The Top Nutrients/Supplements for Immune Health with Dr. Michael Murray

Content By: Ari Whitten & Dr. Michael Murray

In this episode, I am speaking with my friend, natural health legend, Dr. Michael Murray, about the latest and greatest science around using nutrition and supplementation to optimize immune function and minimize your risk of certain respiratory viruses..

Table of Contents

In this podcast, Dr. Murray and I discuss:

  • Key nutrients your body needs to have optimal immune function (and why you likely need WAY MORE of them than you realize)
  • Why nuanced thinking and individual risk profiles are critically important (hint: 95% of hospitalizations have occurred in those with pre-existing conditions, and there is a 1,000-fold difference in risk between the young and old)
  • What the science says about natural immunity from prior infection as an effective alternative to a jab-induced immunity
  • Why understanding MAGNITUDE of risks is critical to being able to do proper risk-benefit analyses, and how surveys show that the majority of people overestimate risks by 2,500%-5,000%.
  • Bolstering the immune system by eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones
  • Why taking vit D and other key vitamins before you get the virus is one of the most powerful ways to defend your immune system (and why vitamin D supplementation after infection is not likely to help much)
  • Dr. Murray’s top supplements to take to optimize your immune function for what’s going on right now

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Ari: Hey, this is Ari. Welcome back to the Energy Blueprint podcast. With me today is one of my absolute favorite guests to have on the podcast, and also I am privileged to call a personal friend of mine. Someone who I’ve followed his work for over two decades now. He’s pretty much a legend in the natural health community. His name is Dr. Michael Murray. This is probably the third time I’m having him on the podcast if I remember correctly. Dr. Michael Murray is, as I said, really a legend in the community. He is an author of over 30 books on natural approaches to optimizing human health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the board of regions of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. He’s the chief science officer of Enzymedica. He’s also the author of The Magic of Food, and The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine.

The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, I actually have this book on my counter. It’s about 800 pages. It’s about that thick, and it’s an incredible book. His latest book is on optimizing longevity, which I wrote an endorsement for. It’s a phenomenal book. I highly recommend it. I’m very excited to have him on the show for the third time. We’re going to be talking all about COVID and the latest and greatest science around optimizing nutrition and lifestyle and supplementation to minimize your risk of severe outcomes. This is incredibly important information. I believe it’s not an understatement to say that this is potentially life-changing, life-altering, life-saving information. I strongly encourage you to listen to this all the way through and implement the strategies that he’s talking about in this podcast. It is incredibly important information.

I strongly encourage you to share it with everyone you know, all of your friends and your family, your loved ones. Everyone you care about should know this information. You’re going to learn a number of very simple things that you can do, roughly 10 things that you can do as far as supplements you can take, nutrition strategies, and modifying lifestyle factors to modify some of the key risk factors for severe outcomes. You can take control over this area of your life and you can have a massive impact on your risk of not just this particular disease, but dozens of others at the same time. Implement this information and share it with everyone you know. Enjoy the podcast.

Hey there, this is Ari. Welcome back to The Energy Blueprint podcast. With me today is one of my absolute favorite people in the natural health community. He’s someone whose work I follow personally very, very closely. He’s done a really wonderful work on the topic of COVID, and nutrition, and supplement, and lifestyle strategies that you can use to optimize your health and minimize your risk of COVID. We’re now almost two years into this whole COVID thing, and I thought it was time to invite him back on the show and get all the latest and greatest info, which I know he’s been very up to speed on. He’s done a number of webinars on the subject over the last couple of years. We’re going to get all the latest and greatest nutrition and supplement info from the brilliant Dr. Michael Murray. Welcome back to the show, my friend. Such a pleasure to connect with yo

What is going on with Covid?

Ari: Great. Big picture, what the heck is going on with COVID, and our response to it? Obviously, this is an extraordinarily controversial topic at this point. It’s been highly, highly politicized. You can predict almost how someone will feel about their perception of what COVID science is based on their political orientation. You can predict almost with probably 99% accurately. That’s very unfortunate. That means that people have been playing politics and crafting narratives based on whatever scientific narrative fits into their particular political bias. That whole thing has created enormous polarization and problems where people are operating in really different realities as far as their perception of COVID, the risks of COVID, the responses to COVID, and all of that. Hopefully, that was sufficiently non-polarizing of an interest, so nobody’s going to be mad at me for that. What are your big-picture thoughts on all of this to give people a sense of where you’re coming from?

Dr. Murray: Where I’m coming from is that the best defense, whether you’re vaccinated or not vaccinated, still comes down to the health of your immune system. Because as we’re seeing, the vaccines alone don’t help entirely. It is really dependent upon still that individual’s immune response. No matter who you are, you have to do everything you can to have the best functioning immune system that you can have. I’ll answer any question that you ask. I respect and appreciate you. We’ve done these programs before, and I know you have a very educated following, so I’ll follow your lead there and I will answer any question how I see it. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I don’t think that in this situation that everyone should be vaccinated.

On the flip side, I think there are certainly groups of people that should be vaccinated. I’ll give some insights on who I think those people are. Because what I’ve really done in the last month or so is really look at all the CDC numbers. If you go to my website, and you go to recent articles and see the information I just put out on numbers. It’s really interesting. It really highlights who developed COVID, who got hospitalized with COVID, who died from COVID, and why it doesn’t make much sense to really be vaccinating children, people under the age of 18 and certainly under the age of 5, and why it probably makes a lot of sense to vaccinate everyone over the age of 85.

If you just look at the risk, you always have to look at the medical treatment and look at the benefit versus the risk. We know what the risks are from dying of COVID. We have lots of data. I don’t think, even though we’re talking about this new variant Omicron, it’s not as severe apparently as Delta in terms of causing hospitalizations and death, but it’s more contagious. It has a higher infection rate. The overall numbers are probably going to be equal to, if not greater, just because before, not everybody was getting COVID. Now, with this particular variant, just about everybody’s probably going to end up getting it in some form.

Ari: There was a lot in there. I do want to comment on one thing. You started by saying you’re not an anti-vaxxer. In my opinion, this whole term has become meaningless. It’s been overused to the point of becoming totally nonsensical where it’s actually used as a form of a derogatory, ad hominem attack that’s slung at anybody who is just ultimately gung-ho about lockdowns and masks and vaccines, and wants to force lockdowns and vaccines and masks endlessly on everyone with no exceptions and no nuance, and if you oppose that or have any criticism on that you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer. This is just totally nonsensical and ridiculous on its face. As an example, we don’t have this absurd black-and-white thinking in any other area of medicine. We talk about medications.

