Did you know that sound, air, and water actually affect your health and too much exposure to these can all cause fatigue?
I am sure you at one point or the other have experienced coming home from a crowded office location or mall only to find yourself tired as a result of the constant buzz that has been going on around you.
In this week’s podcast I am talking to Dr. Anthony Beck, an expert in this field, who will enlighten you why you are feeling that way at the end of the busy day.
A bit about Dr. Anthony Beck
As a physician who has practiced Functional Medicine for over 20 years, Dr. Anthony G. Beck doesn’t merely manage diseases ~ he helps people resolve them. With extensive education in many clinical disciplines such as Functional Medicine, clinical nutrition, systems biology, epigenetics and nutrigenomics, he takes a dynamic approach to assessing, educating, and working with his patients to achieve their highest levels of wellbeing.
Even more importantly, Dr. Beck wants to empower patients to demand a higher level of care from their health care providers. Dr. Beck’s methods involve an array of aspects including a healthful lifestyle design, individualized nutrition, hormone balancing, resolving immune dysfunction and hidden infectious diseases, extensive laboratory and functional testing, detoxification, and preventative medicine.
Here he brilliantly transforms the new science of healthy living into programs that are simple, fun and completely straightforward.
What we will cover in this podcast.
- What the Balance Protocol is and how it relates to your health and daily life.
- Why breathing is important, and how you can ensure clean air in your home.
- How water actually works inside your body when you drink it.
- What sound does to your body.
- Why magnetic fields are unhealthy to you.
- Why you should turn off your phone regularly
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How Water, Sound, and Light Control your Energy Levels Show Notes.
How Anthony came to focus on water, sound, and light when treating patients (0:40)
How the Balance Protocol is structured (2:34)
Why health starts in the environment (6:44)
Why air, water, light, and sound are four of the most important factors to heal when you want better health and energy (7:06)
Why air is so important for health and energy (7:41)
Why you need to know your personal starting point when using breathing techniques. (9:55)
How to prime your indoor environment to have better air purity (12:31)
What water actually means for your health and energy levels (15:32)
What the definition of EZ water is (16:35)
What happens to food and water when you consume it (17:32)
Why spring water is not as healthy as commonly believed (18:44)
The pros and cons of water filtering systems (19:25)
How to re-mineralize water (21:24)
Why pitcher filters should not be a primary source of filtering (23:19)
Why alkaline water is not what it is hyped up to be (24:17)
How the body plays its own symphony (25:50)
Anthony calls out some of the charlatans in the water industry (27:17)
What water structuring is and how to implement it in your life (28:18)
How sound and noise pollution impacts your body (34:00)
How babies use different sounds to communicate that elicit different responses in their care takers (35:01)
How sound is energy and can be used to control people (35:46)
How the body reacts to different sound frequencies (36:53)
How sound volume, sound intensity, and sound frequency can influence your health and energy levels (40:02)
How we are impacted by sounds we cannot hear (42:00)
How EMFs affect the body (45:50)
Where we get exposed to magnetic fields (50:45)
Why you should prefer ethernet cabled over WiFi (51:37)
Why you should turn off your phone regularly (52:40)
[content_toggle style=”1″ label=”Click%20to%20view%20transcript.%20″ hide_label=”Hide”]How Water, Sound, and Light Control your Energy Levels with Dr. Anthony Beck – Transcript
Ari Whitten: Welcome, Dr. Anthony Beck. Thank you for joining me.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Hey, how are you? Good to see you, brother. Thanks for having me on here.
Ari Whitten: Yeah, thank you for joining me.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I got my [inaudible] in hand. Sipping a little Yerba Mate.
Ari Whitten: Oh, nice. Yeah, Yerba Mate is nice, right? It’s a lot better than coffee, in my opinion.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I agree. You know, coffee’s burnt. Mate ain’t. Mate gives you all the chlorophyll and minerals, so it’s like pow, pow, pow.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. For sure. So, I know you’re all about what you call the Balance Protocol. So, can you talk to me a little about what that is?
How Anthony came to focus on water, sound, and light when treating patients
Dr. Anthony Beck: Sure. So, you know, I’ve been practicing in functional medicine a little over 20 years. About 15, 14 years ago, I kind of, after seeing enough patients, I started to recognize, you know, patterns, and I go, well, you know, I can understand why so many people get frustrated getting, you know, advised by different specialists and stuff that are treating their disease and not them and their story, especially, you know, a lot of my military SF guys.
They go to the VA and they said, “Hey, listen. You know, they just, they don’t wanna hear my story. They just wanna, you know, ‘Okay, what’s your complaint? Let’s give it a diagnosis and then give you the, you know, the pharmacopeia.'” Right?
So, anyhow, they said, we know there’s gotta be a better way. I started thinking, okay, but I did see some empirical patterns in people’s lives. And so, I just observed a pattern, and that was the fact that there are things in a framework that we really should approach things in.
So, the Balance Protocol was my protocol, you know, for balance. Basically, it makes the individual central to the entire narrative, their unique story. So, of course, it’s gonna embrace biochemical individuality and genetic uniqueness, but as it meets their environment.
So, I was like, okay, well, how do we quantify the patient?
And then, once we do all that, with all that data, how do you proceed? There’s gotta be an order of operations, just like, you know, in the universe, there’s all kinds of math, right? There are repeated patterns, both in geometry and fractal geometry, and then you’ve got, you know, numbers, and math and physics and stuff.
I’m going, hold on a second, there’s gotta be a framework and order, like math. You know, you’ve gotta add and subtract, multiply, divide, in parentheses, out of parentheses, above the line, below the line.
You just don’t start adding numbers or start throwing things at a particular complaint that the patient has.
So, I was like, okay, well, If I had to distil that down into a framework and reveal that pattern and came up with actually, it’s odd enough, is a Fibonacci spiral.
How the Balance Protocol is structured
So, it’s a two, three, five, eight framework. So, Balance Protocol is, you ask the two questions, what do we gotta add and what do we have to remove? And then, once you figure that out, you are going to actually have to proceed in a method that is going to add a synergistic compounding effect. So, it’s what I call the three phases. So, I talk about nourish, balance, purify. A lot of people like to start with purify or detox, as a place to start off. And, I’m like, no, you need to nourish the patient first, you know, balance their environment, their inflammation, their hormones, and then detoxify the body. But that’s just a sample.
The five stands for the five causes. I’ve found that you can pretty much distil all disease or health complaints down to five factors, whether it be nutrient deficiency, stressors, now, stressors isn’t just psychological stress, but EMF, and sound and all kinds of different things. There’s energetic compound in the environment can create a stressor…
Ari Whitten: Yeah, I wanna get more into that with you later.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Very good. So, you’ve got nutrient deficiencies. We know that a zinc deficiency can create a problem. We know that a folate deficiency can create a problem. B-12 can be a Vitamin D. Okay, so most people grab that one. Stressors.
The third one would, of course, be microbes. You know bacteria, fungus, virus, parasites, all these little microbes. We know they can cause disease in and of themselves.
