How good of a “mover” are you? Put more clearly: How well can move your body through the movements and ranges of motion that the human body is designed to move in? If you’re like most people living in the modern world, the answer is that you’re probably an extremely bad mover.
What most people don’t realize is that this seemingly simple thing — the degree to which your body is capable of moving through the ranges of motion it’s designed to move in, and the extent to which you regularly do those movements — has a huge impact on things like pain, poor posture, performance, and energy levels.
This week, I talk to Austin Einhorn, “Chief Movement Jedi” and trainer of dozens of pro athletes about how to use simple movement training (not any crazy workouts) to increase energy, improve performance, and eliminate pain.
In this podcast, we’ll cover
- What it means to have good foot health (it is NOT what you think)
- How the clothes you wear might contribute to fatigue
- How stretching the right way can prevent disease and how most people are stretching in a way that causes poor health
- How to optimize your exercise for better results
- How to fix tightness in the lower back
- Why sitting is bad for your posture (and how to counter it)
- The “Third World” squat – why you should be able to perform a deep squat and why most people can’t
- How movement training can make you a better runner (and avoid injuries)
- How to strengthen your glutes using movement training
- The right way to walk
- How most people trying to lose weight train in ways that aren’t conducive to successful weight loss
- Why most women are afraid of weight training (and why they shouldn’t be)
- The main reasons why you should listen to your body when you do any type of movement
- Austin’s “Movement Vitamin” free videos
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Increase Energy, Improve Performance, and Eliminate Pain using Movement Training, with Movement Jedi Austin Einhorn – Transcript
Ari Whitten: Hi everyone, this is Ari Whitten and welcome back to the energy blueprint podcast. Today I have with me, Austin Einhorn, who is, I love his title… It’s chief movement and founder of Apiros, which is a basically a place for elite athletes to come and get cared for it, get a coaching and cared for by all kinds of different specialists there. And Austin, I’ll read you a bit about his background and here he is a former professional volleyball player and he has since gone on to work with professional athletes from the NFL, NBA, Major League Baseball, NHL, a professional golfers, professional surfers, professional volleyball players. He’s coached Olympic athletes and he’s really. The reason he calls himself a movement Jedi is because he is not just a traditional, like personal trainer. He’s not just a traditional athletic trainer or strength and conditioning coach. He’s not just a traditional a physical therapist.
Ari Whitten: He has skills and talents and abilities and knowledge that go that encompass these things, but also go beyond all of those things. And I had the pleasure of meeting him a couple months ago and we got to hang out quite a bit and he is just a brilliant guy and I actually have some expertise going back many years in this realm of fitness and corrective exercise and, and that whole realm. So I actually have a lot of expertise in that and I was very good at what I, what I do, what I did, but I’m, Austin takes things to a whole other level and his level of knowledge and skills are way beyond. I mean he’s the one percent of the one percent of people in this field. So it is my pleasure to introduce all of you to Austin Einhorn. Austin, welcome to the podcast.
Austin Einhorn: Great to be here. Thank you for that intro.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. So, this is kind of a unique thing, right? Because my audience is not professional athletes. My audience is a regular people, and sometimes even people with severe debilitating chronic fatigue, who maybe haven’t done any exercise in several years. And so they might be listening to this and maybe immediately turned off like, what the hell can I learn from some guy who trains elite athletes, but I want to kind of set the context for this interview that we’re not going to be talking about you. Like the goal of this is not to talk about your methods of how you train elite athletes. The goal is to talk about your expertise in movement and how that applies to everyone, even regular people and how your knowledge can benefit pretty much everyone. And, and I know from talking to you from other conversations we’ve had, you have a lot of wisdom to share with people. So, what I’d like to do to get started is actually have you talk a bit about your background and how you got into this field and how you became the movement Jedi that you are.
Austin Einhorn: I mean, if you really want to go back as far as when I started, I’ve always been passionate observer of movement. I mean I still remember playing soccer and then see this and I’d watch a kid run that was so fast. I was like, but his feet are pointing weird directions, but he’s so fast and that was just, I didn’t know what to make of that and fast forward to college, we didn’t have the budget to have a normal like strength and conditioning coach and since I was the guy who trained the most and relatively new the most, my coach ended up making it a requirement that everyone had to train with me at least once or twice a week. Not that I knew what I was doing. And you know, at that time in college everyone is wandering and being asked what are you going to do next?
Austin Einhorn: What are you going to do with your life and like, I don’t know. I was going to prolong that as long as I could with professional volleyball career. I bought a one way ticket to Europe, tried out, made a team in Germany. Many thought I was going to stay playing for three to five years and then figure everything else out. I hated it. I quit like three quarters of the way through the season. Traveled the rest of Europe. Spent a lot of time staring out a window on 15 hour train rides, figuring out, okay, what am I going to do when I get home? All my friends were going back to school because I mean who really starts a career after adjust their undergrad these days. That was the expectation that I was putting on myself and so I had a Sushi with some friends who were working at a pet facility and they’re like, awesome, you have this aide opening.
Austin Einhorn: You should interview to be a physical therapy aide. Sure, I’d love that. I’ll go to people’s to school if I like it. Within about a month or so, I realized this isn’t for me. I don’t want to do physical therapy, but I really liked what I was learning there. So I stuck around to learn what they were teaching me and then one of the bosses was like, why don’t you get your CSCS? And just like many of the listeners that are like, what the hell as a CSCS? That’s an. He told me it’s a certified strength and conditioning specialist credential and I was like, wait, I could do that as my career. Okay. Fast forward, I’m certified and been of coaching for a year very loosely. I get my first professional athlete. I’m Dwight Lowery and this is kind of my Robert Frost a moment when I decided to take one path of a instead of another four weeks after we were trained me and he improved his vertical by six inches.
Ari Whitten: You’re talking to regular people, man. You can’t use trainer speak. You’re trying to say that he improved his vertical jump.
Austin Einhorn: Sorry. So he can jump a certain amount of interest. Let’s say it was 36 inches in the air and it within four weeks we moved it up to 42 inches in the air, which is a lot in that amount of time, especially for somebody who’s been in the NBA nfl for six years at the time. It wasn’t like he had not trained at all. He was already the top one percent of football players in the world.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. And I’ll just interject with some context, which is that when you’re working with somebody who’s already any elite athlete, you’re talking about improvements on the order of one percent, two percent, five percent, not, you know, a 20 percent or 30 percent improvement so that just so people understand that that is a huge level of improvement that we’re talking about.