Like if somebody thinks certain people should be on Metformin and other people shouldn’t, or certain people should be on statin drugs. Let’s say you’ve got familial hypercholesterolemia, you should maybe be on a statin drug. Maybe certain other people like children probably shouldn’t be on statin drugs. We all are capable of thinking with this kind of nuance and risk-benefit analysis when it comes to medication very easily, but for some reason, when the word “vaccine” is used, a lot of people I find just resort to extreme black-and-white binary thinking where they become incapable of nuance and risk-benefit analysis. It seems like we’ve come to a place where a large segment of society thinks literally so simplistically. where they go, COVID equals bad, vaccine equals good, therefore, vaccine for everyone, right? Anybody who says, “Wait, hold on, we need to do a risk-benefit analysis because the vaccine could cause this, this, and this, and what is the actual risk, this demographic of COVID?” “Oh, well, you’re a crazy anti-vaxxer if you want to have that conversation,” right?

Dr. Murray: Yes.

Ari: The whole conversation is very contaminated with that kind of overly simplistic, to be honest, very stupid thinking. You said you think certain people should be vaccinated and certain people probably shouldn’t. Let’s dive into that. Let’s dive into those nuances I was just alluding to and these kinds of risk-benefit analyses. What does that picture look like, who do you think should be vaccinated first, and then we’ll get to who do you think shouldn’t be vaccinated.

Dr. Murray: Let’s take a look at some of the data in regards to who is really at risk. One of the latest statements in the media, and it’s from some of our political leaders as well is that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It’s really not. It’s a pandemic of the old and the sick. If we look at just some statistics of deaths by age, we see that well over half of the deaths occurred in people over the age of 75. If we start looking at the risk of death by age, we come to some really interesting factoids.

One thing that’s been said over and over again is that kids don’t get COVID. That turned out to be not true. It’s just that they don’t get sick from it. It turns out that more kids had COVID because there’s more of them than the elderly. When we look at deaths in kids, the risk of death, this is as of December 15th, so things may have changed, but I don’t think so, the risk of death for someone that was under the age of 17 or under the age of 15 had a case mortality rate of 0.0002%.

Let me translate that. What does that mean, case mortality rate? This means people who got COVID and died. What this means with that percentage is that there are roughly two deaths per one million children. On the flip side, if someone was over the age of 85 and they got COVID, there was a 15% chance of them dying. 85% of people over the age of 85 that got COVID survived but 15% of them died. Then we start looking at the people that died versus those that didn’t, we have heard this term comorbidity over and over and over again.

Comorbidities are preexisting health conditions that are associated with an increased risk of developing or dying from COVID. When we look at deaths again, we see that the key preexisting conditions, obesity was number one. Here’s the thing that will surprise most people. Number two closely behind obesity is anxiety and fear-related disorders.

Ari: I’m so glad you mentioned that.

Dr. Murray: If someone is severely afraid of getting COVID then they should probably get the vaccine, especially if they’re over the age of 85. Diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, chronic respiratory disease, these are all comorbidities associated with more severe COVID-19. It’s a combination of age and risk factors according to these core comorbidities, in my opinion, that determines whether a person should be vaccinated.

Not everybody that’s vaccinated has an effective immune response, so again, it comes down to helping those people have a healthier immune response. That’s something that conventional medicine has failed. I wrote an article on my website, again, it’s posted there on how we could have eliminated 90% of the deaths. I really believe that. I think if we would have been paying attention to some really basic fundamentals of what our immune system needs to fight off this virus, we could have saved 90% of the people.

We kind of were waiting for Godot, waiting for that miracle, “Let’s have this vaccine and it’ll solve everything.” With this virus, that was foolish because this virus is not like any other virus that we faced. It’s proven that it’s going to mutate. Hopefully, viruses have a tendency to mutate to become more infective but less fatal because they want to survive, too. If they kill all the hosts, they’re going to kill themselves, too.

The great gift that we may have is that we do have a large percentage of people that have been vaccinated, and the theory is now that these people have partial immunity to Omicron. If they get Omicron, it could give them super immunity. My goal is to help people have supernatural immunity. That’s what I think we can achieve and should achieve.

Some people may need that little booster of– not so much the booster shot, but a booster in the form of a vaccine to prime their immune system so that when they are infected, they develop natural immunity. There’s been a real misleading of statistics in the United States regarding the benefits of natural immunity versus vaccination. The narrative is we want everybody to be vaccinated instead of, “Hey, we want everybody to have immunity against this virus.”

I think there’s a very strong case in the medical literature for people who had prior infection having some natural immunity against any of these variants, whether it’s Omicron, or what will be coming down the pike.

Ari: Talk about that for a second. Talk about what does that research look like? I know there was at least one, if not two big studies out of Israel comparing natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity. Can you speak to the results of those studies?

Dr. Murray: Yes. These are inconvenient studies to the narrative because they showed that when they compared apples to apples, COVID infections in people that were fully vaccinated in Israel which had a high vaccination rate to people who had prior infection, they found that the people who had just the vaccine were 12 to 27 times more likely to develop an infection than people who had natural immunity.

Now, the Omicron is going to change those numbers a bit because this is basically a new virus. It’s a variant. What makes a virus who it is, is based upon its chemical structures, its antigens that it’s exposing on its cell surface. This particular variant of SARS-CoV-2 is much different than any of the others. From an antigen perspective, it’s a new virus. Now, it’s going to share some common features with Coronavirus. This is something that we knew from the very beginning.

There was an interesting research done with– I’m going to show a slide Ari, it’s pretty cool. What I’m showing you here is the results from a study that was done in San Diego. They looked at blood bank analyses and what they found is that when they analyzed blood collected prior to this pandemic, between 2015 and 2018, they found that between 40% to 60% of individuals contained at least partial immunity to SARS-CoV-2. I know people may have heard of the difference between an antibody response and a T cell response to this virus. Let me explain the difference between the two. When we are initially infected, our ability to fight the virus has little to do with antibodies. It’s about our innate or non-specific immune response and the functioning of T cells. T cells are a type of white blood cells that are best at killing viruses that have infected the host cell. Antibodies aren’t produced until 10 to 20 days after an infection, so they really are not that important in the first infection.

What antibodies provide are a head start if you’re ever exposed to that virus again. T cells, in addition to being able, some of them, to kill viruses can also help amplify the immune response in future infections as well. What they found in this blood bank study was that 40% to 60% of samples contained an effective T cell response to SARS-CoV-2. We’re talking about herd immunity. We had a head start on this. It’s just that just like we are not all expressing herd immunity against the common cold virus. Most of us when we’re exposed to these viruses, they don’t cause much of a problem at all, just minor symptoms.

