In this episode, I am speaking with Julia Olson about practical strategies and effective solutions to overcome hair loss issues in men and women.
Join Julie’s summit Healthy Body, Healthy Hair, the Truth About Hair Loss.
Table of Contents
In this podcast, Julia and I discuss:
- The four primary factors contributing to hair loss and the differing causes for men and women
- Male pattern baldness – is it just genetic and inevitable, or can its impact be minimized?
- How hormones and stress play a role in hair loss and why managing stress is crucial.
- The gut-hair connection – how intestinal flora imbalances can hinder healthy hair growth and which probiotics may help
- The surprising potential of techniques like headstands, massage, and other physical therapies to improve blood flow and nurture a vibrant head of hair
- Why a thinning scalp can be a sign of toxins and heavy metal exposure (and what to do about it)
- Supplements that effectively combat the loss of cranial blood flow associated with hair loss
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Ari: Julie, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for coming on.
Julie: Oh, thank you so much for having me here.
The root causes of hair loss
Ari: I want to talk to you about something that is rarely talked about, and it’s a little bit taboo to talk about, because it’s embarrassing for a lot of people. It’s a topic that’s super common, but not enough people are talking about it. That is hair loss. Doing something about hair loss, beyond just the medication, transplant approach. What’s actually going on that’s driving this? I know that there’s a lot of nuances, a lot of complexities to this.
There’s everything from autoimmune conditions and chemotherapy side effects, that can drive hair loss, to male pattern baldness, and hormonal things. There’s several different competing theories. You give our listeners the broad overview, landscape, of alopecia, of hair loss.
Julie: Okay. Well, first, as you said, it is tough to talk about. They’ve put it in the same category as religion and politics. Especially for women, it’s very difficult for women to talk about it. They’re shunned, and even the American Hair Loss Association is finally putting an initiative out there, so that women will not be dismissed. That’s exactly what happened to me, when I lost so much hair, when I went from practitioner doctor to doctor, I was just dismissed.
They are recognizing that, and that leads us into the fact that there’s over 50 causes of hair loss. I put them into four functional categories. That’s stress-induced, inflammatory, digestive, and hormonal. I’m also really excited about this conversation, because I know you deal with energy, and they call the scalp parafollicules the forgotten organ, because it has the third highest cellular turnover in the body. Some resources say it has the highest turnover in the body.
Of course, it requires a ton of energy. It requires those nutrients to be absorbed. Our mitochondria needs to be up to par, because when we take in nutrients, it’s going to go to our vital organs first. Hair loss is not an illness, it’s not a disease per se, but it has a huge psychological effect on anyone. Especially women.
Ari: Absolutely.
Julie: [unintelligible 00:03:02] glory. [laughs]
Ari: Yes, absolutely. What is going on physiologically, in most cases of hair loss in women, and how does that differ from men? Is it more genetic-driven in men and more lifestyle, nutrition, metabolic health, mitochondrial health-driven in women, or is that an oversimplification?
Julie: You’re exactly right. Exactly what you just said. Basically, hair growth has three main phases. Hair growth cycle. It’s the anagen, which is the growth phase, the catagen, which is the transition phase, and the telogen, which is the resting phase. Each hair follicle goes through these phases independently. Unfortunately, when we’re stressed out, it prematurely goes into the telogen phase. It rests before eventually shedding, to make more– It’s supposed to go there, to rest, to shed more hair, to make room for new.
When people are constantly in the fight or flight, or they have elevated cortisol, it disrupts this normal hair growth cycle. Like I said, it puts it into that telogen phase prematurely.
COVID shed
For instance, there’s a hair loss called telogen effluvium, that’s a stress-induced hair loss. That’s what they’re calling the COVID shed, it’s a stress-induced hair loss. They’re calling it, actually, the chronic telogen effluvium.
Ari: COVID shed is people losing hair in tandem with getting infected with Covid?
Julie: Yes, and 66% of the people post-COVID, who were infected with it, are losing their hair. They’re shedding their hair.