Austin Einhorn: And uh, I at that point that like validated what I was doing with my life and what I like, what I did for him and I saw him in a very intimidating growing man, get like schoolboy giddy about his potential. And after that we dove into a very deep relationship and we’re still good friends today. You just retired and I love that. We’re still talking and hanging out. and at that moment I was like, I love this. I wanted to dedicate my life to this. And it’s been a pretty fast growth curve. That was five years ago and here we are today.
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. And since then, you’ve not only worked with one professional athlete, but you’ve worked with dozens of professional athletes in lots of different sports.
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, I kinda revel in the fact that I’m one of the younger people in my field at the position that I’m at. And I just spoke at this first inaugural, that type of sport skill acquisition conference in Minnesota and I was the youngest presenter presenting it against a next to people that have theories with their names and them and textbooks and I’m, I’m just so happy and grateful that I’ve been able to get where I am and help as many people as I have been able to who have sought out so many other people. And then they come to me and I offered them immense amounts of value. It’s really fulfilling. And then I do work with general population from time to time. And you know, it’s very valuable for them is it means justice fulfilling to work with them to just different goals or different goals are accomplished.
What you have to gain from listening to this podcast
Ari Whitten: Yeah. Beautiful man. Why I love when you know, kind of the stars align in just the right way where you have the right person with the right brain and the right passions kind of falling into the life circumstances that send them down a pathway that’s just aligned perfectly with their skillsets and their talents and their passions and kind of the melding of all those things creates this kind of this, this beautiful thing where you get a person who’s super passionate and amazing at what they do and, and, and brilliant at what they do. And so you are in that category when it comes to movement. So when with with that in mind, knowing that you have this background working with professional athletes, what does the listener to this podcast, the average person have to gain? What do they have to gain from listening to this conversation? And from your knowledge, what can we glean from it that can benefit their lives
Austin Einhorn: A lot! So let’s start with, let me start with pain.
Austin Einhorn: I think that almost, I guess so much pain and almost every non-contact injury, meaning someone doesn’t crash it into your knee or hit by a car, injuries, no, you fall or you pick something up and you’re straining your back. You pull your back. That’s the comical movie moment. I think they’re all can be prevented. Even the ones that 75, 80 years old, I think the fact that so many elderly or that break their hips and are terrified to break, that can be prevented. So if you don’t have to think about pain in your day to day life and are not fearful about your grandkids running up and jumping on you, I think overall quality of life has improved as well as any. Anything else that your body needs to send energy to. What we’ll have more resources to do that if it’s not constantly repairing a tiny meniscus tear or movement that’s creating a tear in your meniscus from your everyday to day life.
Ari Whitten: Yeah, absolutely. There’s also this, this relationship of, of pain to energy levels in particular that, and also to, to joint mobility, and to just like movement in general. So like the more restricted a person tends to be in there, their bodily movements, the more that their body has lost the capability to move through proper range of motions, the more pain they tend to have and the more pain a person tends to have. that pain tends to sap their energy levels, and there, I mean literally there’s different brain circuitry that’s being activated when you lose when you’re in pain, that I think directly detracts from feeling energetic. It’s almost like the pain and inflammation, like send your body into more of a rest and rehabilitation mode. They’re kind of like cuing you to like, like, like rest. We need to heal instead of like, hey, your body’s functioning great. Go move around a lot. You know what I mean?
Austin Einhorn: I think of trust and confidence as an equation of behavior over time. And if you don’t have a lot of movement behavior over time, there’s not a whole lot of trust or confidence that your body can have and it’s movement and so there more and more research saying that after surgery or with pain and in. Yeah, with pain science, more movement is better. He has pain oftentimes is the teacher has a quote that I love by Vladimir Yanda and if pain is the only way the musculoskeletal system can protect itself, it’s speaking to you. If you get food poisoning, you’re going to throw it up because your digestive system is trying to protect itself and so pain is viewed as this obstacle or very negative thing. I love pain. When I have pain, I kind of get excited because now I know I’m going to have this teacher with me all the time as long as I choose to appreciate it, and then I can start moving a little bit more and learning about, oh, I can have more pain here, or I could even ask, does this actually hurt? Or I met just creating this in my mind. It’s just a just a big stretch. It’s actually not, not paint.
Ari Whitten: Interesting. That frame shift is huge because most people experience pain and they just, they’re like, Oh man, I’m in pain. This hurts. I need to take a painkiller to get out of pain. Why is that paradigm aproblem?
Austin Einhorn: It promotes a little. It promotes a little bit of a victim mindset I think. And and that they don’t have the solution within themselves. They need some external. They need some as seen on TV, copper neighbor race or pill or cream or something they see on shark that claims are removed back pain. But your body and brain have the tools. It’s just finding somebody to open your toolbox for you or show you what tools you can have.
The importance of good foot health
Ari Whitten: Interesting. So with the regular person in mind, the average listener who maybe let’s say is either not doing any exercise or maybe exercises regularly but doesn’t particularly have any idea what they’re really doing, doesn’t have any expertise in this area. and doesn’t have any understanding of biomechanics or movement or, or any of this stuff that you’re an expert in. What are some of the big areas of have specific tips and strategies that we can start to talk about to, to benefit people’s eyes? And I, I guess, well, I’ll phrase I actually know the answer to this since we’ve talked in preparation for this podcast and we’ve gone over all these different ones. So I guess I’ll be more specific and just say, I know we’ve talked about, you know, the one of the first ones we talked about, his feet and I know you’re really big into the feet and how the feet move and proper foot function and foot health too. Can you talk a bit about that and why it’s important for people to move their feet in the right way and have good foot health.
Austin Einhorn: Your foot is that one of the main interfaces we have with the earth. And if we think about gravity as an energy, and I’m going to try and make this more about energy since that’s the podcast. Your foot is the interface where you get to transfer your energy into the earth and receive it back from the earth. And the more efficient your functions and the more closely to its I’ somewhat ideal functionality, the better your energy will flow to and from the earth, the better the rest of your body will stack up upon that. And why it’s become so much more important these days is because of the external environments we put them in, being socks, shoes, concrete, tile, wood, whatever, instead of a very dynamic environment. And so something I’m sure you’ve talked about in your listeners, you probably know, is that just like with your diet, you want to have a diverse diet.