We know that 85% of people that became infected with SARS-CoV-2 had little to no symptoms, and the thought is maybe it’s because many of these people had an infection to a common cold variant of the coronavirus and that offered them a head start in being able to fight this virus. We’re going to be hearing a lot more about T cell and antibody response immunity because I think what they’re going to end up doing eventually we’re probably going to have some sort of passport. It can’t be based upon vaccination because we’re seeing breakthrough infections.

We know that people that are vaccinated can be carriers. They can infect somebody as easily as someone who is unvaccinated. This keeping people out of restaurants and gyms if they’re not vaccinated doesn’t make any sense if you’re trying to prevent the spread of this virus.

Ari: That point is worth emphasizing, I think because there’s such an enormous gap between public perception, the current beliefs in a very large portion of the general public versus the actual data that we have on this. Even the CDC and many other people have already come out and acknowledged that these vaccines pretty much have zero efficacy at this point as far as preventing infection and transmission. We already have lots of data from around the world, including some data out of the UK that I’m sure you’ve seen that actually show negative efficacy as far as preventing infection, meaning vaccinated people are more likely to get infected and also to transmit it because we know from other studies that they have the same degree of viral load in the nose as compared with unvaccinated people.

We have all of that data showing at this point. Maybe, initially, there was some efficacy. They were claiming 95% efficacy as far as preventing infection at the beginning. That’s what the Emergency Use Authorization was based on. The data now is very clear that it seems to be at best 0%, and there’s a case to be made for negative efficacy in that regard. Yet, there’s still, I think, at least 50% if not more of the general public in the US who is convinced, and I have lots of friends in European countries, and it’s the same over there.

They’re still absolutely convinced that these vaccines are enormously effective in preventing infection and stopping transmission, even as we have world data from countries that have vaccinated nearly their entire population and have implemented vaccine passports who are now hitting their record high cases. You still have a large portion of the general public that believes these things in the face of overwhelming data showing that these are incorrect belief systems. Anyway, I’m just drawing some emphasis to that point so it doesn’t get lost and people can be hit with that.

Dr. Murray: If the third booster shot was effective at preventing Omicron, Israel would not be recommending a fourth booster shot.

Ari: That’s right.

Dr. Murray: You have to use some common sense and see what’s happening in the world to see that the emperor has no clothes. If you say the emperor has no clothes, you’re labeled a crackpot. It doesn’t make any sense. You should be able to discuss any scientific discussions. It should not have emotion attached to it. This is a discussion that you’re not even allowed to bring up because it’s become so politicized, but people are hunkered down, and there is a tendency to be polarization. The reality is somewhere in between those two. I think that’s where I’m trying to come from because I get asked–

I see this a lot with just being out in the world and talking about it. Everybody’s talking about it. “Are you vaccinated? If you’re not, why not?” There’s a lot of people that I see that are adamant against being vaccinated that I think should be vaccinated. Then I see a lot of people that I don’t think the vaccine would produce any benefit. I know people who have had the vaccine and have had side effects. Again, I was alluding to risk versus benefit. If we look at kids, 0 to 15, 2 deaths per million, I wouldn’t say, “There should be no deaths.” You’re going to have problems when you start looking at the side effects from vaccines. Are they going to have more than two deaths per million? Probably. I just think it’s risky to be mandating vaccines on people that probably would be better off not getting the vaccine.

Ari: Let’s dig a little bit further into that, and I want to inject a bit of context from some recent data. Dr. Marty Makary, who is a professor at Johns Hopkins, did a study which I’m sure you saw where they dug into all of the medical histories and the details of all of the children who were labeled as COVID-19 deaths. What they found almost invariably, or actually invariably, was that every single one of those children who was claimed to have died from COVID had some pre-existing condition. This is a quote from Dr. Marty Makary after digging through that and after putting out a peer-reviewed study reporting all of that data. He said, “I am not aware of a single healthy child in the US who has died of COVID-19 to date. We found that 100% of pediatric COVID-19 deaths were in children with a pre-existing condition.”

Dr. Murray: It’s the same thing. If we look at vitamin D status or these comorbidities, they’re the same risk factors whether you are 1 or 100, these are risk factors. These are variables that have mathematical equations attached to them.

Ari: Right. There was also data from Dr. Vineet Prasad who I’m sure you’re also familiar with who’s done some wonderful work just reporting on the latest data around COVID. He did a video a few days ago where he was talking about the latest data on side effects from the vaccine and putting that in certain demographics, I believe it’s male children, in particular, where there the latest data is suggesting that the risk of myocarditis is somewhere around between 1 in 3000 to 1 in 5,000, which is orders of magnitude higher than where you’d want it to be. Myocarditis can be a pretty significant condition.

Just putting that out there as context for this risk-benefit analysis, again people have a tendency to think in these simplistic terms, COVID equals bad. If there are any children who have died from COVID therefore we need to give them this vaccine. That’s how deep a lot of people’s thinking goes. It only goes that far and they don’t consider, well, what if there is a risk of the vaccine also causing harm, and how do we compare that risk to the magnitude of the risk from COVID? What does that look like? There’s also this other layer of what are the unknown risks of long-term risks that we haven’t discovered yet from the vaccine because we’re seeing this data unfold in real-time.

There was a study out of Israel in March that was talking about the incidents of myocarditis as a side effect from the vaccine that was talking about an incidence of six in one million people. I think it was 6.7 in one per one million people. We now have data 6 or 8 months later saying actually the latest data shows that it’s 37-fold higher than that at least in certain demographics. What we say at one point, and there’s this saying that a lot of people are doing “follow the science” as if the science is known, but they don’t realize that we’re literally finding it out in real-time.

What we said 6 months ago has changed not by a small magnitude, but in some cases by a magnitude of 37-fold. Probably a year from now we’ll see similar massive changes as far as, let’s say, the risks of the vaccine in particular. Take me one or two layers deeper into this. What do you think this risk-benefit analysis looks like for children? You’ve said that you think certain people, older people with preexisting conditions should get the vaccine. Why do you think kids should not get it?

Dr. Murray: [chuckles] Because we know that the infection rate in children was identical to adults, and I gave you the results, 2 deaths per 1 million children under the age of 15. As you pointed out those are related to preexisting conditions. Those children that if they get COVID have a high risk of dying from it because of comorbidity, those are the ones that should be vaccinated. The idea that we need to vaccinate everybody because if we don’t, we’re going to be infecting the people that are vaccinated that’s not holding up. That’s really illogical thinking.