Ari: In large amounts–? Are people going bald from this, or they’re noticing slightly accelerated hair loss?
Julie: They’re losing about 50%. It’s pretty dramatic. On average, I wouldn’t say they’re going bald.
The most common causes of hair loss
The thing with chronic telogen effluvium type of hair loss, in general, it is stress-induced, so you can grow it back. Whereas other types of hair loss, especially some of the hormonal types of hair loss, if it comes to the scarring of the hair follicle, it’s almost impossible to reverse.
Ari: The scarring of the hair follicle?
Julie: Hair follicle. What happens is–
Ari: Driven by what?
Julie: It’s driven by– Let me go through some of the phases, especially for cortisol. It can disrupt the hormonal balance by cortisol– I can’t even talk today. It can interfere with the balance of other hormones involved in hair growth, such as antigens and testosterone. This imbalance can lead to shortening of the antigen phase, and again, pops you prematurely into that telogen phase. It also alters blood flow.
High levels of cortisol can affect blood circulation, leading to narrowing of the blood vessels, and reduced nutrients and oxygen supply to the hair follicles, which ends up in inadequate nutrient which can weaken the hair shaft, and result in hair shedding. Then, of course, systemic inflammation and the immune response. Chronic stress and cortisol elevation can trigger an inflammatory response in the body.
This inflammation can disrupt the normal function of the hair follicles, causing them to prematurely enter, again, that telogen phase.
Ari: Got it.
Julie: It’s different for everyone.
Ari: This can be driven by genetics, which is often the case for men, with male pattern baldness, and men like, for example, me, who have– Basically, all the men in my family, my brother, my father, my uncles on that side, on my dad’s side of the family, have all had male pattern baldness from a fairly young age. There’s a very clear genetic pattern to it. I’ve probably had the least, by far, but I still have had some receding hairline since my 20s, unfortunately.
This process, even in men, where it’s driven by a genetic predisposition to it, I would imagine, is also still heavily influenced, the rate of how fast you lose your hair, is probably still heavily influenced by your overall metabolic health, mitochondrial health. Is that still accurate to say?
Julie: It is. Again, looking at it through a functional medicine and nutrition lens, and they are coming up with studies day by day. Even alopecia areata, which is what Jada Smith has, they’re saying it’s an autoimmune condition which attacks the hair follicles, but they don’t know the exact cause of that, as they don’t know the exact cause of genetic hair loss. Epigenetics can play a role, but your gun is pretty loaded.
Back to the alopecia areata, they’re saying that stress can potentially trigger or make the condition worse. There’s other types of hair loss, such as the hair pulling disorder. Have you heard of that one?
Ari: I haven’t.
Julie: It’s called trichotillomania, and it often occurs in response to stress or anxiety. It’s really a psychological condition.
Ari: I do tend to tug on my hair when I get stressed. People actually pull out their hair?
Julie: Yes.
Ari: Wow. Okay. For me, I had a distinct period in my 20s, where I was particularly stressed. I remember, during this period– I was probably 25 or 26 years old. I remember seeing clumps of hair falling out in the shower, and when I would comb my hair, when I would brush my hair, I would see tons of hair coming out. Super unusual, and it was absolutely simultaneous to the most stressful period of my life.
There was no doubt, even not knowing anything about the science of hair loss, I was like, “Okay, this stress is clearly causing my hair to fall out at a rapid pace.” What’s going on there? The cortisol is interacting with the follicles themselves, in a way that puts them more in the telogen phase?
Julie: Right. It puts them in there prematurely, and it also damages the hair follicles, so you have that rapid shedding.
Ari: Got it. Okay. Then you mentioned inflammation, digestive issues, and hormonal issues. All of these are, to some extent– To separate them out is a little artificial, and to some degree, I think it’s useful, to help understand, but obviously, stress is related to inflammation, related to digestive function, related to hormones, and hormones, obviously, influence many of these other parameters, and so on. There’s a lot of overlap and interweaving of these different factors, but how would you say that inflammation is driving this process?