The fourth thing, of course, is toxins. This is going to be everything from heavy metals, to VOCs to phthalates in all the stuff that we consume.
And then, the fifth thing are allergens, this is lots of tolerance in our environment, right? And, it’s not just pet dander and, you know, peanuts and things like that. Things that most people think are just healthy for everybody could actually be an allergen to you, including coconut, and avocado and all those lovely, fun things.
Those are the five causes. That’s the two, three, five.
The eight are the eight systems. What I found was, is that, no matter what the patient presented with, they had downstream effects in all systems biology. Right? So, we know there’s a mind body, you know, connection, right? But then, okay, what of that body? We know that there’s a gut brain connection and all the mechanisms that connect that. And, generally speaking, some people have some form of inflammation. Well, there’s a system in the body that handles that. And then, that stems over into hormonal and neurotransmitter destruction, so we have an effect of that.
So, in other words, distill that down to the eight systems, it kind of covers everything in the body, the first being the environmental inputs of air, water, light, sound, EMF, and food, which is just funny, ’cause they’re all technically EMF, but I broke them into categories so we could, you know, chunk onto that.
The second thing is, of course, the GI and the gut. Everybody says health begins in the gut, and I say no, it begins in the environment. So, gut and GI is actually number two.
Number three is, of course, your mindset, where you’re at and how you view your world, and your blueprint and stuff like that, it’s gonna absolutely affect the way that you either heal her avert disease.
Number four is when we get into inflammation and immune response, those systems.
Number five is structural, both at the cellular level and the physical level when it comes to muscles, sinews, and bones.
Then, we move on to the energy production, or oxidative stress and mitochondrial stuff in the body systems.
Then, we go onto hormones, neurotransmitters.
And then, lastly, biotransformation of detoxification systems. So, those are the eight. So, that’s two, three, five, eight of Balance Protocol. Phew. Right?
Ari Whitten: Nice.
Dr. Anthony Beck: That’s basically it. So, it’s a framework to navigate all the methods. So, I embrace everything, all the way from, you know, pharmaceutical medications, used, you know, properly.
When it comes to things like acupuncture, and massage, and dietary interventions, and chelation and psychedelic substances. I mean, everything is a tool in the box, but the key is to quantify all the individual [inaudible] in yours, not just, I’m gonna give this to humans because all the studies say that this diet was good. Well, maybe for that sample population.
They didn’t control for a lot of other things. So, it’s a framework to cut through all that noise and confusion. So, that’s kind of how it goes.
Why health starts in the environment
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. So, one of the things you’ve said is, “Health doesn’t start in the gut. It starts in the environment.”
Dr. Anthony Beck: Sure.
Ari Whitten: And so, we have things like EMFs, air, food, water, circadian rhythm, sound- [crosstalk]. What’s that?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah, that’s all a part of the story.
Ari Whitten: Yeah, so-
Dr. Anthony Beck: It’s what I call the symphony, right?
Why air, water, light, and sound are four of the most important factors to heal when you want better health and energy
Ari Whitten: Yeah. So, let’s talk about that. ‘Cause I think that I mean, that’s a big topic that could probably take up this whole interview, but I think it’s worthwhile to go into some of these things. Like, I mean, let’s start with. Well, I guess we could start with whatever. Air, sound, light.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I kind of go in that order.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I go, air, water, light, sound.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Electro and magnetic, and then, you know, food, right? So, the thing about it is is air, the reason why that is, is to listen, most people don’t realize, at least in the United States. Well, the third leading cause of death in the United States are doctors, let’s just put that there. But, according to the CDC, it’s pulmonary diseases. Right?
Why air is so important for health and energy
The third. So, you know, cardiovascular disease gets a lot of hype, cancer does, but number three, people forget, we have these respiratory diseases.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, air guy gets no thing, except when we talk about old smog.
Ari Whitten: Very true.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, I’m a big advocate of that, which is one of the, we kind of forget that, you know, you can only. The shortest amount of time that you can go without one of these vital things is air. You can go a long time without water, and food and light [inaudible]. We gotta get back to how and what we breathe.
And so, you know, we’re in an industrialized world. All right, so we’ve got all this particulate in there. We have, you know, manufacture and all kinds, you know, of things. Everybody’s all about carbon dioxide and what it does, and that’s just not true at all. That’s actually, you know, carbon monoxide and sulfur that are the issues. But, CO2 emissions always gets all the thing.
But the point is, is there’s also, you know, radon in certain environments. People who are trying to get back to nature, and they’re building these houses, these little, little houses and stuff like that in the mountains, and they don’t know that they could be getting poisoned by radon coming up into their homes, right? These little houses don’t [inaudible] on stuff.
Ari Whitten: From what? What’s the source of that?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Radon.
Ari Whitten: From where?
Dr. Anthony Beck: From the earth, from the planet. It’s higher in mountainous, rocky, shale environments. If you have, you can get smoke detectors, you have radon detectors. Right?
So, a lot of people don’t realize that they are getting sick in their house, even though they are, quote-unquote, bio-hacking all these wonderful things, and I’m drinking spring water, and, you know, and I’m getting grounded, and I don’t have any electrical stuff, and I’m kind of off the grid and I’m growing my own honeybees.
Well, then you’ve got this little bitty house, you know, built on this rocky side, you know, and you know. Oh shit, I’ll just say, well, the dreadlocks don’t bounce off radon, right? So, it’s like this story.
But anyways, so air is a big issue, whether you’re in the city, or whatever.
Then, of course, all the EMFs that are out there, they affect not only us, but the particles out in the air. Right? They have charge too. And so, when you’re breathing those in, you’re getting that charge into you as well. So, air is a big part of the narrative.
Why you need to know your personal starting point when using breathing techniques.
Then, of course, we have different breathing methods out there. Everybody’s getting down on the Wim Hof and stuff like that, and it’s a good therapy, but again, not for everyone. You can actually create a lot of detriment doing that method if you don’t know your starting point.
Ari Whitten: In what way?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, the thing about it is, is when you are, in that narrative, and I really avoid, you know me, really, you know, staying away from any [ad hanomes], right?
Ari Whitten: Sure.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But I have to talk about things from a scientist point of view.
Ari Whitten: But, I mean, but we don’t have to go after Wim Hof specifically, but let’s just talk about, like, breath holding training. [crosstalk]-
Dr. Anthony Beck: That’s right. So, inhaling and exhaling, and then holding it and exhaling, okay. The problem with that is, is the narrative, is that it increases oxygen sat in the blood, and that’s actually not true. You have a max limit. You put a little, you know, oxygen [inaudible], you know, on your finger, you’re pretty much gonna be at about 97, 98, and, okay, you’ll go up two percent.
Ari Whitten: Right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: The big issue, though, is, is it tends to make the person devoid of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is extremely important. In a matter of fact, it is the great limiting factor for this desire to breathe. It’s not the oxygen deprivation.
It’s actually the, what’s going on with your CO2 level.