Kids were not the big drivers of this pandemic. They’re not at risk. I think that’s even going to be more demonstrated with this Omicron because it’s a weaker virus. You are only going to really be targeting people that have the weakest immune systems. I finished the last chapter on a book that’s coming out in the next couple of months on building this natural super immunity. One of the things that you have to do is you have to have to eliminate obstacles to healing and these comorbidities are an obstacle.

Whether we get sick or not, whether we get an infection or not, is based upon a simple equation, the strength of our immune system, plus how infectious and how viral that virus is will determine if we get sick or not and how sick we’re going to get. The variable that we can control is we can’t control the virus, we’re seeing that, but we can control the strength of our immune system. That’s really the silver lining in this black cloud of COVID 19. The silver lining should be that eventually the medical community wakes up and recognizes, hey, there’s a lot that we can do that can support the immune system in an individual.

If we support that immune system in an ideal way that person if they get this virus, they’re going to be fine. They’re not going to die from it. They’re not going to be hospitalized. The reason why most people don’t get very sick with the COVID when they’re exposed to this virus is that this virus is not very strong. We’ve all had these small little kitchen fires, most of us probably have had. You can either douse water on it or get that fire extinguisher from underneath your sink and put it out if you have to. That’s what our immune system is designed to do, put out those small fires. This virus if it is able to grow, if it’s able to replicate, if we’re not able to neutralize it quickly it’s a race.

If our immune system is losing that race, and this virus starts infecting more and more cells it’s catastrophic for a lot of people. What we have to do is we have to do everything we can so that we have an effective response to this virus. We’re focused on antibodies because that’s how vaccines work. As I said earlier, with an initial infection the antibody response is in most cases, well after the virus has been eliminated. We don’t get a full antibody response until 20 days after we’re exposed to that virus. People have known that in most cases in 10 days, everybody is pretty much symptom-free. How did they neutralize that virus?

They neutralized it by other immune mechanisms, and those immune mechanisms we can support very well with nutrition. There’s so many nutritional aspects to this pandemic that have been largely ignored because it’s not politically correct. People don’t want to offend anyone and tell them, “Look, if you have–” It is just telling them the truth. I think people can handle the truth. We talked about the comorbidities. It’s not just one comorbidity. The average person that died 53% of patients had more than 10 conditions. [laughs]

Ari: Say that one more time. 53% of people who died had more than 10 preexisting conditions.

Dr. Murray: Yes. This pandemic it brings an inconvenient truth about our society, and that inconvenient truth is that we are very unhealthy. Too many people have taken their health for granted and have not lived in a way to have a healthy vessel to take care of themselves. This body is a gift to all of us and we have to nurture it, care for it and it’ll service well. If we don’t then it’s not going to service when we need it to serve us. We need our immune system to win this battle against this virus, it’s that simple. This isn’t smallpox, this isn’t a [chuckles] virus that will wipe out everybody. The truth is that 99% of people did just fine. It varies by age, but the truth is overall 99% of us did fine. Why didn’t this virus kill everyone? because it’s not that strong. It’s not like we thought.

Ari: There’s another layer to this that I think is worth injecting into this conversation and it links to what you were talking about earlier. I’m glad you brought up that anxiety disorders was one of the biggest risk factors for having severe COVID. That connects to this data point which I’m about to tell you, which is, there was a survey done and they grouped this by political party, so I don’t anger any particular person of any political orientation, I’ll just lump it all together. Basically, they showed about 70% of the population believes that the risk of being hospitalized from COVID is between 20% to 50% or greater than 50%. In other words, 50 out of every 100 people who get COVID would be hospitalized from it. The actual percentage is around 1% to 2%.

What this means is that the majority of the population in the United States is overestimating their risk of having a severe infection that requires hospitalization. They’re overestimating that by somewhere between 2500% to 5000% or 25 fold to 50 fold, meaning the general population has massively overestimated the risk that this actually poses. There’s some people who get mad when they hear people talking like you’re talking and, “99.8% of people are surviving this,” and this angers them because they think, “No, that can’t possibly be true. That must be a lie because it seems like everybody’s dying, and everybody’s risk is so high.” To some extent, these things just don’t jive. It can’t be the case that 1 out of 2 is being hospitalized, and yet there’s a 99.8 survival rate. You know what I mean?

Dr. Murray: Yes. It’s estimated now that Omicron is going to lead to eventually soon north of 500,000 new cases a day.

Ari: Wow.

Dr. Murray: Half a million new cases a day. That means in a month we’re going to likely have 15 to 30 million people that become infected with this latest variant. We have to get away from a whack-a-mole strategy. We’ve never had a vaccine for the common cold. We never had an mRNA vaccine before this one. I think the whole concept is a bit failed, and I know that that’s not politically correct, but I think that’s going to be the outcome. I’m not saying that it didn’t reduce deaths and hospitalizations, but it’s not sustainable.

It’s not a sustainable answer. There has to be a better answer. I’m not saying that the new Pfizer pill is the better answer either. It’s just they’re covering their bases. They want to have a plan B when plan A, plan A being the vaccines, when everyone realizes that we’re not going to be able to vaccinate away out of this pandemic, we’re not. That should be obvious to all political parties. We can’t vaccinate ourselves out of this pandemic. It’s not going to happen.

Vitamin D3 and COVID

Ari: Let’s now segue into supernatural immunity. Let’s talk about what the latest and greatest set of specific nutrition and supplement recommendations are as far as the best ways to mitigate the severity of a COVID infection.

Dr. Murray: There’s so many things that I think we could highlight. I still think vitamin D3, now, I think once someone has COVID, D3 isn’t the answer, it’s not fast enough acting, but if you look at the studies, I got to back this up. [chuckles] Hey, this just reminded me of another study that just came out last week. You can reduce your risk of developing multiple sclerosis, a severe autoimmune disease by 50% by getting 15 minutes of sunlight a day. Sunlight converts to vitamin D3 in our skin, that is metabolized into another compound by our liver that’s even more active, and then into another compound by our kidneys it’s even more active than that.

D3 is not the most active form of vitamin D3. Our body is able to convert it to a more active form and that takes time, this more active form called calcifediol in studies in Spain, show it to be remarkable in reducing the need for ventilation, for getting transferred to an ICU and reducing the death rate. In this country it’s not used.