Julie: Well, it’s the same mechanism, because systemic inflammation, like you said, is usually caused by stress, or the fact that you’re not absorbing your nutrients, or your hormones are out of balance. Systemic inflammation does the same thing. It pops your hair follicles prematurely into the telogen phase, and it also can damage the hair follicles.
The hormones that affect hair loss
Ari: Got it. Then what are the most important hormones that one should be aware of, when it comes to hair loss?
Julie: The thyroid [laughs] is a big one, and even the parathyroid, people don’t realize that the parathyroid has a lot to do with– Testosterone, obviously. Then, DHT, Dihydrotestosterone. That is commonly why men also lose their hair, is because that gets elevated. Unfortunately, the medications for that– I mean, we don’t have to go down that road, but finasteride, a lot of men get on that, because it can stop that DHT from elevating so much, and even women, sometimes, get on it.
There’s a lot of studies showing that it really messes up men’s libido. They can’t even get an erection anymore. Even after they stop it, they still are having these sexual problems. I think the whole purpose of this conversation is for people to look at their whole body and the different systems, to try to get things into balance before trying to do something more radical. Can I show some images of some before and after pictures of– I can start with this fellow that had H. pylori, and it got cleared up. He was losing his hair, and then it–
Ari: Yes, please.
Reversing hair loss by treating the gut
Julie: Okay. I have another one. This fellow went on a gluten-free diet. Here, you can see the progression.
Ari: Just explain verbally what we’re looking at here, for people who are listening rather than watching the video.
Julie: We all have H. pylori, but when it’s elevated, it can cause so that you don’t have the ability to digest and absorb your nutrients very well. We have images of this fellow who had an alopecia bald spot, quite significantly, and he couldn’t grow a beard. It shows him before, when he had full-on H. pylori. After he got rid of his H. pylori, he grew a full head of hair. That’s a nice, full head of hair. He was able to grow a beard.
Ari: Wow.
Julie: Gut health matters. [chuckles] Can I show you another image?
Ari: Please.
Julie: Okay. This is a 20-year-old. It’s in a PubMed study, here it is. Here’s a resource. He had C. diff, and he took what’s called a fecal microbial transplant, which is fecal matter from a healthy person. He not only got rid of his C. diff, but he grew back a full head of hair. He had alopecia universalis, that means he lost hair, not only on his head, but his entire body.
Ari: Wow. This is autoimmune, they’re saying, this is driven by an autoimmune process. Even if it’s driven by an autoimmune process, you can essentially reverse this. The paradigm, I don’t know how accurate it is, or how accurate you think it is, but the idea is the immune system is now attacking self-tissue, and in this case, the hair follicles. You would think that this is a process that couldn’t be reversed.
That the immune system has learned to attack its own body’s proteins as foreign invaders and wants to destroy them, but even in this case, it’s being reversed.
Julie: Right. The same with this gentleman. He’s 86 years old. Lot of hair for an 86-year-old man, but he had an alopecia bald spot right here. He took the fecal transplant, and he regrew his hair.
Ari: Wow.
Julie: Same with this woman, who had colitis.
Ari: Do you think that this can be extrapolated to see it as a spectrum, and say the health of your microbiome influences the health of hair follicles? Or do you think that this is more isolated, in the sense of certain infections of the gut can lead to alopecia? How would you explain the gut hair link?
Julie: I have this published abstract, and I put those studies on here, because the reason– To answer your question, is because I think there is hope for getting your gut healthy, for growing back hair, as was demonstrated by these studies. I mean, it’s pretty radical. He can’t very easily go out and get these fecal transplants. Leaky gut, gut inflammation, malabsorption, really has a whole negative impact, not only on your health, but your hair.
You know all about leaky gut, but I found a ton of resources and references, and I think there’s a lot to it, getting your gut healthy, to be able to have healthy hair. Some types of hormonal hair loss and genetic hair loss, that’s not the case, but to answer your question, I think I’ve answered it, but just again, I think there really is a known association between gut dysbiosis inflammation, malabsorption, IBS, hormonal balances, and hair loss. I’ve got five references there, with different studies.