Austin Einhorn: You want to have a diverse movement environment in a diverse environment for your foot. So being able to walk on sand pebbles maybe in a river on a wooden log, yes, on concrete, on grass, even grass lumpy Greg sideway or a hill facing the hill maybe facing left on the hill and right on the hill going down the hill slowly, and so that your foot can operate in. It’s true dynamic nature and accommodate to the environment. But when we were tight socks and shoes that are tight shoes that are tight, not all shoes are bad. it changes the nature of our foot, which then changes the nature of our ankle and then up the stream. And along with this right now, there’s this big positive fat of barefoot, everything, barefoot walking, barefoot, running vibram five fingers for your training or the zero drop shoes.
Austin Einhorn: And yes, and that’s not enough to actively work against what the socks and shoes have done to our feed. Your socks and shoes are confining rearfoot and making it more narrow and rigid and you need to actively open that back up and work against it instead of just going barefoot, just going barefoot as a positive step up. But then we can do some very simple things to restore your phone functionality and you’ll feel different throughout your entire body. You’ll walk different, you’ll stand different. You might notice differences in the ground so you don’t trip over something or you don’t trip and fall and break your hip. Things like that.
Ari Whitten: I want to just ground this in context, kind of going back to what we were getting at earlier, which is to not get lost in the details of we’re talking about foot function, which might seem like an obscure thing like why should I care whether my foot is in a sock or not or is barefoot or not, or at zero drop shoes like this seems like a small issue, but ultimately all these little aspects of movement lead to you having a more functional, more pain free, more energetic energetic body that’s going to not have arthritis and joint problems and injuries as you get older you’re going to be healthier and more functional. And learning about this stuff really translates into that. So I just want to kind of remind people of that context as, as we’re talking about like these seemingly very obscure details around like the, the kind of shoes that a person is wearing. but yeah, the, the foot stuff is, is very interesting. So would you recommend a not wearing socks or doing like five finger socks or I’m doing barefoot shoes. What’s your kind of ideal when it comes to that?
Austin Einhorn: So as far as the external environment? Yes, the five finger socks, if you can afford that. I have several pair but I don’t have enough to fill my wardrobe. I go through socks crazily enough, a crazy amount. And so I have, I’ve found these pumas socks that are stretchy enough and very thin in the toe area where I can manually spread out my foot or my toes just by controlling my feet individually and that they will open up and play and there’s minimal tension along my toes. I know dress socks are also typically good for this. I’m the Pumas theme seemed to last a little bit longer as far as shoes. We would want something ideally that’s a flat. So there’s the heel is the same height as the toes and wide enough where your toes don’t hit the edges
Ari Whitten: And then the toes especially can kind of spread out and move more naturally rather than being sort of forced together into that like tight pattern.
Austin Einhorn: Exactly. Imagine the difference between a motorcycle and a car with four wheels, get more surface area, more balance, more different environments. We can go over and not fall over.
Ari Whitten: Okay. And then the other thing is like diverse foot nutrition of walking on different surfaces and, and kind of different terrain to allow the, the foot muscles and the muscles around the ankle to, to kind of activate properly.
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, if you can, if not the lowest hanging fruit would be to interlace your fingers in between your toes and you go all the way down to the knuckles because what we’re trying to open up as the not just the toes and then getting creative and exploring the movements that your foot is capable of being gentle, listening to your body. Don’t just talk through something more, isn’t always better and explore a big movements and really, really subtle movements.
How waistbands interfere with your health and energy
Ari Whitten: Gotcha. Okay. So that’s feet. What, what other areas should people be aware of? What other things are going on in people’s lives that, that you think are really important? to tractors from physical function.
Austin Einhorn: So the next three things that I would think about, and we’ll go through each one, but the waist band of clothes and how that interferes with your whole system sitting and shoulders. Okay? And so the waistband, there’s probably very few people that I know that even sleeping naked, almost everybody is wearing a waistband 24 hours a day from diapers to death. And depending on the stiffness that this waistband and it really is going to offset how efficient you are, not only a movement, it can affect back pain and your digestive digestive sort of quality and you’re breathing ability. So when we stand and then we sit down, our stomach is supposed to expand as our hips bend, our stomach is supposed to get bigger and when that’s restricted by a waistband, the organs that are beneath your stomach tissue beneath the surface, they got to go somewhere and a lot of times they’re going to go up into your lungs or your intestines that are.
Austin Einhorn: They are going to then press against your liver and your stomach. Sometimes that might result in say an acid reflux or some indigestion, constipation, back pain a lot of times because if your stomach can’t go forward, it’s going to want to go backwards and I might take your back with it so then your back is more likely to round and compress and sheer. And that my result in the back pain epidemic that we have today, I think clothes are definitely part of that. I’m breathing. If your liver and your stomach are being shoved up into your lungs, you’re not going to. I’ll breathe nearly as efficiently and if you’re breathing how many thousand times a day and all of those are restricted because of the waistband. You’re not then getting as efficient of oxygen return, throughout your whole body that touch on some of the points. I think there’s an obvious interface with, with overall energy levels here, which is, you know, even like a one or two or three percent in efficiency or increased resistance of each breath, which is like probably sub perceptible person’s not even going to notice it, but it’s going to result in, in this very subtle, chronic, low level deficiency of, of oxygen in the system. They’re just not oxygenating and removing waste products through the breath as efficiently as they should be. And you know that. So yeah, the stuff is very interesting. I’ve never heard anybody talk about this. I have to say that I’ve always personally been annoyed with waistbands and kind of noticed them like, and found them very annoying in terms of like, just the physical aspect. It doesn’t feel right to have them. but I’ve never heard anybody actually talk about them in the way that you talk about it. So I find that fascinating. So the next one is sitting, is that right?
Austin Einhorn: And one last thing about the waistbands, and it’s a good segue way into the setting is where I’m an event where I need, I want to care about my social appearance and value where I will wear a flax, some sort of slacks or jeans. I simply just unbutton it when I sit down and lost my shirt is tucked in.