Ari: That’s the one where it’s actually a prescription medication that they only give in the hospital setting. I’ve seen that study and it reduced the risk of death among COVID inpatients, I think by 95% or something like that.

Dr. Murray: Yes, because it was unbelievable. They followed that initial study up with more research and it’s a game-changer, and it’s not being utilized in conventional medicine here because I think there’s a lot of well-intentioned doctors if they were given this information, they would start prescribing it because it’s solid and they’re utilizing it in many parts of the world. There’s so many things out this, how does a country like India have a death rate 10% lower than the US, you start looking at that.

Ari: Not 10% lower, but 1/10th of the death rate.

Dr. Murray: Yes, that’s correct. 90% lower, yes. 10% of what our death rate. Amazing. I think pre-knowing your D3 status– it’s interesting when there are safe and effective solutions to this paradigm, the research that comes out against it is so blatantly misguided. Don’t fall prey to some of the BS that’s thrown out there about vitamin D3. You want to have optimal levels. Optimal levels are not 19 and 20, that’s deficient. You want that level to be 60 to 100 nanograms per mL. You can get your D3 tested, supplement to that level. A group of 200 of the world’s leading experts on vitamin D3 came out with a position paper. Everyone who’s not supplementing with vitamin D3 should start immediately, and take 10,000 IUs per day.

10,000 IUs per day for at least 2 to 3 weeks and then get tested and make sure you’re in that range. If you’re not going to get tested, then go down to a dose of 4,000 to 5,000 IU. Everybody needs to be taking a good high potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula. It’s not just one nutrient that’s going to save yourself against this infection. The nutrients that our body needs are required by all cells throughout the body, especially those that are replicating rapidly. When you are fighting an infection, you’re producing, it’s an incredible amount of white blood cells. I have to look this up. I should know this. It’s something like 10 million– Oh, man, I’m going to look this up. I’ve got this. This is such an astounding statistic that I–

Ari: While you’re looking it up, I want to wrap up the vitamin D thing, because I think there’s one little layer of this that may not be totally clear in people’s minds, which is, you referenced the study where they’re using this prescription form of the highly-active calcifediol form of vitamin D3 in our bodies, that they’re giving to COVID patients in the hospital in certain countries in Europe like Spain.

Yet, taking supplemental vitamin D3 when you’re already sick with COVID, you said is not fast enough-

Dr. Murray: It doesn’t work.

Ari: -in raising those levels, it takes several days or a couple of weeks for the levels to raise. This is the point I want to wrap up and correct me if I’m wrong, but what you’re saying is you need to make sure that your levels of vitamin D3 are optimal before you ever get infected with COVID, correct?

Dr. Murray: Yes. If you have good vitamin D3, your risk of developing COVID drops precipitously. That’s been shown in numerous studies. It surprises me when, like, there were 40 studies that were registered with, with vitamin D3 in COVID, and they were all just really poorly designed.

It’s like they don’t read the research. We have a good deal of research with vitamin D3 against the flu and large single doses don’t work. It doesn’t matter if you’re given 50 million IUs or 200 million IUs. It’s not going to do you any good, because your body has to convert that into this more active form, and sometimes the larger the dose, it kind of backs things up and doesn’t allow the body to convert that fast enough.

I think that, yes. D3 is good for prevention, probably not good for acute treatment. I’ll give you some recommendations for acute treatment in just a minute, but if you listen to these statistics, when you’re challenged with an infection, your white blood cells that your body produces, normally it produces about 10 million new white blood cells to replace an equal number of old worn out blood cells every minute of your life.

But when you’re faced with an infection, that goes up to 120 million white blood cells being replaced every minute. Within an hour, that’s 17 billion [unintelligible 00:52:51] to me, that’s a 720 million new white blood cells in an hour, 17 billion new white blood cells per day.

If you’re lacking one of the essential building blocks to make new white blood cells, it’s just not going to happen. You need to be taking a good high-potency multiple vitamin mineral formula that provides at least 100% of the recommended dietary intake level or RDA, Recommended Dietary Allowance per day to make sure that you’ve got that nutritional insurance policy.

Vitamin A - Retinol

As far as some things that you need to have beyond that. If you catch COVID you got to have Retinol on hand. Retinol is the active form of vitamin A, it’s been shown to be very effective in other viral illnesses. If you’re a woman of childbearing age, you can’t take more than 5000 IUs per day, but men can take 10,000 IUs per day, and during an acute infection, you can go up to 50,000 IUs per day. Again, a woman can’t be pregnant, any chance of being pregnant it’s a tragedy and will cause birth defects.

Don’t take high doses of vitamin A if you’re at any risk of developing pregnancy. Vitamin C, zinc, selenium, they’re all well-known. Here’s some other things, N-acetylcysteine. It’s interesting that the FDA moved to try and take this off the market at a time that pretty much coincided with the pandemic. This is one of the key natural compounds against viruses. N-acetylcysteine is used by the body to form glutathione. Glutathione is a primary antioxidant, has extreme importance in the functioning of our white blood cells and the ability to mount an effective immune response.


N-acetylcysteine has some additional properties. It’s one of the nature’s most of effective mucolytic agents. What that means is that it breaks down mucus allowing your body to get rid of it and decreasing the chance of that mucus becoming a hospitable environment for an infection. N-acetylcysteine 600 milligrams twice per day, I think is a good preventive, and definitely if you have COVID is something that I recommend.

Ari: Do you recommend taking that on an empty stomach?

Dr. Murray: It doesn’t matter. N-acetylcysteine, yes, it’s fine to take with food or on an empty stomach. Quercetin has been in the news a lot. Quercetin is a flavonoid, a type of plant pigment. It has significant anti-viral activity and specific activity against SARS-CoV-2. I prefer an active form of Quercetin because it’s poorly absorbed, so, there are two forms that I recommend; one is called Quercetin Phytosome, the other is called Quercetin, LipoMicelle matrix. There have been two clinical studies with Quercetin Phytosome, and in this form, they showed that it significantly reduced the severity of infection, the need for hospitalization and death in the patients.

It is a very safe, natural product. It has some good anti-inflammatory effects as well, very helpful. Some of the damage that occurs in COVID seems to be responsive to flavonoids in general. Quercetin seems to be very beneficial in helping what are called endothelial cells. The endothelial cells are the cells that line our blood vessels, from the largest blood vessel to the small capillaries.

Our lungs are basically just endothelial cells with some connective tissue. We know that SARS-CoV-2 loves the lungs, and it wreaks havoc there because it’s so detrimental to endothelial cell function. What Quercetin and other flavonoids do, is they protect and enhance endothelial function, and when we don’t have good endothelial function, we have lots of sequelae.