And, when you’re holding your breath, the oxygen [inaudible] whole bunch and you hold your breath, you’ll have a benefit, because now what you’re doing is, is you’re keeping the carbon dioxide inside, which allows oxygen to actually oxygenate.
Well, the bottom line here is, are you gotta realize that you have to have an exchange of those and keep CO2 levels high, so it’s not all about the oxygen, right?
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, anyhow, there’s this great information out there about the Winteco method and oxygen advantage, and there’s, I’m not the only one aware of it.
Ari Whitten: Right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, both are applicable. Both are great strategies, you just gotta know where you are, and which one would appropriate for you, and then once you leverage it when to take the exit ramp.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: [inaudible]
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Static, right? So, it can’t alter metabolic pathways and how you manufacture energy. This is how we get our different oxidative types, and different things, and what actually goes on with how we manufacture energy from the microbes.
Ari Whitten: Gotcha.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Air is a big thing of it, so you gotta be mindful of your gases. And, you can monitor those. It’s really easy.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I certainly think that control pause, and by, you know, carcinostatic web pressure readings, breath hold time, respiratory rate, pressure when you’re laying down versus standing up, versus the difference between the two. There’s a lot of little biometrics that we can measure that, and it’s not something I, of course, would talk about.
Ari Whitten: Gotcha. So-
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah, so air’s a big part of it, and you gotta know where you’re at in that continuum.
How to prime your indoor environment to have better air purity
Ari Whitten: Okay. And, what about, like, indoor air environments, and things like air purifiers, house plants, things like that.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Sure. Well, I love me some plants, and that’s the answer to all of it. That’s the reason why nature’s with us, right? We get everything. Right? So, when you’re out there, you know, soul journing in the woods, that’s really it. Well, until they put up stupid towers. But, anyway.
Ari Whitten: (laughs)
Dr. Anthony Beck: The thing is, in your air environment, we live in a modernized world. I’m here in Florida. It’s hot. Right? And, I’m not gonna be hanging out in the house, you know, that’s 86 degrees. It just doesn’t feel well. Right? So, we’re gonna use air conditioning, and when you condition your air, you now are handling it in a different way. Their filters are not filters. There’s different, you know, and if you change your humidity, you get different microbial potentials that can grow or not grow.
And all these might, you know, not be detectable, but they’re there, they’re measurable. Real simple little devices that you can check it. But, so yeah, so with air conditioning and indoor environments, you’re gonna have that happen. You gotta exchange your air. You know, every day I open up windows either in the morning and or in the evening when the pressure and humidity shifts and changes so that helps to mitigate the particulate in or out. You don’t want to really do it, you know, high noon. It just, you just invite in a whole bunch of particula.
Ari Whitten: Gotcha. And, as far as like, indoor air pollutants, VOCs and things like that, do you have any recommendations on air purifiers, or? Are you a fan of air purifiers?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Oh, I do. I am.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, and of course, purifier really kinda is a misnomer, but we’ll go with it. I mean, you’re really not gonna purify it per se. I have a unit called, it’s made by a company here in Florida called Enviroklenz, with a K and a Z. And, it’s the one that I found that does the best. There are all kinds of ones out there. You know, the shield defender, and all kinds of stuff, the little ionic ones, and then you got Ozone, and there’s a whole myriad. And, each has their place. But again, you gotta quantify your environment to determine which one you might need to fortify with.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: And, as a general, I use, of course, a HEPA filter, and the Phillips one that I use has a big old, you know, six inch thick HEPA filter, and then after that, it has a very special filter that literally captures, neutralizes VOCs. It’s the only one out there that’s actually doing that. So, it is a chemical, electrochemical reaction of the median that’s in there, so as that air passes through where those things with typical things wouldn’t get, it actually neutralizes them. Right?
But then, you gotta come back to some of the other environmental inputs, like sound and EMFs, right? So, of course, you want to meter the device that you’re using to mitigate your air and make sure you’re not losing light. And, with this one, I did, right? So, it passes the Balance Protocol test.
What water actually means for your health and energy levels
Ari Whitten: Gotcha. Okay, so what’s after air.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Water.
Ari Whitten: Okay. So, talk to me about water. I know there’s a lot here that we could potentially go into, but what are the biggies? What are the big problems that people have with water?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, the big thing is, is nature, again, is the litmus test. Right? And so, out there, you know, in our space, you and I share that space and have a lot of similar listeners, as we talk about Pollack’s work and EZ, which is absolutely true. Water is phenomenal, it is an amazing substance.
Ari Whitten: And, actually, I should probably stop you there. ‘Cause all my, like, members in my Energy Blueprint program know about Gerald Pollack’s work, they know about EZ water.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Perfect.
Ari Whitten: But, the other 90 percent of people who are listening to this potty cast.
Dr. Anthony Beck: (laughs)
Ari Whitten: Podcast.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right.
Ari Whitten: Not potty-cast. Have no clue about that.
Dr. Anthony Beck: [inaudible] use words for pot.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. So yeah, I know, that’s what happens when you have a little baby. Now, I’m thinking potty.
Dr. Anthony Beck: [inaudible] vernacular changes, it’s great.
Ari Whitten: So, I guess we should, I’d just go briefly into Pollack’s work and EZ, so what’s that all about for people who have never heard of him.
What the definition of EZ water is
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, EZ stands for exclusion zone, and basically, you know, it’s the term that represents what happens to water as it borders, you know, your membranes of your body, whether it be your cells, or your arteries or capillaries, and things like that. Things that are, you know, hydrophilic, right?
So, we found a very interesting characteristic that, as fluids flow, that they create this explosion zone along their border of a membrane. And, in there, that invokes a certain level of properties. Right? It excludes things, it creates a charge potential. It changes the viscosity of that as it goes. And, it actually creates an electrical potential, to where it actually, you know, you can actually create charge. You know, that the body can literally wean that from, kind of like a battery, there is a positive and a negative zone.
What happens to food and water when you consume it
So, the thing is, is that, when you consume water or anything for that matter, you have to tune it to you. See, things don’t stay foreign once they enter the body. The body has to bring it back to our resonance frequency, right? Or, you know, I call it [inaudible], which is, that’s deep thought. But, ’cause [inaudible], but the thing is, so when we consume water, what ends up happening is the body has to tune it to us and then impart it with certain properties.
There is no necessarily pure water by the definition of water. Water doesn’t stay just water in the body. I mean, as soon as it hits the stomach, it now has water plus gastric, you know, molecules. Right? And as it goes in the blood, it’s blood, it’s not water. That’s why in a recipe you can’t, you know, it calls for water, you can’t add blood. You can’t add milk. You can’t add cerebral spinal fluid. It’s not water anymore, it’s water with other stuff.
So, but we need to replace that water. As we use that charge and put waste product back into it, it has to be replaced. So, water is a big part of the narrative. And, I love nature, but man now lives on top of and within nature, and we poop, and we pee, and we pollute in it.