Does childhood trauma affect hair loss
Ari: Going back to stress for a moment, psychological stress. I’m curious, is there any link with post-traumatic stress disorder or past trauma adverse childhood events, and propensity for hair loss?
Julie: Oh, absolutely. 100%. In fact, on my summit, Dr. Ewers talked about that. She had childhood trauma. There’s been studies done on that too.
Ari: I was exploring this topic recently, maybe a year ago, just out of my own interest, for my own selfish interest to my own hairline receding, since I was in my 20s. The one thing that I stumbled across when I looked at some research at this time, a year ago or so, was– There was a link, not only with the DHT, the testosterone and DHT conversion pathway, Dihydrotestosterone, which has been seen as the key driver in male pattern baldness for a very long time.
There was some emerging research, at least a hypothesis that revolved around blood circulation, and the idea of having very tense muscles in the forehead and in the scalp. That relieving some of the– Well, I should say the tense muscles are constricting blood supply to the follicles, and that that might also be a driver of hair loss. That, also, I thought was interesting, because I’ve been weight training since I was 13 years old.
One of the things that you do when you’re lifting heavy weights is, you get– Scrunching your face, really intensely. You get a lot of tension in these muscles of the face and the scalp. It seemed like an interesting theory. I’m curious if you know anything about that, and if there’s any good research to support that, in your opinion.
Julie: Absolutely. I’ve run across quite a few studies on that as well. Another reason why there’s such practically an epidemic in hair loss is because people are so sedentary, they need those nutrients to their scalp, and they’re just sitting around all day. Even just this thing– It feels really good, it just massages your scalp, or doing a down dog, just standing on your head, inversion table, or something, for three minutes a day, really gets those nutrients up there.
Ari: Or just movement. Just the [unintelligible 00:21:45], squeezing on the vasculature, to pump blood through the system, getting more circulation.
Julie: Right. It’s so important, and it makes sense.
How toxins are linked with hair loss
Ari: Is there any link with toxins? Are there any particular toxins?
Julie: Oh, there’s [unintelligible 00:22:00] with toxins. Let me go through some of the science on that. Before that, could I show you one more picture of this fellow who has celiac disease and went on a gluten-free diet, and get back his hair?
Ari: Of course, yes.
Julie: Okay. Here, this is from another study. Look at that, and he’s 14-year-old. He lost all his hair, celiac disease, that was part of my problem. Then he went on a gluten-free diet for one year and grew back.
Ari: Wow.
Julie: Again, it goes back to the gut. Get the gut healthy.
Ari: I wish growing back my youthful head of hair was as simple as going gluten-free.
Julie: I know, but it’s different for everyone. As far as toxins and heavy metals and so forth, what they do is, they disrupt cell proliferation. The biotoxins and heavy metals interfere with normal process of the cell, different– I swear to God, I’m sorry, I can’t even talk today. I guess I’m a little nervous. [chuckles] What happens is that it disrupts signaling pathways involved in these processes, and impairs the hair follicles from even formulating, and inhibits their growth.
Then the oxidative stress from heavy toxins, biotoxins, like mold, so the oxidative stress, can cause an imbalance between the production of the ROS and antioxidant defenses, and can damage the cells, including the cells of the hair follicles, and then, of course, systemic inflammation and immune response. The heavy metals can trigger an inflammatory response, and that can disrupt growth factors, cytokines, immune cells involved in hair follicles, cycline, and regeneration.
Then they disrupt the hormonal balance, they damage the hair follicles, the protein synthesis, and can inhibit hair growth. It’s a huge negative cycle.
The microbiome's connection with hair health
Ari: I think in recent years, we’re learning more and more about the microbiome. Started with the gut microbiome renaissance, and then we learned the gut microbiome is connected to everything else. As you’ve described, there’s even a gut-hair follicle interaction, but a gut-lung access, a gut-immune access, a gut-mitochondria access, a gut-brain access, all kinds of other things going on there. It’s connected to basically everything.
