I was soooo ill only last September. Thank you for your program Ari it's a literal life saver for me!

I awoke Christmas morning with shingles. After weeks of intense pain I was left with debilitating chronic fatigue. My active, outdoor life as I knew it was over. For months I could barely perform the simplest of tasks before heading back to bed. That all changed the day I discovered this program. I can now say that at the age of 64 I have more energy than I did in my 40s. I am forever grateful to Ari Whitten and the Energy Blueprint for giving me my life back!

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