One of which is, in the case of these capillary beds, we get what are called micro-clots forming, and that’s one of the hallmark features of COVID. If you talk to cardiologists, they say no, it’s a cardiovascular disease. What it is, it’s really a reflection of the damage that the virus is causing to endothelial cells, so all of our capillary beds, highly vascularized tissue just gets hammered by this virus.

Particularly the lungs, it loves that endothelial-rich tissue. Rich in that the doorway to the virus, these ACE2 receptors that act as entry points for the virus or the tissues that are full of them will generally be most severely affected by this virus, so compounds that are helpful and the integrity of those endothelial cells like flavonoids. The gentleman, Szent-Györgyi, that discovered vitamin C, did studies where they used flavonoids and showed that the flavonoids in some respects were more effective in dealing with some of the capillary fragility, and swelling, and other heuristic features of scurvy, which is vitamin C deficiency.

He labeled it vitamin P flavonoids. He thought they were just as important as vitamin C, but never really took a good foothold that we’re now discovering how smart this guy was in the first place, and that we should be giving people not only Vitamin C as an essential nutrient during an infection, but also flavonoids with Quercetin being the most active of those flavonoids.

The benefits of selenium for COVID prevention

Ari: Excellent. I know in the past, you’ve mentioned a couple compounds and you showed some research that I found really impressive on SelenoExcell and Wellmune, these yeast extracts that are concentrated for a couple of different things, but they each have very impressive research on it. Can you talk a bit about that? I know they haven’t, I don’t think they’ve been studied in the context of COVID yet, correct?

Dr. Murray: Correct. Selenium is starting, has been looked at a little bit. Selenium is very important for the health of our thymus gland. I mentioned a T-cell immunity that T stands for thymus. Basically, all our white blood cells are manufactured in our bone marrow and then some of them are processed by the thymus gland, which many physicians are taught isn’t that important after childhood, but it is, it’s just that as many people age it shrivels up to almost nothing. Selenium helps revive that thymus function and even in people that have good selenium status, taking this highly bioactive form of selenium from yeast called SelenoExcell has been shown to basically restore proper immune function in elderly people and the reason so is it is able to help protect and enhance the thymus gland.

I think Selenium 100-200 micrograms per day preferably as SelenoExcell is a good recommendation. The Wellmune, the Beta Glucans that we get from yeast are very good primers of the immune system to keep them on alert. The faster that immune system responds, the better it is in blocking this infection particularly important are some of the secretions of our white blood cells and other cells throughout the body that exerts anti-viral activity. We have a tendency to think of our immune system as just being white blood cells, but this, our barrier system is part of our protective mechanism, and various secretions by our immune system epithelial cells and endothelial cells are effective in mounting a nonspecific immune response.

We have all these nonspecific ways versus when you develop an antibody, that’s a specific response, but as I said, that doesn’t happen in an acute infection until after 10 or 10 to 20 days. In this particular virus, gosh that’s too long, we’re highlighting the antibody response and people are caught up in wanting to know their antibody status. It’s really secondary to our nonspecific or our innate immune response and our T-cell mediated immune response. Don’t fall prey into thinking just because you have an effective antibody response that you’re protected against this virus, because it’s more complex than that. Some other things that I think are are really important against this virus is something really simple.

We’ve talked about anxiety, but we haven’t talked about the opposite of anxiety and that’s being relaxed and the fight or flight response everybody’s familiar with the opposite of that is called the relaxation response. The fight or flight response is triggered by our sympathetic nervous system. the relaxation response is triggered by our parasympathetic nervous system. Our immune system functions better under parasympathetic tone. How do we improve parasympathetic tone? We breathe, deep breathing sends a signal to your brain to relax, and it activates that parasympathetic nervous system. Meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, Qiqong, things that get you breathing with your diaphragm promotes this parasympathetic tone and that enhances your immune system, getting good quality sleep, making sure you take time out every day to meditate five or 10 minutes or deep breathing exercises or prayer, something to put you in that state and try to be in that state more than you are in that anxious state.

That anxious state is very detrimental so something that can help a lot of people get a better night’s sleep is melatonin and melatonin has some specific immune enhancing effects that are really important in fighting this particular virus. In general, I recommend three to five milligrams at night and a study done at Cleveland Clinic showed that people that took melatonin had a lower rate of infection compared to people that didn’t take melatonin. I think it offers some protection against infection as well.

Ari: Okay. I have a few things I want to say. One is just real quick on the anxiety thing. Again, looping back to the fact that this is such a big risk factor for severe COVID. There is I think an interesting psychological phenomenon that I’ve observed, which is that a lot of people I think are addicted to watching the news and what’s the latest news. What’s the latest stuff that’s coming out on COVID and there is an intuitive, natural psychological logic that we operate with that we intuitively feel that if we pay attention to something and we focus on it and we’re aware of it, and what’s the latest thing happening with it, that we are going to be better protected as a result of that. There is this interesting ironic, counterintuitive reality, which is that if we’re constantly paying attention to the fear-mongering on the news, we’re much more likely to be in a stressed and anxious state about it.

We’re much more likely to be in that 70% of the population that’s dramatically overestimating our actual risk of this and having too much stress and anxiety around it, which ironically is predisposing us to a more severe outcome. I think that’s just worth people actually wrapping their heads around the idea that maybe paying more attention to it and being more stressed out about it is not helping you become less at risk of having a severe outcome and it probably is doing the opposite. On melatonin, there’s so much interesting research. I actually just saw another study this morning where they were talking about how it reduces risk of severe outcomes in COVID. I’ve been following the work of a biochemist named Doris Lowe who focuses heavily on melatonin. It’s her whole shtick is melatonin, vitamin C.

On melatonin, I have a personal question that I’m wondering if you have an answer to. I happen to be someone who, well, first of all, I’m not sensitive to almost any supplement, but I happen to be incredibly sensitive to melatonin for some reason, such that if I even take, let’s say 1 milligram, let alone 3 milligrams, I find it actually disturbs my sleep. I found this was very bizarre and then I was talking to my parents and I asked them to try certain sleep supplements. I was telling my dad to supplement with melatonin in the event of as general prevention and also in the event of actually getting COVID and my mom does great with it, but my dad has the same thing that happens to me, even with very small doses he has insomnia all night.

