The Most Common Causes Of Low Testosterone (And How To Use Testosterone Replacement Therapy) with Jay Campbell

Content By: Ari Whitten

THe Most Common Causes Of Low Testosterone and How To Use Testosterone Replacement Therapy with Jay CampbellIn this episode, I am with Jay Campbell—founder of TOT Revolution and global evangelist who teaches men, women, and their doctors how to optimize their hormones—about the most common causes of low testosterone, how to use testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and much more.

In this podcast, Jay will cover:

  • The main factors that lower your testosterone levels
  • How to optimize testosterone levels (Should everyone use TRT?)
  • What does testosterone do in our bodies?
  • The key signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency
  • The myths and facts of TRT
  • The pros and cons of using TRT if you are overweight

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The Most Common Causes Of Low Testosterone (And How To Use Testosterone Replacement Therapy) with Jay Campbell – Transcript

Ari Whitten:  Everyone, welcome back to the Energy Blueprint Podcast. I’m your host Ari Whitten and today I have with me Jay Campbell who is an international bestselling author, founder of the TOT Revolution, that’s testosterone optimization therapy, and a global evangelist, teaching men, women and their doctors how to optimize their hormones, their life, and their happiness.

He is a no-nonsense, authentic and in your face guy, and I can attest to that personally because I have met him in person, in a day and age when being hyper-masculine is frowned upon. And he is going to give us the scoop on hormone optimization. So, welcome my friend, such a pleasure.

Jay Campbell:  It’s a blessing to be here. Thank you so, much, man. Yeah, it’s been a long time coming. I wanted to do this about a year ago.

Why there is a testosterone deficiency in the modern world

Ari Whitten:  I know. It’s great to finally do it. So, and I highly recommend reading his book to everybody watching this, “The TOT Bible.” You can get it on Amazon and it’s pretty much the best resource in the world available to people on the subject of testosterone and optimizing testosterone levels. So, that is the subject of today’s Podcast. So, first of all, let’s kind of go big picture here, Jay.

You know, for everybody listening who knows nothing about testosterone, you know, we’re not talking to like the biohacking crowd here. Those are pretty kind of up to date on the latest science around testosterone and maybe they have measured their levels and they are tracking things and they know nothing about this whole subject. So, talk to me about what testosterone optimization is all about and why there is an epidemic of testosterone deficiency.

Jay Campbell:  So, it’s a great question again. First off thank you, Ari. It’s an honor to be here, man. I think the world of you, you have done some amazing stuff. As you know, you and I are going to be doing a live webinar after my Podcast with you today about all the things that you are involved with. So, again, honored to be here. In regard to the question, it’s amazing how many men today, and women and that’s a whole another subject, but have hormonal deficiencies due to the environment, due to what I call the war on our biological systems. And then also, just due to being inactive, sedentary, not getting out in the sun, not connecting with nature and all the things, again that, you know, you write about.

And hence because they have a lack of awareness, they just go through life by the time they hit 40, 45, 50, and by the way, a lot of these guys now are experiencing this even in their 20s, their life massively declines. Because as you know, when you do not have, you know, at least I would say normal to, and we want to be at optimal, but normal levels of testosterone, everything declines. Physical health, body thought levels creep up. You know, you get brain fog, you get a lack of cognition. I mean, on and on it goes. And unfortunately, most men today who do seek out, you know, treatment or help, and most of the time, Ari, it is because their wives tell them, “You need to go see a doctor” because they are not able to get or maintain firm erections anymore, their doctors do not help them.

And unfortunately, they don’t help them for a couple of reasons, but primarily because they are attempting, as doctors in a crazy day and age today, what I call now sick care or illness medicine to make money. And the only way they are going to make money is to prescribe an SSRI inhibitor as you know, which is a mood-altering medication, and/or, it’s usually a combination, an erectile dysfunction medication, right? Like a Cialis or Viagra or Levitra. So, those two drugs ultimately will medicate the person, the man who came to the doctor symptoms, but they won’t treat the root cause which is usually a testosterone deficiency. So, we have come to a day and age now where the majority of men in society today have no clue that they need to even have their testosterone levels looked at. And then secondarily they struggle to actually get, you know, fair and accurate treatment because the average doctor isn’t even going to go down that path.

Ari Whitten:  Interesting. So, what is actually causing this? What’s going on? You talked about a war on our biological system. So, what is actually responsible for why there is sort of an epidemic of testosterone deficiency and why is it sort of happening now? Like why aren’t humans programmed to have plenty of testosterone and, you know, what is going on in the modern world that is resulting in this?

Jay Campbell:  It’s a great question. And truthfully, you know the book, “The TOT Bible”… And by the way, anyone who watches your Podcast today, I do this for every podcast I’m on if they email my team, it’s [email protected], we will send you a pdf of “The TOT Bible” absolutely free. So, just send an email again, trt, excuse me, [email protected]. But the question is a good one. If we go back 60 to 80 years and you look at the men of the World War I, World War II, the Korean War generation, they literally had between two- and four times higher levels of natural testosterone pulsing through their bodies than men of today. And there are studies that can back that up.

And again, they are all quoted in my book and people could look into those. And I always mentioned one good study to look at which is called the Hebrew University Study which actually looked at men on all the continents and it was like a 39,000 male population cohort group of where they are from a fertility standpoint.

And we are seeing, as you said, already a global deficiency and almost a collapse of fertility in men because of declining testosterone levels. But it’s, what I would assume, and again, I write about this in the books and I obviously interviewed some of the top doctors and clinicians in the world about this, it’s mostly due to modern-day living, right?

I’m wearing blue light blocking glasses right now because the light is being emitted from my computer screen as well as the white, you know, the high-intensity lights that come down from, you know, our offices and stuff like that. And even, you know, stage lighting that I have in my background for my podcasts that causes harm to our endocrine system. Plastic, right? Receipts, cell phones, you know, this stuff, this, you know, here is the newest Apple case. This is military-grade polymer high resin plastic. When it touches your cuticle, you know, is doing all kinds of things going into your biological systems.

You know, cross-linking I mean, there’s so, many things that happen to us now in this modern commercialized age. You know, we have endocrine-disrupting chemicals. You know, I always grab this book and talk about this. You know, Dr. Anthony Jay who wrote this book, “Estrogeneration.” Every person should read this book because it’s very, very horrifying to really be aware of this kind of stuff. But it’s important so, that you can be proactive and try to avoid some of these things, but it’s impossible nearly today, Ari, to completely naturally optimize yourself unless you are extremely proactive. And all these things, again, are leading to what I call an attack on our biological systems.