Ari Whitten: Oh I just take my pants completely off. I’m like “Hey man… I hope you don’t mind, but these waistbands are really chaffing me.” Hahaha
Why sitting is bad for you
Austin Einhorn: Haha “yeah I’ll put them on when I stand up.” haha. Yeah. It’s a simple. Just you unbuttoned to set and buttoned back up on your stamp. I’m definitely no belts. Cool. Yeah. Otherwise strategy raised sitting. We need to earn our sitting time more effectively these days in order to accomplish a lot of people want to accomplish in their life. It revolves, it necessitates sitting in front of a screen or just sitting to drive or some sort of sitting. And so there’s this compressional effect and breathing issue. When we sit, even even after ever stretchy waistband, we’re still gonna probably slouch and reduce our breathing efficiency. and so I would encourage people to find ways to decompress the spine and that’s where I’m releasing my eye movement vitamins online, but I’m also going to release my free anti-sitting series, something that people can do to earn their sitting time. So if, for instance I’m flying to this wedding is going to be two to three hour flight sitting a chair that’s way too small for me in the airport and probably after I’m going to do these for maybe five to 10 minutes to help decompress my spine so that I can afford to then sit in this tiny chair for two to three hours. Another low hanging fruit, pun intended is just to hang from a pull up bar or a tree branch. I think it’s, I think it’s kind of funny that there’s these expensive inversion boots to, to like Acrobat your way up to a bar and hook your feet into or these expensive inversion tables or traction tables to decompress your spine. However, if you just use your hands and hold onto a pull up bar and relax, you’re going to let gravity. Again, this free energy that’s always there to help decompress our spine and open up our body like an accordion and reduce some functionality to our shoulders that I believe are built to hang and swing from branches to branches. And without that behavioral stimulus, our shoulders will change.
Ari Whitten: Elaborate on that a bit more. What do you mean by that? This concept of we’re built to hang and what’s actually going on in the shoulder joint if we lose this activity of hanging in our lives. And how does that actually translate into something that, that matters on a practical level for, for people listening?
Austin Einhorn: So, I can’t use any visuals, but your shoulder socket, you can of two different roofs, a snow roof that’s quite steep and in there as the ball in the socket in this steep roof. And as the arm comes up, that steep roof impinges or hits against the army can create some issues and a pain or even tears and injuries. However, when we hang a lot, that Tahoe roof will flatten out to like an la roof where it’s flat and open and spacious so that the arm has a lot of room to move and that the whole roof will cooperate a lot better with that. and it’s going to help decompress and mobilize our ribcage where especially where the shoulders are and for women I find this to be hugely beneficial because they’re wearing a bra all the time, which is like a second waistband and so ribs three through five are really constructed as well for them. And so I find hanging can help open this up a lot as well.
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. What else? So we’ve talked about waistbands, we’ve talked about sitting, we’ve talked about hanging a. What was the third one beyond hanging? It was hanging. Okay, sorry, go ahead.
Why squatting is good for your health
Austin Einhorn: Sorry I’m interrupting, but I haven’t talked about squatting.
Ari Whitten: Okay, let’s do that.
Austin Einhorn: Um, and I know we’re running short on time here, but so think about the accordion of your body a lengthening out. It’s getting a full stretch hanging and then squatting wouldn’t be the full compression, a deep squat. I really don’t like being called a third world squat days because why should this type of move movement be labeled as only what’s done in third worlds? I don’t know if you notice right now, but I’m on the ground right now. I don’t own chairs anymore because I like being on the ground and having this slightly less comfortable in the environment which requires me to move around a lot more. One of the positions I’ve had is a deep squat and so knowing that most people listening are not going to be able to get to the bottom and arrest, and that’s okay. Eventually your body will adapt to get there. It’s adapted to a chair and a very elevated squat that can unlearn that and adapt to a deep restful squat. And this is very good for the hips, the spine, the knees, the ankles, your organs, the digestion. And I know a squatty potty is getting very popular these days, which is basically an elevated floor.
Ari Whitten: And, and just to clarify for people listening who are maybe not familiar with that term, Third World Squat, explain what that is and this kind of idea of, of a deep restful squat. I know it’s kind of a little hard to illustrate without a visual, but,
Austin Einhorn: So a deep restful squat would be, I view a squat as just moving your center of mass or you run your belly button straight down to the ground. there’s a lot of myths around the squat where your go back or your knees can’t go in front of your toes. but really it’s just how low can you get your butt to the ground, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Ideally, most people won’t get their feet flat to the floor and that’s okay. Over time that can happen and you can hold onto some objects for balance. Every now and then. This is my movement and vitamin number one for anybody who wants an in-depth instructional video for this. but yeah, does that elaborate and paint the picture well enough?
Ari Whitten: Yeah, absolutely. and it’s, it’s a, it’s a pooping position obviously. Uh, but it’s also a resting position traditionally for humans for, I mean if you, if you look at like modern day hunter gatherer tribes and even uh, you know, a lot of people that are not necessarily hunter gatherers, but just kind of regular people in certain countries still living more traditional lifestyles where they’re outdoors, they’re, they’re working outdoors. You’ll often see people kind of like guys, you know, eating lunch in, like it just stand in a, in a, in a deep squat position, but they’re just kind of resting in this squat position. Basically what they’re kind of like, they’re butting their hamstrings, like on their calves and just kinda hanging out. They’re kind of their, all of their weight being supported by their joints. But modern humans have basically lost that function. They’ve lost the joint mobility to be able to actually get into that position.
Ari Whitten: So if you ask a modern human, the Westerner, to go into that position, first of all, they won’t even be able to get into it. They will actually lose their balance and fall backwards or they’ll just stop, you know, several inches above that point. And you know, their bodies won’t go any further and nope. Then there’ll be working really hard, you know, all their muscles will be engaged so they won’t actually be able to enter into that deep restful squat, what some people call a third world squat. And so what you’re saying is with practice you can train yourself into that and that’s opening up a multiple joints of your body in very beneficial ways. Is that accurate?
Austin Einhorn: Totally. Then it becomes a really useful tool for you. I was waiting, I was waiting in line at the DMV for two and a half, three hours a few weeks ago and everyone else is standing and getting really uncomfortable and assuming is like bad posture. And luckily I then get to sit or squat and it was a savior for me and I just squatted in red and if it moved forward I just kinda stayed in my squat and just hobbled the forward and kind of stayed here for a long, long time.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. At the end of the day, those little things really add up whether you, whether you were the person at the DMV who were just standing still in a crappy posture or sitting in a chair and a crappy posture, not moving, or you were moving your body through ranges of motion gently and actually engaged in movement, engaged in opening up the joints. At the end of the day, your body is experiencing a lot less pain and, and you feel a lot better.
Austin Einhorn: Totally. And then your energy can go towards other things.
Muscle tone, length, and tension
Ari Whitten: Yeah, absolutely. So hanging deep squat, a close waistband, sitting, feet. One other thing I know we wanted to cover is his muscle tone and length, tension relationships and kind of balance of muscles across joints. Can you talk a bit about that?