Why spring water is not as healthy as commonly believed
So, the adages out there of, oh, just go into, you know, findaspring.com and harvesting spring water. Well, that’s very romantic, but again, I’m a quantify guy. I’m like, you better test that water. And, you don’t have to do it every day, but periodically, because you’re under a false presupposition that it’s free of stuff.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Just because it’s spring water. Man, that’s, I’ve seen a lot of health detriment clinically because of that fallacy.
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, we can’t do it out of spring. And then, of course, there’s all kind of water systems, and people thinking that water’s dead or distilled water is dead, or this water is dead. There’s no such thing as dead water. Water always has life, it’s just a matter of what its capacity is in its environment.
The pros and cons of water filtering systems
So, I’m a huge fan of reverse osmosis filtering systems in the home, which you then re-mineralize that water, and then structure it, and then consume it. And-
Ari Whitten: So, yeah, well there’s a lot there. So, I mean, I guess the first part of that, just for people who are unfamiliar. Reverse osmosis is removing a lot of pollutants and potentially harmful compounds form the water. But, also potentially removing beneficial minerals, so.
Dr. Anthony Beck: You got it. Yeah.
Ari Whitten: That’s-
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, reverse osmosis basically means you are putting water through a pressurized membrane that excludes just about everything. Right? The vast majority of stuff. Certainly, little bitty molecules can possibly come through, it depends upon the pressure of the system and the quality of the manufacturer, right? So, the systems that I use, I, of course, test the end product and verify that it gets everything out.
So, you’re gonna have zero total dissolved solids, you’re not gonna have any minerals in there. Not the bad ones, nor the good ones, are the ones that we need. You’re not gonna have, you know, pharmaceutical medications or different fun stuff in there in that’s, you know, ’cause remember, we poop and pee in our water.
Everybody has to remember that. That water that you’re drinking, it’s not the first time it’s ever come in contact with humans.
So, the thing is, our, so reverse osmosis does remove everything, even the beneficial stuff. So, if we’re watered to work, and we want it to be like nature, right? And we want minerals back into it. As water flows over rocks, and through the earth’s crust and stuff like that, it picks up these minerals, and it becomes a part of it, which allows it to, you know, become that battery that it is, and to do its job, right?
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But then, water also has movement, right? And so, those, you have the water as the base, the minerals as the charge potential, and then now you actually charge it through movement. So, that’s where structuring comes into play, and there are all kinds of ways to structure water.
How to re-mineralize water
Ari Whitten: So, real quick, before you go into that. What, so what do you actually use to re-mineralize water?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, there’s a variety of different things. In the system that I have in my house, I have an in line cartridge that has some calcium, some potassium and some magnesium in it. And so, as the water passes through that, it slowly dissolves into the water and we consume that.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: That’s one way. If you are, just have an RO system that doesn’t have that, you can do it by, there’s a variety of different sources out there of sea minerals, trace minerals that they basically make by taking shale and they drip water through it over time in a big old thing, they collect it and it basically makes a concentrate you can add that to it. You can add a variety of different salts from around the world, all the way from Celtic to the Himalayan stuff, to my favorite, which is [Fluordisol], which is from France. It’s a great salt, it’s amazing. Doesn’t have much sulfur in it, so it doesn’t have that funk, right?
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: If I want to add sulfur, I’ll use Epsom salts. Which I also do, too. So, you can grab various salts, and play with them, and make your own spring water. Right?
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, you can grab different mixtures of baking soda, which is sodium bicarbonate, and then, of course, magnesium sulfate, and you can grab potassium bicarbonate, and you can grab a whole variety and play with them. Now, in the home brewing industry, all this stuff is available ’cause they do that to get the right water to impart the right brew for whatever ingredients they’re using. So, different combinations of that can actually be added to the water. Sometimes, you have to carbonate that water with, like, a soda stream. So, you’ll have enough carbonic acid to get the chemical reaction that you want.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But, that’s it. So, you can add it. You can, what I call, just do water amendment. You know, you clear your water out, put minerals back into it, and consume that.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Why pitcher filters should not be a primary source of filtering
Dr. Anthony Beck: And that’s really the way to go. There are all kinds of different things. I don’t like, you know, if anything that’s on refrigerators, or none of the pitchers. None of that stuff. I mean, there’s tons of stuff we can get into, but reverse osmosis really is the way to go. And-
Ari Whitten: None of the pitcher filters, you’re talking about Brita and that sort of thing.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Not a single damn one. There’s some that’ll get you by to pack with you and travel, to get you closer to. Right?
Ari Whitten: For a week, or a few days or something.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right. But as, you know, raising your standard maintaining that for yourself and your family, and what you cook with, and you really don’t want to do that. Right? It’s not like I’ve ever gone through a, not gone through an airport and been so parched, I’d, you know, push that little button and have me little Chicago. You know? I mean, it happens, then I’m like, oh my god, it’s like urinal water. But, I don’t want to consume that to any degree.
Ari Whitten: Right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But, the thing is, is that you definitely want to stay away from these alkalizers. You know, all the Kagans, and the electrical zappers, and stuff like that.
Ari Whitten: Oh good, I’m glad you brought that up. So, why is that? I mean, water’s such a tricky thing, ’cause there’s so much pseudoscience and misinformation out there, it’s hard to sort through it all with alkaline waters, ionizers, all that kind of stuff.
Why alkaline water is not what it is hyped up to be
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah, it’s all based upon a false presupposition that we need to have alkaline water. It’s not true. Okay? The bottom line is, is water is not used to mitigate our pH. The body does it with minerals.
And, pH is different in all kinds of different compartments within the body. Okay? So, the thing is, is I was really open to it in the late ’80s, early ’90s when these things started coming into play. So what I did is, I monitor patients’ metabolics, and I could absolutely clinically conclude from, I can’t count how many dozens, it’s hundreds. And, people have done these units, and I’ve seen their metabolism destroyed.
Now, have they had initial benefit at the very beginning? Sure. I gave you at that, okay, so it’s a therapeutic tool. Initially. But, the problem is, people, don’t know when to take that exit ramp. Same thing, like, when it comes to cannabis, or mushrooms, or antibiotics, right? In other words, there are all kinds of things that we can use to our benefit, but you gotta know when to back away.
Ari Whitten: Right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, I’m not saying they don’t do what they do.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: You know-
Ari Whitten: What about hydrogen water?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, same thing. The body’s, that’s the quickest thing to do is to lose that as soon as it hits the gut. Same thing with oxygenated water.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: You consume that water, it ain’t gonna make it through the stomach. It’s just not gonna. There is gonna have a charge war immediately.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? It’s just what’s gonna happen. Now, typically, when you drink water, if it’s just water and you don’t eat anything with it, it’s gonna stay just [inaudible], right? We know it’s gonna stay in there for about 15 minutes. 10, 15 minutes.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
How the body plays its own symphony
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? Then [inaudible] gastric empties. If you do it with food, well then, that creates a whole ‘nother symphony. And, that’s gonna be in there for 30 minutes to an hour or so. All right?