And in that attack on our biological systems, our endocrine systems. And by the way, this isn’t just men, this is women, too, that are not functioning at peak capacity. And as soon as they stop functioning at peak capacity, and again, it’s a synergy, right? Everything is a big circle of your thyroid, your testosterone, your pancreas, insulin, all of these things. When one breaks down it usually leads to malfunction in all the other areas. So, it’s like you really have to be proactive by, as you and I were talking about earlier, measuring your blood testosterone levels, measuring your thyroid hormone levels, measuring your A1c and your blood glucose levels, measuring all these things that are being attacked due to, again, modern-day societal living.

The link between diet and testosterone levels

Ari Whitten:  Yeah. I want to dig a little deeper into this topic. So, you talked a lot about endocrine-disrupting chemicals. I’m curious, have you looked into, a bunch of things I want to ask about, but diet at all? So, is there a role for just the modern food environment as a causal factor in low testosterone levels? And also, circadian rhythm and sleep? Are you aware of how that relates to testosterone levels as well?

Jay Campbell:  Yes, it’s great questions. So, they are number one and number two. And honestly you can invert the order based upon the person’s condition, right? So, it’s kind of a chicken or an egg scenario with, does testosterone, is testosterone caused by a metabolic disorder or obesity or does obesity, a metabolic disorder cause testosterone deficiency. The top doctors in the world, which I’m very blessed to usually be able to hobnob with and connect with and work with, all say that it really doesn’t matter because it’s one or the other. So, if you are obese and you are eating a… You know, can I swear on your Podcast?

Ari Whitten:  Some small subset of people will be offended but feel free.

Jay Campbell:  So, if you eat a s-h-i-t diet, yes, then all those, you know, again, the chemicals from GMO food, from engineered food. Those things are obviously not digestible in the way that God intended our bodies to digest food.

So, the reality is that yes. I mean essentially eating terribly, you know, gaining visceral fat due to eating terribly and then also, not sleeping. And I think, again, they all kind of go hand in hand because when your diet is terrible you have a bunch of… Especially, you know, a typical guy, right? He comes home, he’s not eating well, he eats a bunch of food, he has like this gigantic insulin bomb in his gut and then the average bro or guy will then, you know, drink three or four beers or a couple of glasses of wine or even soda or whatever. And then they’re lying there in bed at night and obviously, their microbiome is completely disrupted, they have some form of dysbiosis. And they are just lying there unable to sleep, right? So, if you look at, again, Dr. Anthony Jay is really big on understanding polyphasic sleep.

And you know, if you, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Oura ring and stuff, you know, if you have an Oura ring you can track it. There are obviously all kinds of, you know, biotech out there now today that you can track this kind of stuff. But no question that sleep or lack thereof is the first, you know, caveat or the first anvil to drop when a person starts to suffer. And again, when I say suffer, I mean a testosterone deficiency, a lack of thyroid production, obviously complete insulin insensitivity. So, it’s like, you know, they can’t eat any kind of carbohydrates or eat any kind of sugar.

It just immediately goes and deposits in their stubborn fat, you know, resistance sites. So, it is a great question. You definitely must optimize sleep and you must attempt to optimize your diet. I do think, though, that if you are at a certain age and you have too much visceral fat already deposited on your body, it is going to be really, really hard to go the natural means of, you know, doing everything natural through natural optimization without your concurrently or concomitantly attempting to utilize a therapeutic dosage of testosterone because testosterone is lipolytic.

It does enhance BMR, basic metabolic rate. It can increase natural thyroid production. So, there’s a lot of things that it can do to help. But yeah, I mean, you know, that’s like one of the things I always talk about and of course, that is heavily discussed in the book and I’m actually working on two more books right now about, around this. And the key is always you must mediate through natural means before you ever attempt the therapeutic or clinical, you know, attack which would be using therapeutic testosterone. It’s very, very important. But again, I counterbalance it with the idea that there is so, much obesity out there that, you know, you kind of have to look at everybody individually.

Ari Whitten:  Yeah. I want to come back to that point that you just said about, you know, optimizing nutrition and lifestyle before using testosterone.

Jay Campbell:  Absolutely.

Why testosterone is a taboo and why it shouldn’t be

Ari Whitten:  But first I want to talk about like kind of this whole subject is somewhat taboo. It’s been a little [crosstalk] to talk about testosterone, to talk about testosterone replacement therapy or optimization. Why is that and why do you think that it’s misguided to demonize it?

Jay Campbell:  Do you think? Man, I really wish I knew the answer. I mean, I talk about it all the time. You know, I’ve written about it in both of my books. I personally believe, and again, talk to way smarter people than me like Rick Collins, you know, who is kind of like the guy in the legal industry who represents major league baseball and NFL and pro bodybuilders and all this stuff. You should talk to him. And I happen to be very blessed that I talk to him on a regular basis. You know, he says it is just another attack on people from a money management standpoint, meaning that, you know, because again, now let’s go back,1990 anabolic steroids were legal. Okay? There were men in gyms all across the world that would literally use testosterone and I can name a million other anabolic steroids. And they would work, use these to obviously build up their physiques for whatever reason.

Some of them were competing, some of them just did it for, you know, cosmetic purposes. Some of them did it for narcissistic purposes, whatever. And then the government got involved right after the whole Ben Johnson, if you remember the Ben Johnson track and field thing in the Olympics, which was in the late 80s, I think it was 1988. And that kind of made all of this taboo. And when I say, “all this,” just the idea that men and women can utilize therapeutic testosterone for medicinal reasons, you know, obviously for reducing aging or slowing aging. And that’s kind of the definition. When I speak about this, wherever it is, or I do podcasts on, you know, mainstream outlets and stuff like that, I always tell people when they ask me, “What is testosterone optimization?” I say, ‘It is utilizing therapeutic testosterone to slow the process of aging.”

And then they’re like, “Well, what the hell does that mean?” And the reality is, is that, as you know, testosterone is the molecule, is the lifeblood molecule of human biological systems. I mean, again, it is the sex differentiator for both men and women. You know, optimized levels of testosterone produce all kinds of amazing biological benefits and therapeutic benefits. It increases, again, brainpower, cognition, muscle, you know, up-regulates ATP. I mean, it does so, many things.

It obviously also, reduces the synaptic gunk and stuff and breakdown. So, I mean it, because again, they know that now that, you know, Dr. Mark Gordon, you know, works with a lot of the ex-military guys, or not ex-military, but just, you know, guys that have been in blast situations, you know. He’s been doing a lot of research with some people at USC and they know now that testosterone actually creates neural and forms new neuropathways in the brain.