We’ve grown, in the last 20 years, especially with our appreciation for the microbiome, in tandem with that, we are discovering all these other microbiomes that exist. The oral microbiome, and that field of research is now exploding. None of that research has yet been integrated into dentistry, because so little is even known about the oral microbiome. There’s research on the skin microbiome, that’s exploding, and I’m curious– Obviously, this is related to the skin, but it might be a unique environment.
Well, actually, let me add one layer to this, we’re discovering that microbes exist almost everywhere throughout our body. In the lungs, in the brain, in parts of the body that we thought were sterile. All of a sudden, we’re finding out that, actually, microbes exist there. I think we’re poised to discover, in the coming decades, that the microbiome is pretty much everywhere, and certainly not just in the gut. What’s going on with the microbiome as it relates to hair loss and hair follicle health?
Julie: Well, you’re exactly right, because the newly discovered microbiome was a scalp hair follicle microbiome.
Ari: Inside the hair follicle itself?
Julie: Yes, yes, and they’ve discovered certain probiotics can help with hair growth.
Ari: Probiotics taken orally or applied topically?
Julie: Orally.
Ari: Oh, interesting.
Julie: Yes.
Ari: Which are those, can you–? Is there specific research pointing to specific strains that have been shown to help with prevention of hair loss, or regrowth?
Julie: Yes. Lactobacillus plantarum helps with faster hair growth, because it has these hydro slates. Lactobacillus reuteri, it helps the activity of anti-inflammatory cytokines, which are necessary for hair growth, as well as prevention of hair thinning. Lactobacillus rhamnosus. It actually helps create some B vitamins and biotin that can help with hair growth, and fight against some of the bad bacteria.
Ari: This mechanism would be more through modulating the gut microbiome, modulating immune function, systemic inflammation, things like that, and how that affects the hair follicles rather than directly acting on the microbiome at the follicle level. Correct?
Julie: Yes, it sounds like it. There’s another study published, that Lactobacillus paracasei promotes hair growth in telegenic mice, a mice module that was published in promoting mouse hair growth, and that was oral administration.
Ari: Got it. What is known, as far as the hair follicle microbiome? Is there a certain type of microbiome that’s associated with hair loss versus healthy hair maintenance?
Julie: It’s just in the infant stages of research, and I couldn’t answer that. I really couldn’t answer that, truthfully. I don’t really know.
The best nutrients to support hair growth
Ari: Got it. Having said that, there’s these different elements that are driving hair loss, whether it’s genetic propensity, as in the case, often, for men, with male pattern baldness, stress, which is a huge driver, inflammation, GI issues, whether it’s celiac, autoimmune conditions, just poor microbiome health, H. pylori, or something like that, and hormonal driven issues, let’s say, in the case of hypothyroidism, or other hormonal issues.
Let’s say somebody’s dealing with this issue, they’ve got more hair loss than they’d like, they’re interested in practical steps to help prevent further loss, or to regrow. What would be your approach to doing that? Maybe we’ll finish on this, what your system is, or three practical steps that a person should take to address hair loss.
Julie: It goes all back to what you’re so good at, helping reduce stress and fatigue. There’s even been studies showing that Epstein-Barr virus can affect hair growth. Just how you teach to increase energy, like I said at the beginning, we need that energy. If we’re stressed, it’s really hard to have enough energy, let alone to function, but to grow our hair as an afterthought. I would start with that. I’d have a quiz to see what type of hair loss you have.
Also, getting your gut in gear, getting your gut healthy, is going to help with your stress, and even sleep. That’s so important, because that’s when the hair follicles rejuvenate, just like everything else in our body. If they’re not getting that qualitative sleep, it’s going to play a role in hair loss. It’s a whole-body approach. That’s the whole message I’m trying to get across in this summit. I interviewed about 48 different practitioners.
They all have their specialties, but it all went back to those four main categories that I talked about. The stress, inflammation, the hormones, and digestive. Start with managing your stress, take your class. The breathing is so interesting, how you teach people how to breathe. I didn’t even understand until I listened to you, that the deep breathing that is usually taught, is really not that big of a deal. Can you talk about that more?