So, the bottom line is, is coming in contact with a pH of two, highly metabolically active environment. Eh. Right? And, how I’ve tested that clinically, it is I’d do some live biomarkers. We’d go ahead and take some baseline vials, right? Of urine and blood, and we’d go ahead and have them dose, just like I do when I do, you know, testing blood sugar reaction to food. The glycemic index is not the same for everybody.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Certain foods will, you know like I do great with rice, I don’t do great with oats.
Ari Whitten: Interesting.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I take the same amounts and my blood sugar is adjusted differently.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Even though they have very similar glycemic index. [inaudible] So, in other words, different foods are gonna be different for different folks. So, as you put it in, and we test it afterward, we’ll see some residual effects. And, some of them are not really ideal.
So, and the bottom line is, is in order for alkalizers to work, they have to have minerals in them. If you ran distilled water through an alkalizer, nothing would happen. There’s nothing to electrocute between the, you know, the titanium and the platinum plates. Right?
So, it spits out an acid stream and an alkaline stream, and we’re supposedly supposed to drink the alkaline stream. Well, it didn’t remove the pollutants, so people would attach that to tap water, and so they’re, now they’re getting alkalized tap water that also has a whole bunch of the pollutants that you get from the municipal water supply.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, it’s not a filter. Right?
Anthony calls out some of the charlatans in the water industry
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: And then, you have the charlatans out there, I’m gonna go and call these people out, the Adya Clarity people. Right? Where it’s this ground up, you know, battery acid, mica, you know, stuff that you put in your water, and it supposedly creates an oxidative reaction and it purifies the water. And then, they tell you that, oh, well they used to not at first, but they now will say, “Hey listen, you have to now filter.” Well, here’s the thing, just filter. Don’t put those heavy metals and crap in. Still-
Ari Whitten: I’ve never heard of what you’re talking about.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Dude, do some research, and your mind will just, you’ll just crack up.
Ari Whitten: All right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Adya Clarity. Just, charlatan [inaudible]
Ari Whitten: It’s Adya? A.D.Y.A.?
Dr. Anthony Beck: That’s correct. And, the waterliberty.com people.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: [crosstalk] people’s health, so I have to be [inaudible]
What water structuring is and how to implement it in your life
Ari Whitten: Gotcha. So, let’s get into water structuring, ’cause we still have a bunch I want to try to get into before we gotta wrap up.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Okay.
Ari Whitten: But, so tell me about structuring real quick.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Okay, so the thing about it is, is water, and we know that if it can align its cells from a chaotic state or bolt state along a hydrophilic membrane, and we had that exclusion zone create this lattice that can create organizationally. Well, we can do that. Well, and one of the ways to do it is through, of course, vortexing. Right? Just spinning the water, moving it, you know? Toroidals and vortexes exist everywhere. It’s out in space, it’s in the ocean, it’s in our body, it’s in our DNA. It’s one of those fractal, geometric, you know, fingerprints of, what I call, divine creation, right?
So, that’s what happens. So, you can move water and energize. You can literally change its state. Now, even farmers have known that for years. Back, you know, being a country boy, you know we saw that couple, you know. But, I know Biodynamic farming. They would take water and they would put, you know, soil in it, and they would spin it. It was paddle it. And just spin, and spin it, and spin it and then stop it, and then spin it back the other way. And, it literally changed the nature of the water, it actually becomes watery. Right? It became more, and then that’s what we would put in our gardens. Right? Bio-dynamic farming.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Of course just some other things of, taking, you know, animal horns and stuffing them when they weren’t burying them for a couple lunar cycles and using that, but I mean, [inaudible] you know, honest to God, you lost me at [inaudible], sorry man, [inaudible] okay.
But anyhow, so water can be structured by moving it. By turning it. There’s an energetics there. There’s an electromagnetism that aligns the molecules, right? You can do it running it past magnetic fields. You can do it through certain electrical fields. Right? You can hit it, actually, with electricity. Electricity plug, when magnetic field, that changes it, too. There are all kinds of different ways. So, you’ve got magnetism, electricity, movement, and, of course, light can do it, too.
Ari Whitten: Okay. Now, is there, now, so are you recommending to pass it through one of these water structuring devices, like vortexing devices? Or, there’s like, a blender-type thing that’s supposed to vortex your water, and then, I mean, what about just stirring with a spoon and creating a vortex in a cup.
Dr. Anthony Beck: You know what? That’s actually true. It’s like, one of those little, you know, the little coffee, you know, making little foam? One of those little DC batteries.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Do it long enough, absolutely.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Here’s the cool thing. It doesn’t take long. Just the very nature of water, you don’t have to do it. So, yeah, I definitely recommend a structuring device. I make them, I’ve got a little way of doing it. But yeah, you can spin it, but I don’t like things like blenders, or those pitchers that do the vortex with the little mineral basket in the bottom.
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: The reason is, is because what you’re doing is, is you’re now spinning it over a big old motor that is on your power grid. Right? So, by spinning that power grid and that electric field, and doing that vortex, you’re, in my opinion, looking at what I would see. I have not substantiated this with deeper testing than I would typically do. And, because I have other options that are less expensive, I haven’t even bothered. Right?
But, I know it’s really cool to have the little minerals in the water, and vortex, and all that’s doing all the things that, you know, [Inaudible] talking about. Well, it’s sitting over, you know, an alternating current, you know, Magneto. Okay? So, that field imparts that nature to the water, not a fan. Right? So, I like to do it non-mechanically, or distally. So, in other words, if you had that motor, and it was, like, maybe turned on to, like, a wire that spun.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: An agitator. That’d be a cool thing.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I actually do that in some of my product manufacture. But anyways, so the key is, is spinning it, by doing that. Pouring it over rocks, or different shapes. Everything from, you know, you can get you a PVC tube, and you can put all kinds of things in there, ranging from marbles to magnets, to different beads with different natures and bacteria in them, and even crystals.
But, I have a kind of proprietary thing that I’m gonna actually, you know, talk about in my program, so I’m not going to talk about that on your show, but.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: There are other ways of doing it, but you know, I really don’t feel that people need to buy these expensive 600 dollar blenders to [inaudible] these, you know, three or four hundred dollar little ones from, like, [Nolsy], where you pour it over these little gray marbles.
Ari Whitten: Right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, it does, but I mean, you gotta be realistic here and go, well, do I really need those? And, they break real easy.
Ari Whitten: Okay. Yeah, I’m still, you know, just personally, I’m still kind of reserving conclusions about that, just ’cause, I mean, we haven’t seen tons of clear science on that. I’m open to the possibility that that, sort of, physical vortexing has those effects, but I just, I’d love to see a little more science on it.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Oh, oh, I agree. I agree. The thing, though, for me, is in the absence of science, ’cause that’s one thing I absolutely love about you, is you’re not a cynic. You’re, I call it a skeptic. I love people being a skeptic, I say, “Don’t believe me just ’cause I seem, you know, convicted and passionate about it.” Do the research.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But don’t be a cynic. There are some people, like [inaudible] see, and they’re looking to be, they’re just bad energy.