Austin Einhorn: Yeah. So it’s kind of this other myth these days that even a lot of athletes believe in people that you’re just stiff and you’re more flexibility is better. And you know, there’s pictures of Serena Williams that our prayers with her doing the splits and hitting a forehand and well, well sure, that’s impressive and rare. It’s not that great and that there is more or less, the idea of being too flexible and that having a functional stiffness in certain places, it’s quite useful. And so you can think of a last set of, let’s say a sock and you grab the toes and the end of the sock and you stretch it all the way out. What is going to happen to the sock if you hold this stretch or repeat this stretch every single day or a long time? I’m asking you.
Ari Whitten: Yeah, it’s, it’s problematic. I mean, what, what comes to mind is actually I’ve had it in a number of yoga practitioners and Yoga teachers that I’ve known over the years who stretch and stretch and stretch the stretch their hamstrings like crazy. And then I will often hear them remark like constantly, my hamstrings are really tight. I need to stretch out my hand streets. Like they constantly feel a tightness in their hamstrings and feel compelled by their, like signals from their body to stretch their hamstrings. And then when you watch them stretch their hamstrings, they’re extraordinarily flexible. They’re like already way too flexible and yet they’re subjectively feeling this tightness.
Austin Einhorn: Yeah. So, if we stretch the sock out from end to end and then we can strumming a guitar string, guitar strings are not loose. They’re very tight. They feel tight to the touch. But when we look at it from end to end receive, there’s a great distance between those two that’s creating this tension. So the subject of experience then might be, I’m really tight, but they’re not noticing the end points of how stretched out they’ve become. And then part of their culture and their beliefs is then to continue to stretch and, and depending on what you want to do, that might be the best thing for you. If you want to sit in the full lotus position for 14 hours a day, you’re probably going to need to stretch every single day like this. However, knowing that that’s going to be a sacrifice for some other things and that your energy might be depleted or when you encounter a more diverse life activity, going on, a random hike with friends, playing tennis, picking up a grandchild, playing sport with kids are just wanting to pick up your own sport. This excessive flexibility most likely won’t serve you.
The optimal way to stretch
Ari Whitten: Yeah. Interesting. So, so what’s the optimal balance there as far as stretching and not stretching? You know as an aside, this is a little bit of a digression, but I just came across a fascinating study in mice, but really intriguing nonetheless. It actually showed, it’s kind of a weird but remarkable study. It showed that mice who were kind of forced into a stretching position sometimes who had cancerous tumors. The tumors grew remarkably slower than mice who didn’t do any of stretching. I think this study, the study had a very creative title, it was called downward facing mouse. And it was fascinating, but basically suggesting that there seems to be some kind of a deeper health benefit to stretching, like overall systemic health benefit to do stretching beyond just sort of this localized, you know, lengthening of muscle or tendons.
Austin Einhorn: Yeah. I mean, I’m not saying all stretching is bad. I think what it’s done, ignorantly or done in excess, it can be dangerous. You know, almost all animals will go into some stretching position. Those people who have cats and dogs will know they’re going to do the stretching position just for a moment. Frequently they move around and there’s more growing research that more stretching or stretching before you go on a run or play basketball or whatever doesn’t prevent injury. And so, you know, stretching can be simple or complex depending on how you want to view it. I would just say people can get more informed on their stretching routine if it’s being useful for what they want to do with their body and their life.
Ari Whitten: Do you have any practical guidelines or recommendations? As far as. I mean, let’s just take an average person that doesn’t do much activity. Should they engage in some kind of stretching routine in your opinion or, or should they be more concerned with maybe a movement and mobility routine where they learn to take their body through different ranges of movement?
Austin Einhorn: I would prefer a movement that I’m a movement to that results in some sort of scratch knowing that if something is tight and needs to be stretched, the opposing muscle, there’s probably quite weak. So a tight muscle is also very strong. Muscle it long muscle is quite weak muscle. And so in finding movements that then, would result in strengthening the opposite. So overly simplified example would be if, say your hamstrings are tight or your quad is probably too long and weak. If your back is tight, your abdominals would be too long and too weak. Bicep two types, tricep to week. Does that make sense? That it’s overly simplified, but that would be a better framework to think of when trying to stretch?
Ari Whitten: Yeah, absolutely. So let’s make it practical. Let’s say somebody who has a tightness in their lower back, what would you recommend to them to fix that? Or they have tightness in their hip flexors, maybe they’re working a desk job for hours and hours each day, and they feel tightness in their hip flexors. What kinds of imbalances with those people have and what would your recommendations be in those scenarios?
Austin Einhorn: Okay, so if they have tightness in their lower back, they probably have an arch in the lower back, which means they have too long of hamstrings. So stretching their hamstrings will not help their back, most likely. and then sitting in their chair, they might feel their hip flexors are tight because there are slouching and are out there and range, so they might feel at their hip flexors, but they are not accurately describing the feeling that the length is too long and what they actually need to do is tight in their hip flexors. so it make sense.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. So somebody who works at a desk job, your, your recommendation would be to tighten their hip flexors more to do hip flexor exercises.
Austin Einhorn: Um, yeah, but not, not isolated. One’s a better one would be go climb the stairs at your office and take as big of steps as possible and when you bring your knee up towards that next step, put one hand on your stomach and one hand on your low back and as your knee comes up, you shouldn’t feel much movement in your stomach or your back because if you’re not moving your back and it’s being stable, then you will be moving at your hip and flexing your hip to make that step. Gotcha. Does that make sense?
How to do movement training for your glutes
Ari Whitten: Yeah. What about glutes? Do you have any thoughts on, on glutes? Because in my experience, this is an area that is almost universally weak and underdeveloped in most people and this is a really important a muscle. It involved in kind of the balance of the whole pelvis and hip joints and function and a lot of different movements.
Austin Einhorn: Totally. It depends on the person. Again, more simplified if their back as round. Most of the time or glutes are probably so tight, they do not know how to stretch and relax, which creates this desirable dynamic work function that we like and this I’m better curvature that a lot of people are after four biological and social reasons. So again, the opposite of the glute work is the hip flexor work, so getting in and out of hip flection positions. We’ll get the glutes to work as long as the backstage is neutral. If you bend over and your backgrounds, you’re not bending at your hip. I’m just because you do a deadlift, quote unquote, lifting something off the ground or picking something off the ground does not mean your glutes are working. It would depend on the state of the, the pelvis to simplify that. Guide me. How would you like me to simplify that for your audience?