I then did some surveys in my Energy Blueprint members, group with several thousand members and I found out that actually a lot of people are talking about this and yet in the scientific literature, it’s almost not there. They don’t even talk about this, but my estimate is, best estimate is probably one in four people, somewhere 20%, 30% of people are having this reaction to melatonin, that’s the opposite of what you would expect. It worsens sleep instead of supports it. Do you have any insight into why that occurs?

Dr. Murray: I do because if we look at Valium-like drugs we have paradoxical reactions to those sedatives and we have different receptor sites for GABA, for serotonin for all these different neurotransmitters and that’s true with melatonin and it’s part– I’d be surprised if it turned out to be that high in the general population, but your group might be fairly selected. Especially if they’re coming to you because they want improved energy. They may have a different response to melatonin. We had to have some people who were awake all night to protect us, right? It’s like in we know that with in GABA receptors, for example, there’s 16 different GABA receptors and some of these GABA receptors, which are the way in which these Valium-like drugs work, some people will, if they have a predominant particular type of GABA receptor, they will experience not sedation from taking a sleeping pill.

They will have, they’ll be aroused. They’ll be like they’re on an upper. I think it’s possible and no one’s ever looked at it, but I’m going to look at it after we’re done talking to see if there are different types of melatonin receptors, then some people may have a type that where they respond paradoxically, where it basically inhibits going to sleep.

Ari: Yes.

Dr. Murray: I know we’re running out of time and I wanted to just quickly mention– and I look at I talked about– Sometimes my brain works faster than my lips, but I talked earlier about removing obstacles to prevention of a COVID-19 infection. We talked about the comorbidities and we talked about what those were, obesity, anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids chronic respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, those sort of things.

When I look at what’s going on in a person’s physiology that really predisposes them to COVID-19, and I’m talking about generally healthy people. Stress is a big factor. We’ve talked about the importance of reducing the fight or flight response and promoting that relaxation response. We talked about the importance of super nutrition, staying away from some foods that will depress the immune system, alcohol, high sugar, especially and then giving your body the micronutrients and nutritional supplement support it needs particularly vitamin D3 and others.

One area that’s really critical and this really is something that Ari has delved great research into, and that’s the oxidated imbalance and the role that mitochondria plays in our overall health and in our immune function. Ari, I just looked over your book and wrote a nice foreword for it or give it a little blurb your soon to be release book, Eat for Energy, which you’re on the right track here.

It’s not just about energy to have passion in your life and to make it through the day and all the benefits that we get from global energy, it’s the effects that energy has on every individual cell. Guys, just listen to what I just told you about all the energy that’s required. You produce more than six trillion new white blood cells every year. In 2021, you probably produced 10 trillion new white blood cells.

That takes a lot of energy. We know that the energy currency in the body is a chemical known as ATP, every day your body produces the amount of ATP that’s equal to your body weight. That takes a lot of energy. If you’re lacking mitochondrial function, you’re lacking cellular energy. If you’re lacking cellular energy, your body, your immune system can’t mount an effective response.

The things that Ari is teaching you is good for your overall health, the overall quality of your life. I think it’s vital in helping you protect yourself against COVID-19 because it’s giving your body the currency it needs to go out there and win this battle, win this race. It takes energy to win a race, the more energy your cells have, the more likely you are to win this race.

If you look at all those comorbidities, they’re all associated with lower mitochondrial output or in the case of anxiety or sympathetic tone. If a tiger is chasing you, your body’s not worried about your immune system, you have greater life threatening circumstances. When you’re under stress, your body thinks that you’re being chased by a tiger. That shuts down blood flow to your gut. 70% of your immune system is in the gut.

It slows down your white blood cells ability to function, so stress being in that fight or flight response is not good for immune function. Anyway, that’s I just, I really wanted to acknowledge that you’re on the right path here in overall health recommendations to your group, Ari, and it goes beyond that, you’re going to be helping them with their immune system function as well by focusing on ramping up their mitochondrial output.

Ari: Yes. Thank you so much for saying that. Thank you for writing an endorsement of the book, I really appreciate it enormously. It means a lot to me coming from you, someone I respect so much and have for such a long time. To wrap up, and I want to thank you for spending extra time here, so much extra time here on this call. We went way over the the scheduled hour here.

To wrap up, can you maybe just do a quick list essentially of your top supplement for combating COVID. You can throw in a few others if you haven’t mentioned, I know we haven’t talked about any herbs at all. I know we didn’t mention zinc. That’s probably a big one that I think we didn’t get to, but I know you talk about in some of your webinars. Can you just kind of do the big picture list of supplements that you think are useful?

Dr. Murray: Yes. These are kind of your foundation and these are I think the best recommendations. The list of possible beneficial, natural compounds and dietary supplements would be very, very long. I just want to highlight what I think are the most important one. I believe in establishing a strong foundation. Taking a high potency, multiple vitamin and mineral formula, providing at least a hundred percent of the RDI starts there.

I think taking extra vitamin D3 is important. If you haven’t been taking D3, take 10,000 IU’s for three weeks and then 10,000 IU’s a day for three weeks and then start taking 4,000 to 5,000 IU’s daily thereafter. Ideally get a blood test at some point to make sure you’re in that safe range and that safe range for optimal health is 60 to 80 nanograms per ML.

Then beyond that, vitamin C 500 milligrams twice a day. Take a look at the zinc level in your multiple. Men need 20 to 30 milligrams per day, women, 15 to 20 milligrams of zinc per day, selenium a hundred to 200 micrograms per day preferably is SelenoExcell. I like N-acetylcysteine 600 milligrams twice per day. Cortisone Lipocell matrix, or Cortisone Phytozome 500 milligrams of the Lipocell matrix per day, a thousand milligrams of the Cortisone Phytozome per day, melatonin three to five milligrams at night.

Those are my kind of foundation recommendations. If you have any of those comorbidities obesity, anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, chronic respiratory disease, do your best to improve those because improving blood sugar control in diabetics led to reduced severity of COVID-19 infections. If you are obese you are going to need higher doses of some of these nutrients, particularly vitamin D3.

That’s why testing is so important and you may need higher levels of others as well. Just keep that in mind. Anxiety, there’s a lot that we can do nutritionally to support that. The biggest one is eating to control blood sugar levels. When your blood sugars are going up and down, up and down every time there’s a rapid drop in blood sugar, that causes a release of adrenaline in cortisol and puts people in that stress response and that depresses immune function.