So, it does so, many amazing things. So, it’s like if you can work with somebody who’s been managing male and female endocrine systems for a long time as a doctor giving therapeutic testosterone, you will see the amazing benefits that can happen. And to your question, again, we can’t confuse the super-physiologic levels that professional bodybuilders and professional athletes and performance enthusiasts use for enhancement versus what, you know, I’m all about, which is again, you’re using a very, very microdose. You know, I always say MED principal from Tim Ferriss, right?

The minimum effective dose, which is what therapeutic dose testosterone is. Again, to slow the aging process, to have more vitality, to have more energy, to have better fat burning, to have more power when you are in the gym, obviously to perform better sexually. So, there’s so, many good things about it.

And I just think that the mainstream media being who the mainstream media is, which, you know, what sells, like what most people say is like what sells is fear, right? If it leads, it leads. So, I’ve always kind of thought that testosterone was this taboo, “dirty little subject” because when the United States Senate got involved in classifying steroids as controlled III substances for, again, what most people think, Rick Collins included, that it was Ben Johnson because of that giant media sensation it made. That they really, it was just a way to control, you know, the financial benefits of the market as it is around the world. Because again, you can always still write a script for many anabolic steroids. It just had to be documented and authenticated and of course authorized by a physician. But it’s just, it’s bizarre because, you know, as Rick Collins will say, Ari, nobody has ever died of an overdose from testosterone. And you know, sure, there have been tons of pro bodybuilders have died from God knows what, you know. And I call it poly-pharmacy of multiple drugs, both steroids and recreational. But you don’t see people like dying in the street from like a heroin overdose from a testosterone overdose.

The key signs and symptoms of testosterone

Ari Whitten:  Right. Yeah, absolutely. So, I want to zoom out for a minute. Let’s talk about what are the key signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency and what kind of lab results on blood tests would indicate someone is having a deficiency. And kind of distinguish between the typical lab ranges that you might see and what many people who are experts in the subject consider more optimal ranges. So, kind of start with the, maybe start with the lab test numbers and then go into the key symptoms for people who are listening who haven’t, who don’t know their numbers, what are some of the signs and symptoms that might indicate testosterone deficiency?

Jay Campbell:  Awesome. Great questions. So, the first measurement numbers that you want to be aware of… And by the way, you don’t need a doctor, okay. Or, you don’t need your doctor’s recommendation. You can go online. There are multiple independent labs. Now there’s, and I, again, I have no sponsorship, or I don’t get paid by any of these people, but I always just say different names,,, You do not need a doctor’s permission. You can go on there, you can order, you know. For most men to find out right away you can order a total testosterone, free testosterone and sensitive estradiol, which is an LC/MS, which is liquid chromatography pull. And those three labs are anywhere, with a coupon from $39 to like retail 69 or 75 bucks depending on the lab.

Okay. You pay, you go online, you just pay, you then take the lab rec form, they email it to you, you print it out and you just take it to your local LabCorp or your local Quest Diagnostics and you get it done and they email your results within three to five days and then you kind of know. But so, what you want to measure is you want to measure total testosterone, free testosterone. And just so, you understand the difference, free testosterone is the actual bioavailable testosterone that is basically available to your body. It’s the difference between what is testosterone, the total testosterone level, which is the bound testosterone, which is not all usable. So, the free level, when you wonder that number is actually more important because the higher the free, the more your body is actually able to utilize the testosterone you have in your body. But you still want to look at total and you want to look at free. And then you want to look at sensitive estradiol, which is the measurement of your estrogen in your body. Now, some of the newest research which I’ve been heavily pushing to the world is the reality that males do not need to block or suppress estrogen. And I don’t want to rabbit hole here, but…

Ari Whitten:  Yeah, no, I want to talk about that. I have that on my list.

Jay Campbell:  Okay, yeah, we will get to that. But men need a very healthy level of estrogen in their body because estrogen is a pleiotropic hormone and estrogen is actually more responsible as a mediator for biological system health than even testosterone is. Okay. So, it was in the past that people used to think you needed to block your estrogen when you are on testosterone. It is the total opposite of that. We’ll get back to that. It’s critically important that men have an understanding of where their testosterone levels are as they are aging. I say, and again, this is all in my book, and again it is You can pick it up on Amazon or I’ll email you the copy of the book. But I say that men should start having their testosterone measured at 25. Now if you are a 17 or 18-year-old kid and you are obese and you are not active, you should go get your testosterone done, too.

I mean I had my non-biological son Evan and soon my other non-biological son Ezra, I pulled their testosterone. I look at their levels. You know, again, because there’s a lot of kids today, video game players, inactive people who do not eat well, do not treat their bodies well, do not get outside and get natural sunlight who have low levels. So, again, these are things to know of. But minimum recommendation, 25. At 25 is when you should go get your tests done. And again, I think personally, depending on how you feel, once a year. I have all my labs since I was kicked in the testicles at 29 since then in a file cabinet. Well, the last five years it’s all on my desktop now. But I mean I have literally a file cabinet with all my lab measurement numbers so, I can go back, and I can look at deviations and whatnot. But that is really…

Ari Whitten:  I want to interrupt you because some people might not get why you just mentioned that you got kicked in the testicles and why that is relevant. So, just explain that really quickly.

Jay Campbell:  Yeah. So, I was playing basketball in an adult men’s league when I was 29 years old. And I got kicked and I went to the doctor about two and a half months later because I started feeling really run down. I had like low back problems and just, I just felt terrible. And it was very, very lucky that I was recommended by the PPO doctor, you know, from my company to an endocrinologist. And the endocrinologist ran my testosterone levels and he’s like, “Dude, you have 220,” or whatever it was, “Like, you have testosterone levels of a geriatric. You know, I work with men on this. I can give you a therapeutic level of testosterone and get you right back to normal and you will be great.” So, I went home to my wife at that time, and I said, “Hey, look, this guy’s really smart.”