Ari Whitten: Yeah, for sure. Trolls.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah. That’s it. [inaudible] nature. It’s there.
Ari Whitten: For sure.
Dr. Anthony Beck: In other words, if I had to look and be an observer, right? And I had to say, “Okay, what is it? Where is it at?” Right? But the [inaudible] say, “Well listen, all kinds of people in Africa, they go and [inaudible], you know, that nasty, stagnated pile, and then you’ve [inaudible] water, and they sip out of them, they’re just fine.”
Ari Whitten: You got it.
Dr. Anthony Beck: What a damn point.
Ari Whitten: For sure.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But, it’s in the desert, and it’s brown. I like what it feels like in the mountains, and the streams, and the green, and the dig, so.
Ari Whitten: Absolutely.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Touche.
How sound and noise pollution impacts your body
Ari Whitten: Yeah, for sure. Okay, so let’s, so that’s water. I know we have, there’s a lot to potentially get into, and we won’t have time to cover everything, but let’s get into some things, I want to talk to you about some things that most people are not talking about. Because you talk about some things that are really uncommon for people to get into. One is EMFs, and one is sound. And, let’s go to sound first. Because, honestly, I almost never hear someone talk about that.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah.
Ari Whitten: And, there is actually a big body of scientific research talking about the harmful effects of noise pollution. So, it’s one of these factors that’s out there, that no one’s talking about, that actually has a huge impact on our bodies and our health.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right. If we remember, sound has a frequency. It’s a part of the EMF spectrum. It’s just, down on the low end, right? So, the thing about it is is there’s sound from space. So, there are celestial and black body radiants that actually create sound. So, we get all caught up in the particle in the way that which is light, but sound is really super important.
How babies use different sounds to communicate that elicit different responses in their care takers
Nature, again. Being back to that. It has sound. Okay? Babies, they have all kinds of different sounds that they communicate with. It elicits a response from us, right? I’m a hungry cry. I have an I’m wet cry, I stubbed my toe cry, there’s all these different, but it’s a cry, right? So, its sound has different elicitations to both the body and the mind, right?
So, we have different tunings. Now, we all use the same scale, you know? You remember, you’re, any instrumental stuff, you know, every good boy does fine. Right? We all have the same notes. But, how you play them together will make a different sound. And, not every song that’s ever been written has been written. But, they all use the exact same notes. Okay. But then, they play them in different harmonics, or tunes, octaves if you will.
How sound is energy and can be used to control people
So, sound is vibrational. It is energy. We can also look to, you know, military apparatus. Right? To where they actually have, you can actually, you know, crowd control with sound. You pop out these, this pressure waves, right? These are not, you know, we have a difference between transverse and longitudinal but just know this. Sound actually penetrates, even through, like, say, Faraday cage, right?
Which we use to mitigate EMFs. Well, you’re not gonna block, you know, a longitudinal, you know, pressure way as of sound. So, you can zap somebody with EMF in a cage, and you might be able, but sound’s gonna get right through.
So, sound hits the body. That vibration translates into receiving of information by our body’s proteins. Those proteins can fold or unfold in response to said stimuli. Right? So, what ends up happening there is, if that’s the case, then let’s go back to human nature before the other stuff, and you look at different cultures. We like kind of go back a little bit. Ancient stuff, right? I mean, I see people made certain bowls. You know, the singing bowls, or different-
Ari Whitten: [inaudible], yeah.
How the body reacts to different sound frequencies
Dr. Anthony Beck: To do certain things. So there are different frequencies out there, you know. You talk about 432 hertz, and 528, and there are different frequencies that we know, when they hit the body, that the body responds. Right? There’s a great video out there of this little bowl of water that gets hit by different, you know, harmonics, right?
Ari Whitten: Oh yeah, that’s beautiful.
Dr. Anthony Beck: What does it go into? So, if it can do that, physically we can observe that in science. Doesn’t tell us, okay, what that means. Right? It’s like if you have a neo globulin response, it doesn’t tell you if it was helpful or harmful.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: It just, it was a response. It’s up to us to determine what it was. So, what is it doing to that? We can at least say, “Hey, okay, there’s something there to be looked at.” We also know that sometimes, when we want to work out, we choose different music. Right? Like, I love me some Blake Shelton, but I mean, on leg day, it’s not gonna be enough. I might have to rock a little Disturbed, right?
So, the bottom line here is, are different frequencies and different tones and overtones, elicit a certain response. There’s a reason why we know. Now, what’s interesting is, is sound also translates into light, also.
All right? And you can, there’s a reason why certain lights, like we equate red to a certain thing, and blue to a certain thing, and, you know, yellow will be warming and green will be bouncing. Well, just like in that part of the spectrum, you can also find that within sound, or different tones.
Babies and animals are a great place to look and see how they do, because their absence of, you know, stuff, polluting what the interpretation is. But, sound’s really important. So, in today’s world, we’re trying to better the environment, so we’re saying we need alternative stuff to electricity, and magnetism, and CO2, so let’s do, you know, wind power. So there’s the air, right?
But, that wind creates a sound, right? So, we actually, you know, whenever you create electricity by moving air, you’re actually creating sounds, see, it’s all the EMF together. So, the turning of these wind turbines that are putting everybody’s people, they don’t realize there’s a tone coming off of them. There is a flicker, just like LED bulbs have. These are, actually have a certain rotational sound. And, this infrasound, low-frequency noise, has been, I mean the science is amazing. It literally thickens arterial tissue.
Ari Whitten: Wow.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Okay. Some really cool stuff, all right? So, we know that if you sit there, and you pound something, pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom, it’s cool at first. Like, water torture. I don’t know if everything’s Chinese, but Chinese water torture. At first, the little drops are, oh, that’s cool, that’s a waterfall. Stand under a waterfall long enough, and tell me if you don’t feel terrible.
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? Ta ta ta ta ta, oh it’s great, oh, I enjoy, all right, okay, stay there for about 30, 40 minutes, and you know, okay, that ain’t cool anymore. And then, you actually beat up, right? But, that’s physical, well right? But, the pressure wave of sound can do that, too. So, you gotta be mindful of the decibels in your environment emitted from stuff, even the ones you can’t hear. Right? Because, as we age, we can’t hear it. Babies can hear it. Animals can hear it.
How sound volume, sound intensity, and sound frequency can influence your health and energy levels
Ari Whitten: So, now are certain, it’s not just purely a matter of the volume of, the intensity of the sound of the decibels, it’s also the frequency, right?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yup.
Ari Whitten: So, like, for example, if you sleep on a beach, and you’re going to sleep with the sound of waves, you know, or even maybe a waterfall sound in the distance, or something.
Dr. Anthony Beck: The beach is a fantastic example.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: That is a really good one because I feel wiped.