If you have high blood pressure, get it under control, preferably with nature with natural approaches, diet, lifestyle, and proper supplementation, same thing with elevated blood lipids. If you have any chronic respiratory disease, asthma, emphysema, COPD, whatever, be sure you’re taking that N-acetylcysteine very important for your lung health. Those are some general recommendations. I think you can go beyond that, I know I do. This is what I take every day, I’ve been doing this for years, I take–

Ari: For those listening who can’t see the video, Dr. Murray’s showing a Ziploc bag with 600 pills in it that he takes every day. No, I’m just kidding, it’s what? Maybe 20, 25 pills or something, right?

Dr. Murray: Yes, and if people are interested, I have it on my website, I show the 27 supplements that I take every day and I have a little reason why I’m taking these. I just don’t expect everyone to be as gung ho as I am but my health is very important to me. I had COVID, Ari and it was really bizarre. I was tired for about a day and a half, it was unbelievable fatigue, I knew it wasn’t normal. I didn’t understand what was going on so I thought I should get a COVID test and it came back– This was back in November of 2020, I didn’t have immediate results back then so it took a few days to get those results and by then I was 100%. I’m living proof that I think even if you’re old if you take care of yourself you can–

Ari: How old are you Dr. Bernie for people listening?

Dr. Murray: I’m 63.

Ari: You’re in the risk zone based on age to some extent.

Dr. Murray: To some extent but in terms of overall health I don’t have any of those comorbidities. When you look at– It’s really interesting. The reference age group for cases, hospitalizations, and death is 18 to 29-year-olds, they had the highest rate of infection. If we can compare how many people were infected, whether they went to the hospital or not and whether they died or not, to this age group and what they found was, is that any other decade have the same number of cases, zero to 10, 10 to 20, had the same number of cases, it didn’t differ by age. Hospitalizations differ dramatically.

A 65-year-old was six times more likely to be hospitalized and a 65-year-old was almost 100 times more likely to die from COVID compared to someone that was 20 and then someone if they were 85 years old, they were 600 times more likely to die than someone 18 to 29. Bottom line is age was a big factor in this disease and so too is overall health because overall health is a reflection of your immune status, low immune status equals greater infection and greater severity of that infection and greater death.

The focus should be on the immune system, and that’s where it should be, making people as healthy as they can. What would happen if at the beginning of this– I watched the first press conference, and Fauci and Birx were asked, “Is there anything you can do to strengthen the immune system?” Fauci said, “No, there’s nothing that could be done. We just have to wait for the vaccine.” What should have been done–

Ari: I almost want to ask you to speculate on why someone in a position like that would say something like that, but then we get into the realm of speculating on a person’s intentions and we’ll stay away from that but maybe I’ll ask you in a private conversation.

Dr. Murray: Yes, I want to believe that everybody wants the best possible outcome here and what I think the government and the health authorities and every physician should have been telling patients, hey, this is a wake-up call, you’ve got to do everything you can right now to be as healthy as possible because your overall health determines your health of your immune system and the health of your immune system is going to determine if this is just an asymptomatic infection, or you’re going to die. Where you are in that spectrum depends on how healthy your immune system is.

Ari: Why did they never say that?

Dr. Murray: Because it’s not empowering people and they didn’t– I just think it’s a failure of this dominant medical system and it’s a system where all the answers have to come from a demigod or an authority instead of empowering people to take control of their lives. The choice to be healthy or not is largely based upon the little decisions, the little choices that we all make on a daily basis, and we can help people make better choices, and people can handle the truth and it’s better to give them the truth than to mislead them into where we are right now.


Ari: There are some people who I think can’t handle the truth but I think that the truth is the commitment to telling the truth regardless of who or may or may not be able to handle it is important because what is conveyed as truth should not be a function of whether people are ready to hear something or not, it should be because this is truth, you must hear it, not well, I’m going to tell you this because it’s more palatable than the truth, you know what I mean?

Dr. Murray: Yes and the patient knows, people know. If you are talking to someone about high blood pressure, or diabetes, and they’re overweight, they know that if they lose weight, there’s a good chance that they’ll cure themselves from their diabetes or high blood pressure, and if they don’t know that, telling them that is empowering, and I think the word doctor means teacher, and some of our best teachers are those that tell us the truth and tell us things that aren’t always hard to tell us, it’s hard for them to tell us but I think deep down we always appreciate people being honest and being truthful and that’s what I’ve tried to do today and hopefully, people have enjoyed it and the bottom line is, take control of your life, take control of your health, make great choices and do the best you can, that’s all you can do.

Ari: Yes, absolutely. Dr. Murray, where can people find out more about your work, follow your work and learn more from you and to everybody listening, Dr. Murray is legitimately one of not very many people that I personally follow and when he does a live webinar, I always attend and I always pay attention to whatever he’s on to as his latest and greatest stuff. He did one recently on brain health, he’s done four over the last couple years on COVID so I strongly recommend going to his website, following his work, attending the webinars and paying attention to everything this guy has to say, if you care about health and longevity, do it. Dr. Murray, tell people where they can do that.

Dr. Murray: Well, easiest way is to go to,, you can follow me on Instagram as well, Facebook and all that but if you go to my website, you can get those links to those other social media links.

Ari: Beautiful. Dr. Murray, thank you so much for taking so much time out of your day, almost two hours, we’re almost an hour over our allotted hour. I really appreciate the extra time and I think it’s honestly not an understatement to say that this information, if people apply it, is literally and I don’t mean this in a hyperbolic sense, is life-changing, it could be life-saving very legitimately. Thank you for the work you’re doing. I think it’s incredibly important and I’m enormously grateful for you and for the work you do. Thank you so much.

Dr. Murray: Likewise.

Ari: Hey, there, this is Ari again, I hope you enjoyed the podcast. One more thing I want to mention before you go that’s very important. We talked about a number of supplements in this show. Dr. Murray recommended a number of different things, about a year and a half ago largely influenced by Dr. Murray along with several other people that I work with and that are good friends of mine.

I formulated an immune supplement, it’s called Immune Genesis, and it is specifically formulated with pretty much all of the recommendations that Dr. Murray just went over so I strongly recommend going and checking that out on the website, you can find it at the, you can just click on store and then go over to Immune Genesis, you’re going to find real dosages of things like SelenoExcell and Wellmune and Reishi mushroom, and a whole bunch of other things, vitamin C from whole food extract, citrus bioflavonoids, astragalus, larch arabinogalactan which is another immune primer, elderberry, Berry shield extract as well as vitamin D and zinc, and a number of other really great things in there, quercetin phytosome all at real effective dosages. I strongly encourage you to check that out and again, I hope you enjoyed the episode and I will see you again very soon.

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