Ari Whitten: Um, maybe give an example of how someone can strengthen their glutes.
Austin Einhorn: Okay. So everyone at home got a broomstick and I’m going to stand up just because I teach best when I, I can do it a little bit myself. And okay. So they got a broomstick and they held it along their back. Their hand is going to be on their low back, holding the broomstick handle their neck, and they’re going to feel three contact points or head the back of their head on the broomstick or a rib cage or the sorry, their back of their upper spine on the broomstick and their sacrum, the in between their butt cheeks and they are going to then make it their chest or make the broomstick parallel with the ground. As they bend over. They should do this while staying as balanced as possible in their feet. Meaning if their knees go backwards, all their weight’s going to be on their heels.
Austin Einhorn: And if they do this in their weight, goes to their toes, they’re not going to be moving through their hips too well. And so when they lean over, they’re going to keep all three points of contact on the broom should keep their spine in neutral and load their hips. And so by continuing to bend here, over and over, that should give them context of what a good hip, hinge or deadlift movement. So that they could then grab a band or a light weight and repeat this into a point where they get some good muscle activation and can enhance the movement quality of their low back, their knees, their hips, their feet, their brain, as they sense what is going on and get more acquainted with their body. You’re on mute now. There we go.
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. So I had to some bunch of crows outside my window here going crazy. So I thought I’d be myself to not interrupt your your sound quality. So if somebody is listening to this and they’re currently not physically active, they’re sedentary, they have no clue how to start moving in the direction of better physical fitness. What would be your recommendations like on a very simple practical level to help someone get started in the direction of not necessarily becoming a movement jedi? I like yourself, but I’m just having some basic movement moving in the direction of movement mastery.
Austin Einhorn: Well, I mean, I selfishly think my movement vitamin video series as a great start. They’re designed for anybody in mind. my professional athletes do them as well as sedentary or people who don’t have a long history of movement can do them. Even I get pictures or videos sent of this 90 year old, a war veteran that goes through the some of these movements that I didn’t expect him to be a role I do. And so that being said, I think anybody can do them and if you have a little bit of common sense with it and feel your body with it, you can break them down into whatever segments are doable for you. And then I was encouraged to just have more diversity of movement in your life. If you’re the person who goes to the gym Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and you’d do your Monday workout, your Wednesday workout in your Friday work on, you’ve been doing that for 10 years. Start changing things up. Okay.
How to use walking as movement training
Ari Whitten: I know you mentioned in our phone call preparing for this. You mentioned walking as a big step. Do you have some thoughts on that?
Austin Einhorn: Yes. Walking would be huge. I think it’s, I think it’s just as essential as deep squat and hanging and when people walk, you probably are taking too long of a step. I would say shorten up your step. for instance, I was on a walk with our mutual friend, Dr Scott. His steps were longer than mine. I’m six four, he might be 5:11. I’m sorry if I got that wrong, Scott. So his steps should not be longer than mine. I’ve got much longer legs. and then secondly with a walking, just start noticing what direction your feet and your knees are pointing our, your hands swinging are both of them swinging the same amount and started having maybe a mindfulness practice with your walk. Scott doesn’t know this yet because it was not the time to tell him yesterday his left foot turns out like 30 degrees has me, is going straightforward. He’s spending a lot of energy repairing that me from his stress every day. And why that’s important to you is each step is about 150 times your weight. and so if they
Ari Whitten: Explain what you mean.
Austin Einhorn: Okay. So your center of mass is highest one, that’s your balancing your on a full limb stance. If you took a picture, you’re a straight line from your ear down on top of your foot as you then step forward and reach your heel out in front of you for that next step. Your center of mass goes down and as it goes down, as it comes to earth, that gravity, the gravitational force of that impact is about 150 times your body weight. And so a hundred pound person now experiences 150 times that for that one step.
Ari Whitten: Okay? So 150 percent, not 150 times,
Austin Einhorn: uh,
Ari Whitten: uh, so this would be an absurdly high number. That’s, that’s what I was asking to clarify. So it’s 150 percent,
Austin Einhorn: So 1.5 times. Okay. Gotcha. Okay.
Ari Whitten: Sorry, go ahead. And, and then that results in. So you’re getting this kind of excessive weight and if the angles of the biomechanics are not correct, then you’re creating excess stress on all those tissues which then require repair.
Austin Einhorn: Yes, exactly. And knowing that it’s not going to be robotic. Even me, I consider myself a very good mover. My walking is dynamic. There’s a high amount of variability, but not so high that I have asymmetry. Once we have asymmetry, that’s when energy is being reallocated to repair tissues. Because over your 10,000 steps a day, you’re loading those tissues, not in an efficient way. And so more repair has to be done there.
Ari Whitten: Gotcha. Okay. So, so walking, any practical thoughts on how somebody should begin a walking practice?
Austin Einhorn: Just walk anywhere you want. Walk maybe a first and a simple environment, flat neighborhood, and just look first and see are your feet and your knees pointing the same direction that you want to go. Maybe they’re pointing the same direction, but they’re both pointing different directions that your knee, both knees are pointing out and both feet are pointing out or inwards. We’d like them to point where you want to go here. We’re going straight forward. They should both point straightforward. You’re turning left, they’re going to turn left. You get the idea.
Ari Whitten: Yeah, it is extremely common. I’ll add that. You see people that have either both, both feet and both knees pointing out or one foot, you know, the knees pointing straight forward and one foot on one side will be pointing like much greater to the side like you were talking about with, with Dr Scott. Uh, I see that kind of thing all the time. I’m also in the context of running, especially like I’m kinda like, I’m a, I’m a movement freak, so I noticed when somebody is running, like going for a jog, I would say upwards of 90 percent of people who are running have just absolutely terrible. A lower body biomechanics as far as the, the angles on their knee joints and, and their feet.
Austin Einhorn: Unfortunately the research doesn’t make running a favorable thing. A lot of people will say, don’t run because you’ll get hurt because 75 to 80 percent of runners get hurt and that injury reoccurs I think that’s because running is the lowest hanging fruit for fitness and everyone just thinks I can just go out and run. Yeah, I love that. But then seek some knowledgeable help on some efficient running mechanics so that you can continue to run as much as you’d like.