Ari Whitten: You feel wiped out from the sound of the waves?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Absolutely. I can tell you a time when I was going to school of Old Dominion, in Norfolk, Virginia, I lived in Virginia Beach on 34th Street. Course, I got woke up by the cops, but.
It’s just like, it’s like, drunk. It’s rough, and it wasn’t ’cause I was drinking, I mean, I was grounded. All that stuff was great. Great, fresh air, all that kind of stuff. But, those waves, I just felt it the whole day. My body had memories, same thing up on the water parks before, right?
Ari Whitten: Are you sure it’s because you weren’t actually drunk?
Dr. Anthony Beck: That’s a good one. No, actually, that’s what it was, I was a whole different kind of guy back then. I actually, I didn’t drink, so.
Ari Whitten: I gotcha.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But, the thing was, is yeah, it was just that. So sound, that’s it. Also.
Ari Whitten: So wait, so what I was getting at, what I was implying is that more natural sounds would likely have more positive effects on the body, but what you’re saying is-
Dr. Anthony Beck: To a limit.
Ari Whitten: It sounds like, what you’re saying is, any sound is problematic.
Dr. Anthony Beck: It can be.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? I won’t say it is, ’cause I’m not gonna be a monk, right? So, the thing is, is that there are, there is sound that we can hear and that we can’t hear.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: If an energetic substance can give benefit, I feel in the duality of it, it kind, therefore, be detrimental, if too much is given.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? So, in other words, it’s like, okay, fantastic. RO, revitalize, structured water, but somebody forces me to consume, you know, six gallons in a day, there’d probably be a problem.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
How we are impacted by sounds we cannot hear
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, the same thing when it comes to, like, say, a nice, angelic, you know, low-volume, 432, [binural]. Well, it could be to stimuli, it can’t be too much, so we have to remember that the pendulum kinda goes both ways. So, the big concern that I have, is what we can’t hear.
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Because it doesn’t call us to action. When something is loud, we go, ooh, turn that down, and we, see, when we feel it, right? But, when you’re talking down in the, you know, 10 and 20, 60 hertz, you’re not hearing shit.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, but your body feels it. The action is there. Just ’cause your ears aren’t perceiving it doesn’t matter, right?
Ari Whitten: I gotcha.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But, it’s not a matter of loudness or amplitude. It’s a matter of the frequency.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Like, you lean up against a door and it might not budge, but if you come back and you go, bam, bam, pretty soon you’ll break through.
Ari Whitten: Right.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, [inaudible] cells are very [inaudible] that, so we gotta be mindful of sound and know how to look for it.
Ari Whitten: Right. So, you know, on a more practical level, are we looking for things in our environment that are emitting sound, and how can we actually use this knowledge around sound to protect ourselves?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, the thing I would do is, is anything that’s man made, that is powered, is going to have sound problems.
Ari Whitten: Okay. Yeah, I did see a video on your Facebook recently where you were taking some kind of a sound detection device.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah.
Ari Whitten: And, putting it, like, near a TV that was actually turned off, but it’s still plugged in. I think it was a TV, or maybe some other device.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, I did several, so I’m not sure which one, but yeah, there are different ones. So, the listening devices can pick up what we can’t hear.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, everything from that air conditioner that’s outside, that hum, I’m gonna go, oh, it’s that white noise stuff [inaudible] go to sleep. But yet, it’s also …
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? And if you want to play with it, I tell people, there are different tones to test your speakers. Okay? On YouTube, plenty of stuff like that. And, what you can do is just grab these pure tones, and just repeat them. Just listen to them for a while, and then observe yourself, and see, do they make you feel better or worse? And, oftentimes, you’ll bell curve. You’ll go, oh, that’s kinda cool, and then you go, okay, that’s not. You know I [inaudible] turn it off. You create an agitation.
So, I love stuff like that, right? So, the bottom line is, is disconnect, is the first one. Right? So, I use this what I call, my 3D approach to all the EMF component energies. Right? So, the first thing is to disconnect. Number two is distance. Number three would be duration of exposure, right?
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: The first thing is, just disconnect it. Don’t have anything to do with it. You know? The second thing is if you’re gonna have to be connected, well, make sure that you have distance away from it. It changes, right, we have drop off. Just like light, just like EMF, just like magnetism. Sound is the same thing, right? But, sound can travel a lot damn farther than electrical and anything else.
Ari Whitten: Mmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I mean, in the ocean, we can pop off a wave, man, and sound and (high pitched sound), it goes a long, long time, right?
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But anyway, so the point there is, is then, of course, we’re limit your duration of exposure, right?
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Like, speaking of Disturbed, I went to one of their concerts one time, and my eye was toast for two days after. I didn’t even want to lay my head on my pillow, it was so loud. It’s terrible.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right? But, the fangs on stage were cool. But no, so that’s it, so you gotta be mindful of that. Most of it, that infrasound, that low-frequency noise, is gonna be coming from man powered stuff.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. Okay. So, we got, like, five more minutes.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Okay.
Ari Whitten: Which is a little bit of a time constraint, but I’ll challenge you to see if you can, not to wrap up, just to see if you can get into one more topic.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Okay.
Ari Whitten: Of EMFs. ‘Cause this is a controversial area. There’s.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Sure.
How EMFs affect the body
Ari Whitten: There’s a lot of people kind of saying, “Hey, EMFs are something to be worried about.” You know, I know you and I have both paid have attention to Jack Cruise in the past too-
Dr. Anthony Beck: Sure.
Ari Whitten: Well, we won’t get into him so much as a person, but he’s said a lot of stuff about EMFs, and that’s a very big thing for him.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Yeah.
Ari Whitten: And then, we also have other, kind of, forces who are saying, “Well, here’s studies showing that it’s not an issue at all and doesn’t affect us whatsoever, and you’re just fear mongering over, you know, nonsense and, you know, whatever.” So, what’s the deal with EMFs?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Well, of course, so EMF stands for electro magnetic fields. Okay? Forces, or frequencies. All of them are correct. Okay? So, we have the electrical side, we have the magnetic side. Right? And then, we actually have what I call light side. Okay? Which is gonna be, like, you know, microwaves. Remember, ’cause you know, we go through all the spectrum, and then we get into, you know, near, mid, far, and then we get into, you know, microwaves [inaudible 00:46:47], okay.
So, remember, it’s all the same spectrum. But the point is, is here, okay, it is energy. And, energy is always information. My favorite quote, of myself, right?
So, energy is always information. It tells the body to do something. We transmit data, over radio waves, who transmit data over microwaves. We transmit data over light waves. We transmit data over sound waves, right? Okay, so it’s information.
So, if those are, in fact, information. And, it hits the body, it’s informing the body. So, that’s my top litmus test is, does it, of an E, fect us. Absolutely. What affect? Nots, we, yeah, that can be argued. Now, the data is huge out there when it comes to EMFs. But, again, most of the attention goes to the EMF. There are three major ones. Electrical, magnetic and radio frequency.