Ari: This interview is about you, not me. Let’s keep it focused on hair loss, but I will certainly be happy to produce more videos on that topic I have. I’ve been spending the last two months, actually, writing just the chapter for my upcoming book on breathing science. There’s even a whole bunch of new layers that I’ve learned in the process of doing this deep dive into the research, that I can’t find that anybody knows.
I’ve looked and looked and looked, online and in books, and nobody seems to be talking about a whole bunch of these layers that I’ve found. I’m always even evolving my own knowledge in that area.
Julie: Also, how you speak about coffee consumption, because there’s been some studies I ran across, where drinking too much coffee can elevate the DHT. There’s a Starbucks in every corner.
Ari: That’s interesting. Actually–
Julie: I think that’s interesting.
Ari: On that note– You mentioned the medications that combat DHT and how they can also have the side effect of decreasing libido. There are some compounds that have been shown to have natural anti-DHT conversion activity. I think it’s 5α-Reductase, or something, is the enzyme that’s involved in testosterone, DHT conversion. Astaxanthin is one of those natural compounds.
Julie: Saw palmetto, pumpkin seed. Even a cortisol blend, like Ashwagandha, any of those adaptogenic herbs really help.
Ari: Astaxanthin is an interesting one to me, because it has so many other proven health benefits, in so many other aspects of human physiology, whether it’s skin health and protecting from UV damage, whether it’s protecting mitochondria from damage, brain health, eye health. Unlike medications that tend to maybe have one target effect and then have a number of side effects in other systems of the body, something like Astaxanthin or other natural interventions–
Things like exercise, eating a better diet, improving sleep, and circadian rhythm, they tend to only have positive side effects. Of course, it’s not always the case with– You can overdo anything to the point of negative side effects. As a generalization, that tends to be true. I’m curious if you’ve stumbled across any research on Astaxanthin, in combating hair loss.
Julie: Also, it can act as an antioxidant, and those are so needed for hair loss. Something that I notice is, in your supplement, is not the flushing type, but niacin, people don’t realize that the flushing niacin is really great for hair loss, because it gets that circulation to the scalp and it has some other factors, but that’s one that’s missed. I don’t see that in a lot of hair health supplements.
Ari: Actually, I have the flushing type and the non-flushing type in there.
Julie: Oh, you do? I missed that. I think, yes, it’s a really great mix.
Ari: Unfortunately, I keep the dose of the flushing type fairly low. It’s right on the cusp of the dose that will cause flushing. Many people, unless they’re taking a pure niacin supplement, they’re not psychologically prepared to experience the flushing. Many people will interpret it as a negative effect. Maybe they’ll panic and think that something’s wrong, they’re having an allergic reaction to it, or something. They don’t realize it’s just niacin changing blood flow, basically. You think that’s beneficial for hair loss?
Julie: Yes, yes.
Ari: Okay. In promoting circulation to those tissues?
Julie: Yes, yes.
Ari: Is that something that you would recommend to people that are dealing with hair loss, to use flushing doses of niacin?
Julie: Yes. Yes, definitely. It also helps take away the buildup of calcium and DHT that can otherwise inhibit hair growth. Niacin– [crosstalk]
Ari: It’s taking away through a chemical interaction, or just physically, by promoting circulation to the area?
Julie: It dilates the capillaries, and also can help take away that buildup.
Ari: Got it.
Julie: Yes.
Ari: Okay. Any other final strategy that you want to leave people with, or maybe even mention certain tests that someone might want to get, to check hormone status or check other biomarkers that could be related to this?
Julie: Sure. Well, I’d say there’s some top nutrients, the fat-soluble nutrients, B vitamins, iron, you don’t want to get too much or too little, zinc, even manganese, and selenium. Protein, and unfortunately, some people might not like this, but you need the animal protein, because it has the branched-chain amino acids that are so necessary for hair growth. You need good protein throughout the day. Our hair is made mostly of protein.