How to approach movement training
Ari Whitten: Yeah, absolutely. So one last thing, and we’re running short on time, but one last thing I wanted to cover with you is if you have any practical guidelines around how someone could begin a like a weight training regimen or a more intense exercise fitness routine and kind of like your thoughts on general structure for how somebody should approach weight training. Because a lot of people, I’d say there’s a couple common pitfalls that, that, that I will notice is you see women very commonly who are afraid of weights and who will either a only stick to the cardio machines or if they do do weights they will stick to five and 10 and maybe 15 pound dumbbells. And really like even after years of exercising, never progress beyond that. and then the other big thing that I’ll see is people who just do the same thing, you know, they’re doing the same exercise routine that they’ve been doing for five years and basically in the same way every week, month after month, year after year. So what are, what are your thoughts on like optimal ways to, for people to think about their exercise routine and start to structure it in an intelligent way that actually gets them results.
Austin Einhorn: So to cover a few things that you talked about. Most people go on cardio machines to trying to lose fat and that’s a quantitative mindset. Our biology works more with a cascade of events where if you did 10 sprints for 10 seconds, it’ll take you with a minute rest in between under 20 minutes you’ll probably be burning more fat and calories the rest of the day than 30 minutes on the stairmaster. So high intensity is great. One of the lowest hanging fruits I think for people would be sprinting up a hill. It encourages pretty damn good mechanics.
Austin Einhorn: Then again, common sense. Listen to your body if it’s trying to speak to you, to the women who are fearful of lifting big weights because they don’t want to get big and buff. I’m take it from many hearing, many stories in my own stories of why can’t I get bigger? I’m lifting really, really heavy and lots of men across the country have this like, God, I just plateau and I can’t get over 220 pounds or whatever. It’s pretty hard to pull it on muscle mass. There’s a lot of things you need to do. Lifting heavy weight is good. However, investigate how you move video yourself looking to me or have a person watch you. I think there’s a lot of implicit understanding of movement. If they’re just open our eyes. I go to say Globo gyms quite often when I travel and I see people pull on 300, 15 pounds off the ground, which is a lot and their back is so rounded and they’ve never thought to shift their focus from the weight to how they move. And so what I would say is explore and attitude of repetition without repetition.
Austin Einhorn: Listen to your body with that, and repetition without repetition is how many different ways can you repeat the same task of lifting the weight off the ground and putting it back down and understanding or feeling of a good communication with your body that, oh my knee going and like that. That doesn’t feel good. It feels better and exploring that with lighter weight. Before you go to a heavier weight, the heavier you go, the less movement variability you are afforded, and so you have permission to get creative with how you move. You don’t have to just do what magazines tell you what a low quality personal trainer tells you or what other people in the gym are doing. There’s more creativity out there. My instagram, if you look at it, it’s, Apiros. You’ll see a huge variety of things. Some of them have no weight at all and I would encourage people to try and experiment with it, with the agreement that you will listen to your body and not push through pain because I’m not there to guide you through it. Yeah.
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. So what about this? This issue of people kind of always stuck in the same routine. Do you have any thoughts on like periodization and like kind of how to, to very workouts over time?
Austin Einhorn: I have a lot of thoughts on periodization.
Ari Whitten: Can you summarize or give me a, like a basic, just in two minutes since we’re running short on time.
Austin Einhorn: Periodization is more of a myth. I’m, I’m a big fan of if you feel good enough to lift really heavy that day, do it if you feel like maybe you want to lift at a moderate way, but a lot of repetitions do that. and if you’re trying to go towards certain goals, vary things up every few weeks so that your body adapts to that stressor. Okay. Now it’s time to get creative. I can’t do it the same way. And so I got to find a different way to put the weight over my head. I did that same way for two weeks. We can do this on a macro level. Now I’ve got to find a different way for the next two weeks. Meaning different speed. Tempo, you can pause different movements. that’s, that would say that’s two minute summary. Most of the stuff about like specific block periodization stuff,
Ari Whitten: Probably a lot of people listening are not familiar with it, but periodization and block periodization is this concept of like basically do low reps and heavy weight for a period of time, then like moderate reps for a period of time and then high reps for a period of time and then kind of there’s what’s called deloading weeks in between and then you kind of cycle through different phases that are different in terms of the number of reps and that whether it’s real heavy weights are lighter weights for higher reps. it’s a basic idea of it and there’s all kinds of different sub types of different kinds of periodization that have been created for, for different roles in lots of different complexities to it. But that’s the basic gist of it. So what you’re saying is you don’t really believe in that and you believe in kind of like more of an intuitive approach of shifting things every couple of weeks or, or based on what you feel like doing on that given day.
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, just because you wrote in written down plan a for today to work out, but you don’t feel like doing planet. It doesn’t mean you should stick to it. Again, your body is beautifully created instrument that will tell you, guide you through movement and so based on someone’s body language that comes in, I’m going to crumple up and throw, plan it out the window because I know they’re not ready for that and that’s not optimal for them. And so I would encourage people to do that and then they get a better feedback back from their brain and their body.
Ari Whitten: Yeah. What what would you say to somebody who has no concept of how to listen to their body or be intuitive about what their body might need on any given day? Maybe they need some structure to start with to get an idea of like maybe they’ve never even tried any period of time where they’ve done, let’s say a woman who’s never graduated beyond the 15 pound dumbbells or never even tried any weight training at all, who has no concept of what it’s like to do heavier weights for less reps or or lighter weights for more reps, but who’s just looking to get into weight training. Is there any kind of generalized template for a person to get familiarized that or, or, or just like any kind of basic couple of tips that you might give that person
Austin Einhorn: They’re going to their explorer based off their own comfort zone. Then based off of their own beliefs that they believe they see that heavyweight, they can go pick it up. I’d encourage them to go do that because their mood, their mindset ever. Everything has shifted towards that, which will make it more likely to happen. However, it could just be like you slowly walking into the deeper end of the pool. It gets a little gradual. You just dip your toe in and it’s maybe more of a linear approach where you go from the 15. Okay, I’m gonna do the. Oh, that was fine. I lose 25 next week. Twenty to 25 is easy. I’m gonna jump up to 40, but I can’t do 15 reps with that. I’m only do five and just experiment. Not Thinking that there’s one right way or a template, but rather experiment and know that nothing is wrong.