He was a Harvard educated guy by the way. And I said, “I trust him. Are you okay with me doing this?” She’s like, “Yeah, sure.” You know. So, anyway, like six to eight weeks later, I felt amazing. And then I became like a just total science nerd because I was always a science nerd. But I really wanted to find out more about this. And you know, he was like, when he got me back to normal, he was like, “Okay, I can put you on [inaudible] and take you off.” And I’m like, “Dude, I’m not going off. Like, I don’t want to ever not feel like this again.” Right. It’s like, you know, I felt like Superman. And so, anyway, fast forward in the next 10 years, 12 years, I became a total dork on this. This was back in 1999. And I studied it and I found everything that I could find, you know, both like online, underground, there wasn’t a lot, you know. There was Nelson Vergel’s book, actually, his first book wasn’t even out yet, “Testosterone: A Man’s Guide.” But he did have “Built To Survive,” which was his struggle and his story on surviving HIV. And then from him, I’ve met other people and I started reading like Dan Duchaine’s stuff.

And then I read people like in Russia and Bulgaria that had been translated into English. You know, they had been using therapeutic testosterone with their athletes. So, flash forward about 10 to 12 years, I became very studious, very knowledgeable about this. And my friends in the industry that I was in at the time were like, “Dude, you need to write a book about this.” Because people would always see me and they’d be like, “Dude, how do you look so, good?” And I’d be like, “Hey, I use therapeutic testosterone.” I was always very, very transparent about it. And they were like, “Really?”  And then, you know, you get the confusion in their looks and they are like, “What the hell does that mean? You are on steroids or whatever.”

But eventually I did write a book and obviously, the first book, which was “The TRT Manual” came out. It should have come out in 2014 but it came out in 2015. It was definitely a huge hit. It is still the number one selling book ever, which… it’s not nothing as good as “The TOT Bible” because it’s so, much more comprehensive. But, you know, it established me and allowed me to build all these amazing relationships that I have with doctors now. And then I obviously, now I do a bunch of consulting with them and travel around the world and, you know, speak now about it. So, it’s, you know, it has come out of nowhere. You know, I was always just a sales and marketing guy and now in the last five years, this is kind of like become a niche world now for me.

And obviously, I love it. I mean I’m very passionate about it. As you said in my bio that I sent you, I’m a real evangelist about this. But men need to understand in today’s day and age what they are working with because again, if you don’t, it can creep up on you so, fast. I mean, I work with so, many guys who were ex-pro athletes, you know, major go-getters in their life and all of a sudden, you know, they hit a wall at 34, 35, it stops. You know, for whatever happened, they stopped training, they stopped eating right, you know, age catches up with them and boom, it’s like a whirlwind. So, again, it is about awareness and so, you really have to make sure that you know your levels and then you obviously try to modulate through optimal, you know, natural means. And if natural means don’t work, you need to work with, or you should at least attempt to work with like one of the best doctors out there.

Ari Whitten:  Yeah. So, real quick, can you list off some of the key signs and symptoms that…?

Jay Campbell:  Oh yeah, my bad. So, the number one symptom of a deficiency is brain fog. And most men do not know that. Most men think it’s like, you know, associated with sexual dysfunction or lack of erections or something like that. Not even close. The number one symptom and side effect of a testosterone deficiency is brain fog. And how does that present or associate? It’s normally two o’clock in the afternoon the guy just wants to go home and take a nap. He has zero energy, he is just like, “Wow, I’m not here. What’s going on with me?” And then after that would be the kind of things you know about. You know, lack of energy. No want or drive to go to the gym. You know, sex becomes an afterthought, lack of [inaudible].

But most men notice it cognitively. There is just a total decline by the middle of the day where they have no brain function and no energy. Like, you know, again, it’s mostly like, “I just want to take a nap.” You know, and a lot of guys when they get really low, Ari, they are dead. I mean, literally, they don’t want to wake up in the morning. They don’t want to go to work. They don’t want to be married. They don’t want to be a father to their children. So, it’s, you know, I like to say, use that term, it’s very much a soul-crushing diagnosis if you are blessed and lucky enough to even get it diagnosed. Because again, most men who do end up going to the doctor, they never even have this treated. They get put on an SSRI like Wellbutrin, you know, or something. There are a million other ones, or you know, Viagra or whatever and then they just get worse. Because by the way, and this is sad and I don’t really talk about this a lot on shows, but there is now research coming out that all of the SSRI’s actually lower testosterone further. So, it’s making it worse.

Ari Whitten:  Yeah. Yikes. So, obviously, as far as benefits of testosterone optimization therapy, we would expect it to undo some of those symptoms that you just mentioned. What are some of the key physiological mechanisms of how testosterone actually works in our bodies? I mean, it’s sort of, its role in building muscle and strength is obviously infamous and tied to steroids and bodybuilding and most people associate it with that. But it has many, many different effects on different physiological systems. Can you give just kind of a brief overview of some of the main effects?

Jay Campbell:  Yeah, it’s absolutely a great question. The best question I’ve had in a long time. So, testosterone today, the best doctors out there will literally tell anyone in a lecture, in a classroom setting, you know, even their patients that it should be frontline therapy for the number one affliction that is affecting right now men in the world, which is diabetes. Which again, as you know, Ari, comes from a s-h-i-t-y diet, a lack of control of their insulin, because again, they’re eating GMO food, they’re eating high sugar, they’re drinking a lot of alcohol, whatever. They’re doing all kinds of terrible things to their body.

So, testosterone massively, massively improves insulin sensitivity and also, suppresses blood glucose. So, again, it should be number one, frontline treatment for someone that has adult-onset, which is again, type two diabetes mellitus. So, if you’re a guy and you’re fat and you have type two diabetes and your diet sucks and you’re not active and you’re not doing all these things and you go to a doctor, that literally should be the number one treatment. Testosterone also does a number of things to lower inflammation.

Okay. And as you know, inflammation is literally the number one, it’s the number one reason that people end up with the diseases of aging, vascular illness, vascular incidents like heart attacks, heart disease. Obviously, we’ve already talked about diabetes and metabolic disorder and obesity, neurodegenerative disease. Okay. Testosterone is now, again, I’ve already mentioned Dr. Mark Gordon. Testosterone is now known to help mediate and reduce amyloid plaque, which amyloid plaque, as you know, leads to dementia, Alzheimer’s and other vascular neurodegenerative diseases. And by the way, and you probably do know this now, but I mean essentially, they are calling now all the neurodegenerative disorders of the brain type three diabetes. Because again, it affects the same pathways.

It increases cytokines, which again, the pro-inflammatory cytokines which then attack the vascular walls and the cellular walls that are, you know, where the plaque and the other things again, the cellular gunk that lines up that causes these diseases. So, there’s so, many amazing things that testosterone does. It also obviously helps regenerate bone.