As far as tests, I would say, get some good functional labs, a stool test, organic acids tests, maybe see how your nutrients are, like a NutriEval. Also, doing some blood work, doing a whole thyroid panel, a whole iron panel, with the saturation, and looking at those labs through a functional lens. Those ranges are a lot smaller and more optimal. Even getting just a CMP and looking at those, because you can see trends, getting your vitamin D tested.
Vitamin D is really important for hair. It can really stunt your hair growth if you don’t have optimal levels, like between 50 and 80. Again, Ari, it all goes back to stress. I mean, you can be eating well, and you can be taking supplements, but if you’re stressed and you’re not absorbing them, what’s the point? [chuckles]
Julie’s best recommendations to prevent or reverse hair loss
Ari: Having some kind of system, some kind of method that you’re practicing on a daily basis to combat stress, whether it’s breathing practices, or mindfulness meditation, yoga, journaling, something, is, you think, essential for people who are dealing with hair loss.
Julie: Right. Exactly. The first phase I go through with people is remove phase. I do the five phases, but the remove. It’s not only removing toxins from your body and your GI tract, which you find through these labs, but it’s removing those unhealthy relationships. Maybe it’s your job that it’s stressing you out. Removing not only what’s going on in your body that’s stressing it, but outside, in the environment. Removing the mold, the toxic, what have you, in your house, or in your car.
People overlook that, and you can’t get them better. Another thing we are talking about, I think, in the green room, removing those mercury fillings, because I can’t detox someone very well when they’re still in there, and those are so toxic. It’s just hard to go through the whole process. It’s going to play a role in your stress, your body, and your hair health.
Ari: Yes, absolutely. Julie, I know you have a summit coming up. Tell us about the summit, maybe mention a few of the speakers, and what they’re talking about.
Julie: Okay. It’s called Healthy Body, Healthy Hair, the Truth About Hair Loss. I have speakers Dr. Tom O’Brien, talking about autoimmune and gluten, and we talked about the H. pylori. Anyway, gut health, Evan Brand, Dr. Peter Kan, Dr. Aimie Apigian. We’ve got Dr. Amy Horman and Dr. Eric Osansky, they talk about hormones. Anyway, talk about all– We talk about mass cell activation. People don’t realize that is a huge cause of hair loss.
It’s a known cause. There’s something for everybody in the summit, because again, there’s so many causes of hair loss. There’s a lot of great resources. You have a great download, there’s a lot of great host gifts, and educational materials. My action package has four modules, and one of them is on stress. [laughs]
Ari: Awesome. When is that being launched?
Julie: It’s June 12th to the 18th, and then the Encore weekend is June 24th and 25th.
Ari: Okay, June 12th. Okay, so I got to get this interview out right away, to help. It’s got to go out this Saturday, then, this Saturday is– Okay. All right. This is a very tight interview time. I will get this rushed out to my audience, and also, let’s mention, to everyone listening, this summit is free access. When it launches, on the 12th, people get access to all of these talks, from all of these speakers, for free, for a period of five days, seven days, or something like that.
Julie: You can put in your show notes the registration links, because when they register, they also get access to some of these free host gifts and other gifts, such as yours.
Ari: Okay. Awesome. Julie, thank you so much for coming on the show. It was a pleasure. Thank you for educating everyone on the underlying drivers of hair loss, and how it can be prevented, treated, or reversed. I appreciate it. Best of luck with your upcoming summit.
Julie: Thank you so much, Ari. I appreciate you having me.
Show Notes
00:00 – Intro
00:10 – Guest Intro
01:45 – The root causes of hair loss
06:05 – COVID shed
06:52 – The most common causes of hair loss
13:00 – The hormones that affect hair loss
14:15 – Reversing hair loss by treating the gut
19:19 – Does childhood trauma affect hair loss
22:12 – How toxins are linked with hair loss
24:50 – The microbiome’s connection with hair health
29:02 – The best nutrients to support hair growth
38:28 – Julie’s best recommendations to prevent or reverse hair loss