Austin Einhorn: I think it’s a spectrum of lower quality and higher quality, but this more baby step relative baby step approach for each individual will be a good guide for them and then as far as getting in tune with their body, I’m a big fan of. The more you look, the more you see. What do you mean? Here’s an analogy. I never had Chicago deep dish pizza before this year I was teaching event in Chicago and one of my best friends came and visited me in Chicago from Indiana and he took me to his favorite pizza spot when he lived there and I was just so in the moment eating this pizza and it was so good and I was like, dude, dude, do you taste the butter and the crust so good? And he’s like, no. All I said was, hey, look for it. And then he found it.
Austin Einhorn: And so asking yourself the question of how does this feel in my back when I lift this up, I can’t really put a word on it, but maybe it’s not so good. I’m going to try a different position or maybe I’m going to expand my stomach pushing against my waistband and see how that makes my back feel. Oh, okay. Now that’s a different experience that I can compare it to and better I’m going to do that, or oh, that’s a worse. I don’t want to do that. I’m going to go away from that. Is that a good guide?
Ari Whitten: Yeah, absolutely. Awesome. So you’ve alluded to your movement vitamins a couple of times so far. I want you to kind of talk about what that is and I know that’s like basically the foundation of everything, right? Kind of. It all starts with movement, vitamins a and, and your. This is kind of like how you start people off as far as like building a foundation, your movement vitamin series. So what is a movement vitamin? This is a term that you’ve created a first of all, define it and then talk about your movement vitamins series and where people can get it.
Austin Einhorn: So great analogy is with food. I love food and that’s how I orchestrated my workouts. Is there on the menu of items. And so I just got one of my first test back from health optimization. One of the last guest you had on was Dr. Ted Achacoso, the creator of that and I found out I was deficient and lots of b vitamins. So you can be in b vitamins and you can be deficient in say coursed ability, ankle mobility or rotational pattern deficiency. And so this is a supplemental vitamin in an instructional video to improve that quality of your movement movement, optimization repertoire. And I try and keep them pretty short. The longest one is about feet with 10 minutes, but most of them are in between two and five minutes. I try to make it so that anyone can do them anywhere. and then after you’ve got your movement vitamins, a ingested, experienced, and know, have less movement deficiencies, then I encourage my athletes as to explore onto the first entree or an appetizer which is maybe a more intense or more stressful movement that promotes a better adaptation towards that deficiency. So it’s maybe a weighted movement or a faster movement that is in the same category as this movement deficiency.
Ari Whitten: Makes sense. So this is, this is basically by opting into this, people can actually get you visually demonstrating and teaching how to kind of build this foundation of movement of all these different patterns of movement, vitamins into their life, build greater mobility, greater function, decreased pain in their body, and, and avoid injury and pain and loss of function later in life.
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, absolutely. People need to lift up points to avoid injury and move.
Ari Whitten: Beautiful. So where can people go to get that information and, and it’s free, is that correct?
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, it’s all free. I try to send it out every week. Sometimes it’s twice a week, sometimes it’s once every 10 days. Depends on my schedule.
Ari Whitten: Do you do a different one every week?
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, I try to do different ones, different themes each week and some of them I plan to repeat with a higher sense of quality. So say it’s the first lower quality of, what’s the broad, deep squat, instructional movement vitamin? How can we get into deeper quality of the deep squat? Once you’ve practiced graduating thing, you can find it at If you can’t find it, it’s on a few of the pages at the bottom. You just click subscribe to our updates, our movement, vitamin update or email newsletter, wherever it’s listed,
Ari Whitten: And we’ll also put a link to it on the podcast page for this episode as well so you can get. And then one other question I have is in that free movement, new movement vitamin series, do you also have a link to prior videos that you’ve done, like when somebody first signs up for it or are you going to deliver like a series of the maybe the 10 most important foundational ones that someone should go through?
Austin Einhorn: Yeah, when you first sign up you’ll get a kind of a welcome email and there’s an intro video and the first movement vitamin and then with a that is a linked to the vimeo and Youtube archive and so the idea is with this vitamin you can then make your own method menu or recipe your own playlist to use the food analogies and so then for these two weeks or four weeks, I’m going to go through movement vitamins one, seven and nine or whatever because those what? That’s what makes me feel best. Okay. I’ve done those for four weeks, I’m going to do different ones where I’m going to try the new one that comes out every week and then maybe there’s a greatest hits that like, oh, you know what, I’m always gonna need number two, which is hanging. And then that stays in your program or your menu for as long as you want.
Ari Whitten: Great. And it’s What was it? Subscribe. Subscribe. Okay. And then I know you are also big on instagram. Where can people follow you there?
Austin Einhorn: That’s also just And if anybody has any questions you can please reach out if you can’t find anything, just ask my email. Is [email protected]
Ari Whitten: Okay. And you are in the Santa Cruz area, is that correct? And so if anybody’s located in that area or that vicinity of the bay area and they are interested in working with you, how should they contact you?
Austin Einhorn: Email would be best. And we do have, some, some of the other people at Apiros do travel and there are mobile and are up in San Francisco or San Jose area. So, location and the Bay Area, you don’t have to live in Santa Cruz or nearby to get some help.
Ari Whitten: Okay. What’s, what’s your email that people can reach you at?
Austin Einhorn: [email protected]
Ari Whitten: Okay. Beautiful. Well Austin, thank you so much. This has been an absolute pleasure to connect with you again, my friend and thank you for sharing your wisdom with my audience. I really appreciate it
Austin Einhorn: Thank you. I mean I really appreciate it and I’m really happy to hopefully make an impact on, on their energy, their health and their movement.
Ari Whitten: Yes. I, I know that it will and I know from personal experience of my history of doing some of this work, getting people more physically functional, it honestly just makes a huge difference in their, not just their physical function, not just their pain but their energy levels, their brain function, their mood. I mean, it just translates into so many benefits in their life. It just, the trickle down effect is, is amazing. So thank you. This stuff is, is critically important and I love a lot of these little tips and, and I learned several things from you as well. So this has been awesome, my friend, so take care and I look forward to having another conversation with you very soon.
Increase Energy, Improve Performance, and Eliminate Pain using Movement Training, with Movement Jedi Austin Einhorn – Show Notes
What you have to gain from listening to this podcast (9:27)
The importance of good foot health (15:04)
How waistbands interfere with your health and energy (22:22)
Why sitting is bad for you (26:42)
Why squatting is good for your health (31:04)
Muscle tone, length, and tension (36:30)
The optimal way to stretch (39:59)
How to do movement training for your glutes (45:34)
How to use walking as movement training (50:56)
How to approach movement training (56:22)
To sign up for Austin’s movement vitamins, click here.
You can reach Austin through email
Find Austin on Instagram