It improves bone mineral density, right? Like I just had this conversation with my father who is anti… Seventy-four-year-old guy, ex-pro athlete. Totally won’t take testosterone. It’s illegal, it’s unethical, it’s immoral, you know. And, and I’m like, “Dad,” you know, he broke his right hip and has like a distal fracture. And I was like, “Dude, there’s one thing that you can do okay, besides red light, besides vibration therapy, besides blah, blah, blah, you know. You could take testosterone.” Testosterone, you know, there’s a thousand studies out there about what it does to regenerate bone mineral density in 75-year-old and older geriatric patients. And again, these are people that have compromised immune systems or compromised, you know, biological systems from comorbidities, from whatever. It still regenerates bone. So, there are a million things that testosterone does. Again, they’re all, you know, heavily covered in “The TOT Bible.”

I think one of the things that I was blown away with is how potent testosterone is at suppressing inflammatory cytokines. And I have all the studies that were available to me when I published the book, which was in February of 2018. So, you know, we’re almost now 17, 18 months out from there. But I now have, in my new books coming up, I have even more studies on inflammation. So, they are just finding almost by the day now the research is coming up to talk about how amazing testosterone is in, again, mediating, you know, biological systems in a positive way.

Should you worry about therapeutic testosterone?

Ari Whitten:  Yeah. Interesting. There are a lot of people concerned with the use of therapeutic testosterone and increased risk of various diseases. Like you see sometimes in the media, people who are saying, “Hey, testosterone use is linked with cardiovascular disease or increased risk of cancer or hair loss or, you know, prostate cancer” and things like that. So, what is your take on these claims and what do you feel the science really says about the use of testosterone and risk for these various conditions? Is it all nonsense that has been overblown or, you know, can you kind of help separate what are the legitimate concerns from the ones that have been false claims?

Jay Campbell:  This question is regarding therapeutic testosterone and the claims from the media as to whether or not it causes diseases or increases risk factors for say diseases of the prostate, diseases of the vascular system, cancer, etc., what have you. So, the truth, and again, I’ll always defer as I have throughout this Podcast to my book, which is “The TOT Bible.” Anyone can get it on Amazon, or you could also, of course, send me and my team an email at which is [email protected] and we’ll send you a copy of the book. I’m actually working on the next book, which is called, “TOT Decoded: The Biohacker’s Guide to Utilizing Therapeutic T,” which is actually going to be much smaller, shorter, streamlined, and even more relevant than the last book was. But anyway, to answer your questions, most of the information that is found in the media today in the common perception of people that this therapeutic testosterone causes all these terrible afflictions, diseases, whatnot, is absolutely patently false.

Let’s go one by one. So, with cardiovascular disease, which is known in the medical community or the clinical space as CVD, it’s actually the inverse which is true and all of the research now, again in the book, you can also, look to Dr. Abraham Morgentaler who has done an amazing job of cataloging all of the research. There’s so, much overwhelming research that shows that when there is an actual cardiovascular issue, it’s normally due to a shortage or a deficiency of testosterone as men are aging. All of the research and the studies that a lot of the attorneys in the past, like in 2014 and 2015 that were used to show that, you know, men were at higher risk by using therapeutic testosterone were actually done in compromised patient population groups. So, you know, that was the TOM trial. There are some other ones out there, but these have all been completely dispelled now.

So, basically utilizing therapeutic testosterone is cardioprotective. Okay. That’s number one. In regard to the prostate, the same thing applies. All of the research that is the most recent and modern up to date research… There is actually a study that just came out in the last week, it’s mind-blowing. It was sent to me by one of my doctors showing the modalities of using therapeutic testosterone while men have actually stage one cancer is becoming very widespread. But anyway, the old misperception or misnomer that you could not use or that testosterone therapy, testosterone caused prostate cancer is 100% patently false. Again, I refer you to my book and again, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, he’s done massive amounts of research. There’s other men, great doctors, and researchers that have proven this. But it’s actually the same thing. It’s the inverse. So, a testosterone deficiency is now known to cause diseases, benign prostate hypertrophy and, of course, you know, initial stage cancers for the prostate. So, again, it’s a testosterone deficiency. In regard to everything else from a side effect profile perspective, I think I said this to you before, but I’ll just say it real quick again. There are very, very few side effects when this is done correctly. When done under the care and guidance of a physician who has experience managing both male and female endocrine systems. So, you know, realistically I can’t say that using therapeutic testosterone increases or enhances risk anywhere in otherwise healthy aging population groups.

The effects of body fat on testosterone replacement therapy

Ari Whitten:  Okay. So, how does body fat figure into this equation of testosterone replacement? If someone is lean or very overweight, does it matter in their considerations of using testosterone or not? I’ve heard some suggestions that if you are very overweight, testosterone use can be kind of a double-edged sword because, on the one hand, it helps the process of fat loss. But on the other hand, I’ve heard that it makes you much more likely to have side effects. So, what’s your take on the use of testosterone and how does body fat, a person’s body fat figure into that equation?

Jay Campbell:  So, a great, great question, Ari, I appreciate you asking this question. Regarding body fat levels and therapeutic testosterone, I’m very, very, I’m a big stickler on this. Most of the clinical community, the prescribing community gets this wrong and doesn’t understand what is going on. So, the more body fat that a person has before beginning therapeutic testosterone, the more inflamed systemically they are. Okay.

So, if a person is, you know, let’s say over 25% body fat and they’re not morbidly obese but they are, you know, classified by the BMI index as close to it, that most likely means they have a lot of visceral body fat. Visceral body fat is obviously the most inflamed tissue on the human body and visceral body fat causes cytokine expression and response to anything that comes into the body. So, for example, a person who has a lot of body fat is likely testosterone deficient already because, you know, and you will get different answers from a lot of different researchers, but sometimes you know, some people say that it’s metabolic disorder and obesity and insulin resistance that cause a testosterone deficiency.

And then others will say to you that actually, those, testosterone deficiency causes the same things, too. So, it’s kind of like that chicken and egg controversy or question. It’s difficult to know. But the bottom line is, is that when someone is obese or carrying too much body fat it is likely they are going to have a testosterone deficiency. When you inject testosterone as an inflamed high body fat person, the body will normally, in most cases, again muster a cytokine response, which is again a reaction to the inflammatory tissue that is already in the body from the high body fat. And they will demand using testosterone, whether it’s injectable or trans scrotal or some form of skin admission through putting it on the skin, my brain is not working right now, but a transdermal delivery system, I’m sorry. The issue can be that they will have an inflammatory response and that usually processes or presents as high estrogen side effects or symptoms.