So, the RF. The microwaves, the communications, the cell phones, all that kind of, normally gets most of the attention these days. That’s the cool thing. You know, wifi, and routers, and stuff like that. Well, there are different frequencies, right? All the way from Hertz, to megahertz, to gigahertz, to terahertz. That’s their frequency, right? So, they are vibrational. And, here you gotta understand, when something vibrates, it also produces sound. Isn’t that interesting?
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, you can hit a protein, make it vibrate from [inaudible 00:48:17], and it can make a sound. Pretty crazy. So, that’s why they’re irrevocable so that we gotta look deeper than what we’re looking at, okay?
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, I absolutely know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, okay? That EMFs, over a certain time, in certain symphonies of that unique person, can and do create physiological aberrations.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Make no mistake about it. Okay? It disrupts things. Why? Because they can also hit minerals. Right? And, what magnesium is doing, what iron is doing, what calcium is doing, and as those move through membranes, changes, what the body is actually doing, there is a response to that.
So, again, we want to disconnect from, most of them, as possible as we can. If we can’t, get the distance. Right? If not, limit your exposure. You and I are on an EMF bomb, right now. Right? We’re getting light, we’re getting sound, we’re getting electricity, we’re getting magnetism. And, hopefully, you’re on a wired connection. [inaudible], but the thing is, is-
Ari Whitten: I’m glad you brought that up. That was one of the questions I was gonna ask.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Right. So, what ends up happening is, are you have all these instruments playing the same notes. There’s a difference in the music, right? When you bring in the percussion, and the woodwinds, and the brass. Right? And, you play them all together, the same sound, like, say the Star Wars, you know, anthem. So, something like that, it’s gonna sound different than if, just say, a saxophone played it.
So, when you, it’s also the culmination of all of them, and some ants, quote-unquote, tend to really pick one thing, right? We do the hypothesis, and we try to, you know, gather data, and observe, and that kind of stuff, but what we do is, okay, we’re gonna take men, ages 24 to 35, who have none of this history and are seemingly healthy. Well, that doesn’t tell you how much time they’re on their phones, doesn’t say how much time they’re sleeping, it doesn’t tell you if they’re in California or Aruba. Right?
There are all kinds of confounding variables that screw up the science to observe if, and, or these things are doing something. So, it all comes down to, you gotta do yourself, it’s that N equals one, you know? I don’t need science to tell me what I can observe in my own self and come to my own conclusions, but I know a lot of people like to go on other people’s science. I do too. I mean, I don’t poo poo it, my God. I got a, freakin’, library of shit, it’s unbelievable.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But, the key here is, is electromagnetic fields are difficult and believe it or not, even though RF gets a lot of stuff, I’m gonna tell you that magnetic fields are far more detrimental.
Where we get exposed to magnetic fields
Ari Whitten: And, where are we getting magnetic field exposure?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Anywhere electricity flows. When electricity flows, magnetics goes. Okay? So, you can have a power cord, and you’re not, you don’t turn the light on, you’re not gonna a magnetic field. You turn the thing on, start using the power, you know, push out a magnetic field.
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Okay. So, magnetic fields are extremely powerful. And, they really disrupt stuff, like a champ. That’s a medical term, by the way. Like, a champ. So, the thing is, is, and it’s not like one is [inaudible] the other, it’s like, oh, okay, you know, a great Dane pooped on my carpet, versus, you know, a Labrador, versus, you know, a Yorkie. It’s still dog poo.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So don’t, and I’m not trying to save it. One is really worse than the other. They all suck, we don’t want them. But, some take more work to clean up.
Why you should prefer ethernet cabled over WiFi
Ari Whitten: Okay. If there, like, what are the top three issues in this area? So, one, you mentioned wired internet connection, as opposed to wifi. So, that’s one of them, what are-
Dr. Anthony Beck: [crosstalk] yeah.
Ari Whitten: What was that?
Dr. Anthony Beck: That keeps growing, it keeps getting stronger and stronger, you know, routers that push out through deeper into houses, and things like that, to give it a big one, right?
Ari Whitten: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Anthony Beck: But then, it’s not just yours, it’s your neighbors’ and everybody else’s, you know, just look at all the networks you can choose from.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, science would test that RF, it’s not controlling for, that will one person’s effect might be in a building, you know, and you have 30 neighbors all with their own wifi.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, we gotta be aware of that. So, that’s the one big thing is, of course, the internet. Which allowed you and I to be together right now, right? Sharing this love. So, again, wire it, don’t put it through, put it through a hard wire connection, through an ethernet cable. Not through the air. Okay, because to get to you, it also, to get your computer to receive it, it also hits all the particles that we’re breathing, too. So, that’s one thing.
Why you should turn off your phone regularly
Ari Whitten: Are there, like, maybe two other quick tips, like practical tips, that you can give somebody as far as limiting the amounts exposure?
Dr. Anthony Beck: Your cell phone. That’s the one that everybody owns now, and we have it on us if you’re not using it, have it off.
Ari Whitten: Okay.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Airplane mode is a good option, but of course, you know, the battery is still on. That Magnetics is still there. close to the body in your pocket. If you’re gonna have it on your body, on airplane mode, put it in a shielded case. But, for the most part, if you’re not using it, turn it off, you will be okay. The world has not come to and end, you don’t need constant dopamine hits by taking a look at your Facebook and your email. So, turn the damn thing off. Once an hour, come up to periscope deck, turn the damn thing on, check and see if the world didn’t explode, turn it back off, and then get back on with your life. So, that’s the other big tip, right?
So, the wifi thing is, is that, but I can’t not say that same thing in your house, too, right? And, this is why we, on the electrical and magnetic side, your home is where you sleep. Right? You gotta turn stuff off. You’d better figure out what your body voltage is when you’re sleeping, and what magnetic fields you are when you are in that Truong, you know, circadian rhythm, you know, anabolic period of the day, where you’re paying off all the debt from having your control burns during the day.
Ari Whitten: Yeah.
Dr. Anthony Beck: So, the best thing I can tell you there is, find out what circuits get sent energetic power to your bedroom, and go to the circuit breaker, and turn the damn thing off.
Ari Whitten: OK
Dr. Anthony Beck: Just, like, lock the front door, lock the back door, put your cell phone, turn it off, you know, kiss your wife, make love, one off, whatever you gotta do, and then go flip off the breakers. It’s all part of the, you know, the ensuring your sleep sanctuary. Cold, dark, quiet, and shut the damn power off.
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. So, on that note, we’ll leave there. Thank you so much, Anthony.
Dr. Anthony Beck:
Ari Whitten: I really appreciate your time, and, you know, I know there’s a lot more to talk about, so maybe we’ll have to have you on for the second time.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Anytime. Anytime.
Ari Whitten: Cool.
Dr. Anthony Beck: I’m at your disposal.
Ari Whitten: Awesome. Thanks so much, man. Have a great rest of your day.
Dr. Anthony Beck: Thanks, bro.
Where to Get Dr. Beck’s “Enviro” Program
This is an 8-week program that covers all the environmental factors that control your health and energy levels. You can find info on that program HERE.