Hippocrates Was Right? The Truth About Fevers, Saunas, and Longevity!
Discover what science has revealed about ancient secrets to superhuman performance at all ages, using the latest technologies to overcome modern health crises.
All ancient cultures sought ways to warm the body; to relax, relieve pain, detoxify, heal faster, improve performance, even heighten consciousness. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, said, “Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease.” Come learn why (and most importantly how) you can claim that power to enjoy a richer life… even in a highly toxic world.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- How Nicholas Tesla may have given us the key to why saunas are now proven to increase life-span and quality of life
- How to hack your body’s response to heat, an evolutionary healing mechanism, enhanced by science, to create unparalleled vitality
- The discovery of a third type of toxic waste that is destroying energy levels, mental health, and worsening complex and chronic conditions
- Finding fast, lasting relief from stiffness, aches and pains that stop us from playing full out in life
- Getting that “feel good glow” with all day energy and visibly healthier skin
In this live event, Ryan Today will discuss:
- How to supercharge detoxification all day and night to improve performance at any age, using natural heat fluctuations
- How it’s possible to relax, exercise, and rejuvenate simultaneously
- Boosting protein synthesis and muscle growth, while increasing flexibility and range of motion for peak athleticism
- The unique multi-faceted way fevers and saunas supercharge immune and organ function
- Why not all sweat is created equal, and how exercise, hot baths, saunas, etc. all create different types of detoxifying sweat
- The one analogy that will instantly demystify how different saunas and infrared work, so you can cut through the clutter and use what’s best for you
- A portable technology breakthrough that comfortably mimics a natural fever in minutes
- How to benefit from what the ancients knew about heat therapy and use fevers to enhance any wellness practice
About Ryan Today

Author of the upcoming book, “Fevers – Nature’s Secret to Superhuman Health,” Ryan Today lives to democratize advanced health practices and push the boundaries of superhuman abilities. With nearly three decades of professional work in the healing arts and behavioral science, Ryan is a pioneer in the field of Bioplasticity — the science of transformation in bodies, brains, and biology.
His dedication to this mission is rooted in a profound belief that everyone deserves access to the knowledge and tools that unlock their body’s innate intelligence and potential for transformation. It’s about finding easier ways to naturally feel and perform our best. It’s about making it possible for people to take the reins of evolution into their own hands, moving away from passive aging at the mercy of circumstance, and towards active, conscious self-renewal and discovery.
With a gift for translating complex scientific principles into playful, practical, everyday strategies, Ryan empowers individuals to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. He seamlessly integrates the latest developments in biochemistry, neurophysiology, photobiomodulation, chronobiology, and behavioral and cognitive sciences with ancient wisdom and practices.
In this transformative live webinar, Ryan will unveil advanced techniques that can be harnessed by anyone, anywhere, to leverage the body’s own evolutionary mechanisms for whole body and brain fitness. Join us and be part of the movement, taking control of your own biological destiny.