And that’s where most people are confused. And without going into a long esoteric diatribe on the reality of high body fat causing high estrogen symptoms, it’s not true. The symptoms that they are experiencing are the problematic reaction and response to the cytokine attack of the testosterone coming into the body which causes side effects like sensitive nipples, mood imbalances, maybe hot flashes or water retention or something like that. But just kind of like irritability and imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. And again, that’s due to the inflammatory response of the testosterone coming into the body. I’ve done a lot of podcasts with Dr. Neil Rouzier not a lot, but three really, really high-level podcasts discussing this. Also, with Dr. Keith Nichols and I would definitely refer people to watch on my channel if they want to get a lot more information about this.

This is very cutting edge and most physicians right now in the political space are not really too much aware of this. Inflammation is starting to become really better understood and well recognized. And this is another example of that. The other thing I wanted to say to you, it’s okay for a high body fat person to start therapeutic testosterone because testosterone isn’t lipolytic. So, it does increase fat burning. It does increase and up-regulate thyroid and increase basal metabolic rates slightly. So, it’s okay for an obese person or a high body fat person to start testosterone. But they should also, understand that if they are going to do that they need to change their lifestyle dramatically, you know, obviously by, you know, increasing movement patterning, reducing carbohydrates, suppressing their insulin signal, you know, drinking more water obviously, and all the other things that you would, a person would want to do to clearly reduce body fat at the same time taking testosterone. So, it’s a great question. There is your answer.

Is testosterone for everyone?

Ari Whitten:  Okay. So, you’ve talked a lot about the different benefits of the use of testosterone for a lot of different things. Now is this a panacea? Is this something that, you know, every guy should take and it just, it fixes everything? Or what is the role of nutrition and lifestyle in this whole picture and where do you see testosterone therapy as fitting into that context?

Jay Campbell:  Great question, my brother, regarding is testosterone a panacea? Testosterone is absolutely not a panacea. I’m very, very big and very outspoken of discussing this in all my literature and all my podcasts. It is part, it’s nothing more than an adjunct or an ancillary to what I call a fully dialed in lifestyle.

My next book that is coming out is called, “Living a Fully Optimized Life: How to Break Free From the Sick Care Medicine System.” And you know, a lot of people look at me as like the pro-testosterone guy because I’ve written the amazing books on it. But truthfully, it’s about natural optimization. It’s about, you know, mediating the biological war on our systems from modern-day societal living. There’s a lot of other factors at play.

So, testosterone is not a magic bullet. It is definitely not exercise in a bottle. It is not going to solve all of your problems. However, that said, if you are a man who is suffering from a testosterone deficiency and there are massive amounts of men globally around the world, this is a massive societal wide epidemic as you are coming to find out. Guys even like you who are in amazing shape who take great care of themselves can even have lower levels of testosterone. And again, this is due to the horrific environmental toxicity from chemicals, from particulates in the air that we breathe, from the plastic in the food and the water bottles, the bottles that we eat out of, to the endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are now cross-linking, you know, according to the research from Dr. Anthony Jay and his amazing book “Estrogeneration.”

So, I do personally believe unless you have supremely elite genetics, you’re a type-A anal retentive person who massively, you know, watches every single step, dots every I, crosses every t, you are likely going to have to be looking at some form of clinical intervention of therapeutic testosterone at some point in your life. And again, as we see it now and the doctors, the great doctors I speak with on a daily basis, we are seeing this necessary clinical intervention at a much earlier time, even guys in their twenties.

But yes, absolutely. It’s definitely, you should definitely look for natural optimization and alleviating, you know, all of the risk factors and the things that could cause you to have a testosterone deficiency first and foremost. And, of course, I’m not a guy that says everybody should be on testosterone. There has to be recognized symptomology. And then, of course, also, backing up with lab work and blood work that shows that you have a deficiency. I think we’ve already talked about, you know, understanding the difference between free testosterone and total testosterone, but it’s definitely not a panacea. But it is an amazing life-altering medication for men that have a clinical deficiency which, again, is the great majority of men around the world now. And obviously, again, used in combination with a fully dialed in lifestyle you can get some tremendous, amazing benefits. Increased cognition, better fat loss, of course, better energy, a better sex life. So, there’s a million, million good reasons to use testosterone. But again, it’s not something that’s going to solve problems especially if a person is not willing to live a fully dialed in lifestyle, it’s not going to do very much for them.

Aromatase inhibitors

Ari Whitten:  Talk to me a bit about aromatase inhibitors because they’re obviously very popular in the bodybuilding space and a lot of people are sort of, they are used to thinking of estrogen as something they need to inhibit and suppress at all times because estrogen is sort of this feminizing hormone. It does nothing but harm. What is your take on estrogen and aromatase inhibition?

Jay Campbell:  Thanks for this question, brother. This is my favorite topic to talk about in the current realm today of testosterone, therapeutic testosterone and that is aromatase inhibitor medications and estrogen inhibition. I always defer to my good friend and potential business partner down the road Dr. Robert Kominiarek who is, who actually has delivered amazing research on this and probably the first major lecture. Also, in front of him was Dr. Neil Rouzier of Worldlink Medical. Both of these guys have done a massive amount of research compiling this data. The majority of the bodybuilding/scientific/medical community has this all wrong

And they truly do not understand the benefits and the need of estrogen or estradiol which is, again, a pleiotropic hormone in obviously male and female endocrine systems. They do not understand the importance of letting estrogen metabolize and the normal estrogen byproducts going through male and female endocrine systems when males or females are using therapeutic testosterone.

The inhibition of estrogen, as you already mentioned, is, you know, an age-old belief that really stems from the bodybuilding cultures where they thought that as a man was increasing his testosterone, especially from competition and shedding a body fat levels viewpoint, you needed to suppress estrogen and increase testosterone. And we now know that that is completely abjectly, patently false. You should never be suppressing your estrogen with medication because, again, there are so, many negative side effects that come from not letting the normal metabolism of estrogen.

Again, all in the book, all in the many, many podcasts I’ve done. I definitely highly recommend everybody who follows or watches this Podcast to go on my YouTube channel and watch or search the dangers of estrogen inhibition in men on therapeutic testosterone. It has Dr. Rob’s lecture and me presenting it in a live webinar format. It is again, very, very important that people watch that. But you should never suppress estrogen in men undergoing therapeutic testosterone because you just cause so, many other downstream effects. You cause brain issues. You cause bone mineral density issues. It also blocks the losing or the reducing of visceral body fat. There are so, many negative downstream effects of blocking or inhibiting estrogen in men undergoing therapeutic testosterone. It’s crazy. And again, the majority of the clinical community has it wrong. They are giving men Arimidex or Anastrozole to block the testosterone conversion into estrogen or estradiol through the enzyme called aromatase and it is just all wrong.

You know, I haven’t done a very good job in this question to you right now in answering this, but I’m very, very passionate about this. People can research what I’ve written about it. I’ve got a lot of other videos on there that I’ve spoken about this. But it is critically, critically important that estrogen is not inhibited. Now, let me just say this, there are, of course, as in everything in medicine, there’s always cases and reasons for estrogen inhibition.

There are some men out there that are outliers genetically who do over aromatize. There are also some men that will probably, due to their obesity or their nature of having too much body fat, will also, aromatize. So, when you do use an aromatase inhibitor as a medic, a physician, or as a clinician you would want to use it in the minimum effective dosage necessary and titrate off as soon as possible. Again, because you do not want to be blocking all of the amazing, you know, the amazing downstream benefits of estrogen metabolizing as a pleiotropic hormone. And again, highly recommend that everybody who watches this, our video, watches that video that is on my channel, that Dr. Rob and I, because it’s a very deep dissection of why you do not want to block estrogen in men undergoing therapeutic testosterone.

The best way to apply testosterone

Ari Whitten:  Okay. I know there are a lot of different delivery methods out there for using testosterone. So, you can use injectable, obviously, that’s been around for a very long time. But there are some other methods that have come on the market, you know, there’s AndroGel. There is, you know, this gel that you rub on your skin.

I believe there are some oral versions as well. There are pellets that you get installed surgically, I believe, or are put into your body surgically. And there are some other methods. So, give me the rundown of what the different methods are, and which are the methods that you recommend.

Jay Campbell:  So, this is a great question, Ari. So, this is regarding delivery systems for therapeutic testosterone. So, there are numerous delivery systems in the current marketplace as we do this Podcast in June of 2019. However, there are, in my opinion, only two that are reliable and worthy and not going to cause, you know, potential side effects or issues down the road. Now, before I say those two things, any good clinician if asked, “What is the best delivery system of therapeutic testosterone,” and that person, he or she will say, “The one that the patient adheres to.” Right? So, for example, there are military people, there are people that have, you know, very highly specialized government jobs who may or may not be in harm’s way and in places where they cannot travel regularly or inject themselves or rub cream on themselves or whatever.

So, for those types of people, I would definitely say that therapeutic testosterone is better than no therapeutic testosterone. Again, when there’s a need, which of course as we’ve already said in this Podcast, millions if not hundreds of millions of people do have a need for it today. But there’s a bunch of stuff, dude. There’s like you said, there are buccal in the mouth, there’s nasal spray, Natesto. There are pellets which are surgically implanted. There are patches, skin patches. And then there are other ones too. Now you said there’s oral, there’s Jatenzo. There’s a bunch of new products that are coming into the marketplace, but all of them are fraught with side effects, fraught with issues, fraught with other stuff that we don’t need to discuss here in this Podcast right now. Again, in my book, “The TOT Bible,” they are all broken down, highly discussed, highly dissected.

But in my opinion today, right now there are two delivery systems. They are both very close to each other. It is just going to, again, come down to patient adherence and lifestyle convenience. The first one I would say would be injectable, the tried and true method. Injectable delivery systems have been around forever, literally. I mean since way before men were even studying testosterone, probably since like the 40s and 50s when the Russians and the Bulgarians were using injectable testosterone. But the best way to administer injectable testosterone is threefold. Number one is daily. Okay. Because daily mimics the body’s natural production as close as possible. You have a small pulsatile diurnal release of testosterone normally as you are aging and if you inject yourself daily with testosterone, it is going to mimic the body’s natural production the best. Okay. The second and third would be every other day.

Again, second and third being most convenient or most, best option. So, every other day would be like three days a week out of a seven-day week or four days out of a seven-day week depending on how you do it. Most men who do three days a week usually just do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, you know, and then leave themselves error margin again, depending if life gets in the way. And then the third recommended, but not to me, you know, I would say one and two, every other day or daily for injections is best. But the third option would be twice a week. Now, why third is not the best because a lot of men do have, you know, “a needle phobia” at the initial onset of starting therapeutic testosterone. Everyone overcomes needle phobia. These are not big needles.

They are very thin, you know, slender gauge, 27, 28, even 29, 30, which are insulin size gauges. They don’t hurt when you inject them. You can inject yourself, arms, legs, buttock, gluteal fat pad, lower abs, whatever. But the issue becomes, it has something to do with half-lives, right? Like when the testosterone ester cleaves in the body’s bloodstream, the half-life, depending on the ester, and we don’t have to go into esters here because at the end of the day testosterone cleaves into bioidentical testosterone. So, all of the different esters all get to the same place once they cleave in the bloodstream. Some cleave faster than others. But the half-life when you are doing it twice a week is you are going to come down to like day three or day four before your second shot and you are going to start feeling a little bit down because, again, you are having a peak and a trough. When you do it daily or every other day there is never any troughs. It is always usually a peak, or it is just kind of like a steady state where it just kind of stays elevated so, you feel better. And then obviously you also, don’t have any biological perturbations because you are not having, you know, dropping down and then going back up or any of that stuff, which does cause, you know, differentiation.

The second delivery system and this is the one that I’m currently on now because I was on therapeutic testosterone for 19 years injectable wise and I’ve recently switched due to my physician Dr. Keith Nichols, which is transscrotal. And, the scrotum, at the base of the man’s scrotum the skin is very, very permeable, very, very thin. And there’s actually research out there that shows that the absorption of a transscrotal testosterone cream, again, 200 milligrams per gram, this is not gel.

This is compounded cream, Versa Base, HRT based or there is a new version called [inaudible], which is actually some sort of a liposomal delivery system. So, again, a pharmaceutical company’s way to increase the cost of transdermal testosterone cream. I don’t think it’s any better, you know. And user feedback, I haven’t used it personally, but user feedback says it is not either. But that on the base of the scrotum after you shower and shave early in the morning is great. I’ve been doing it now for almost 10 months and I love it. It definitely is a little bit, in my opinion, better than injections for men that are in like monogamous relationships for a long time because when you put it on the base of the scrotum you do get an increased DHT, which is dihydrotestosterone signal, which you know, is a little bit more androgenic, a little bit more, increases sexual function or enhances sexual functioning. You definitely will get slightly better erections or erectile strength and quality. So, but between those two options, you know, transdermal on the base of the scrotum and then injectable meaning either daily, every other day or twice a week. Those are your best options from a delivery system standpoint.

The best approach for someone to start using testosterone optimization therapy

Ari Whitten:  Okay. Final question. What is the best approach for someone to start using testosterone optimization therapy? Should they just sort of go online right now and you know, try to find VersaBase cream or get some injectable testosterone and just start injecting it? How do they go about this process and do they need to seek out special doctors in order to do this? Is there anything they need to know about what kind of doctors to avoid? So, what is sort of like the step by step practical guide for someone to figure out if testosterone optimization therapy is right for them and how to get started in a smart way so, that they don’t screw themselves up?

Jay Campbell:  Ari, great question. So, the last question is, how does a person who is watching this Podcast who becomes informed, what do they do now to seek out whether or not they need testosterone optimization therapy? So, it is a good question. You definitely, in my opinion, cannot rely on your “primary care physician, your family doctor or a GP.” You have to seek out a physician who is highly specialized in managing both male and female endocrine systems. And, you know, this Podcast has mostly been about men. But honestly, women can use therapeutic testosterone, too. That’s a whole other topic. But yes, both of us work well to limit the diseases of aging utilizing therapeutic testosterone. But you definitely need to seek out a physician who knows what they are doing. The majority of doctors who do prescribe testosterone and other hormones have no idea what they’re doing.

And again, I’m not disparaging the clinical space or the community. I have many, many doctors I work with. I love the majority of doctors. I know that the majority of them, if not all of them do intend to help. But when they have such little knowledge of this because they don’t learn anything in medical school, there is no first, you know, there’s no standard patient of care for hormone optimization. This is a highly nuanced, highly niched field and it’s full of people that are attempting to make money like every other person in the world who has mortgages and bills to pay. But you should definitely focus on working with a physician that knows what they’re doing. Now the other issue that you have is that there’s a lot of testosterone, “windmill clinics” as I call them out there that, you know, just sell you a per month cost of like testosterone, HCG and AAI and blah blah blah blah and value add, value add, value add.

Those also should be avoided because a lot of those places are cookie cutter and they are templatizing their hormone optimization. And every person, male and female is a unique biochemical, unique individual. Okay. So, understanding you are biochemically unique means that when you go on these hormone therapies, your response is not going to be the same as mine. Ari’s response is not giving me the same as mine. My response is not going to be the same as Ari’s. So, the bottom line is you must, absolutely mandatory, imperative work with a physician who has a length of time and a body of work and experientially based practice of managing male and female endocrine systems. You know, I could mention a bunch of different doctors. But the problem is right now there is no like universal governing website that recommends like the top people.

Sure. If you are in LA, San Diego or you are in New York or Miami or Seattle or Atlanta or Dallas or Houston or any of the major metros, you could go online and Google, you know, HRT, TRT, TOT, whatever. And you’ll get a million, literally, doctors that will come up, that can, you know, technically help you. Do your homework, man. You know, I highly, highly recommend that anyone that is considering doing this read my book first. I’m not saying that as a shill. It’s by far the best book ever written on this. It’s written for laypeople. It’s not written in like highly, you know, clinical technical doctor’s speak.

There is that in there for clinicians. And of course, you know, literally, thousands of doctors around the world have read the book and even enlightened themselves and become further educated. But you must educate yourself and become what I call situationally aware of how this works before starting down the clinical path because I am telling you, man, the majority of people go into this expecting to be optimized and it gets worse because they are working with people that really can’t help them. So, you can definitely start off by yourself, though, by going to a private lab, and again, I have no financial incentive by mentioning names, but,, These are for people in North America. There is a lot of them out there.

There is a bunch of ones I have not mentioned. You don’t need a doctor’s prescription or permission. You can just go online, get a total testosterone, a sensitive estradiol LC/MS pull. And then, of course, can do bigger lab work, anti-aging panels, wellness, pre-hormone panels. I mean all of these things are very, very lucidly discussed and dissected in, “The TOT Bible.” I even give you a cheat sheet of like the lab panels and the biomarkers to be aware of to track, to measure how to read them, how to understand them.

So, that’s the most important thing. Like going down this path without educating yourself is a very, very poor decision. It’s very imprudent. You will likely get messed up. You will likely, you know, work with a physician that cannot help you. And again, they’re not trying or attempting to not help you. They just don’t know what they’re doing. I mean, there’s a lot of different people out there. You can Google this and read on, you know, various men’s forums and stuff like that, the poor experiences a lot of people have. So, again, I highly recommend that you educate yourself. You know you follow my channel, my YouTube channel.

There are amazing physicians, the top doctors in the world, I’m interviewing them all the time. Every Wednesday at 4:00 PM, you know, I have my podcast, The Optimized Life. Last year I had the Doctor’s Roundtable where I interviewed like the best doctors. We asked all these questions. So, essentially if you read my book and you follow the production and the creativity and all the content that is going out there, you will likely become highly educated and able to avoid the pitfalls of, you know, many people, you know, in the clinical space who are prescribing hormones who don’t know what they’re doing, so.

Ari Whitten:  Awesome. Well, thank you so, much Jay. I really appreciate your time. You’re a wealth of knowledge. Really, really enjoyed this interview and I hope to connect with you again in the very near future. Thank you very much.

Jay Campbell:  Dude, I appreciate being on your Podcast. It was absolutely epic. I hope that this informs and educates people to the highest level. As always, I’m very available to people. You can send an email to my team, [email protected] and I will, or actually, I won’t, but my team will send out a copy of “The TOT Bible” pdf. They will also, send out my book on fasting. And then we send out relevant articles and podcasts that I’ve done, like, you know, very relevant, very recent that will inform people to the highest level.

So, again, Ari man, my brother. I love you, man. Thank you so, much for having me on your show and I can’t wait to do this again. Take care.

The Most Common Causes Of Low Testosterone (And How To Use Testosterone Replacement Therapy) with Jay Campbell – Show Notes

Why there is a testosterone deficiency in the modern world (0:52)
The link between diet and testosterone levels (08:02)
Why testosterone is a taboo and why it shouldn’t be (12:20)
The key signs and symptoms of testosterone (17:10)
Should you worry about therapeutic testosterone? (31:06)
The effects of body fat on testosterone replacement therapy (35:21)
Is testosterone for everyone? (39:58)
Aromatase inhibitors (43:30)
The best way to apply testosterone (47:52)
The best approach for someone to start using testosterone optimization therapy (54:19)


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You can email the TRT team here to get your copy of “The TOT Bible” at [email protected]

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