The Top 21 Supplements For Superhuman Energy
The Big Key To REAL Energy Enhancement Isn’t Sugar and Stimulants – It’s Optimizing Your Mitochondria!
What people say about Energenesis

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What's In Energenesis
Energenesis is loaded with 23 of the highest mitochondria-building ingredients in existence.
Energenesis is like a 5-star MEAL for your Mitochondria (LOADED with rare nutrients, energy boosters and powerful antioxidants, because your body needs a variety – each one works differently!) AND… we have traveled the globe to provide the highest ingredients, with unparalleled potency, purity, biological availability, and effectiveness…
Mitochondrial Membrane Support Complex
NTFactor® Phospholipid Complex
NTFactor® is a digestion-resistant phospholipid complex that supplies the materials necessary to repair and regenerate damaged cell membranes directly to mitochondria, a treatment called lipid replacement therapy [1].
By supplying the bioactive phospholipids that mitochondria require to naturally replace damaged membrane components, NTFactor® is able to regenerate dysfunctional mitochondria, increase energy production, and enhance the energy levels of those using it.
Numerous studies have shown that NTFactor® reduces fatigue by 24–43 percent among those with chronic fatigue syndrome or conditions associated with fatigue, like general aging, obesity, lyme disease, and Gulf War Illness [2]. In older adults, NTFactor® restored mitochondrial function to a level matching healthy 29 year-olds [3].
Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful membrane-specific antioxidants in existence. Not only is it 30–85 percent more potent than vitamin E and carotenoids like β-carotene, lycopene, and lutein [4], but it has a unique polar structure that allows it to cross through, protect, and stabilize the entire mitochondrial membrane [5].
Due to astaxanthin’s consistent and powerful ability to prevent oxidative damage and dysfunction to mitochondria [6–8], some researchers have even determined it to be “mitochondria-targeted antioxidant” [9].
Interventions have shown that astaxanthin supplementation increases muscular strength and power output in fatigued adults [10], enhances muscular endurance and recovery in recreational athletes [11,12], and reduces muscle damage and oxidative stress in elite soccer players [13].
Mitochondrial Energy Production Cofactor Complex
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is a special form of carnitine that achieves two goals: (1) it supplies the carnitine your mitochondria need to produce energy, and (2) it provides an acetyl moiety that your mitochondria use to remain youthful and healthy.
The carnitine shuttle system is essential for bringing fatty acids into mitochondria to be used for energy production, and carnitine deficits (even mild ones) have been documented in those with chronic fatigue [14]. Moreover, over 20 percent of mitochondrial proteins rely on acetyl moieties to properly function, including those involved in antioxidant defenses and energy production [15,16].
For these reasons, some researchers have proposed that ALCAR should be considered a “mitochondrial rejuvenator” [17]. In chronically fatigued older adults, ALCAR supplementation led to profound benefits to their wellbeing — a 24 percent increase in physical function and close to a whopping 50 percent reduction in mental fatigue, physical fatigue, and overall fatigue severity [18].
D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar molecule that assists in the production of cellular energy by virtue of being a necessary component of ATP, DNA, and RNA [19]. In particular, it is the product of a rate-limiting step in ATP production within mitochondria and supplementation directly bypasses this bottleneck to increase energy production [20].
Studies show that D-ribose can help boost energy and physical function in situations where energy levels are reduced, such as people who have suffered from heart disease or stroke [21–23], or people engaging in regular intense exercise [24,25].
In adults with chronic fatigue, supplementing D-ribose led to 45 percent greater energy levels, 25 percent better sleep quality, 16% more mental clarity, 14 percent less pain, and 30% greater overall wellbeing [26]. Another study reported similar findings, with all benefits disappearing within a week of stopping supplementation [27].
Creatine is a molecule necessary for rapid and explosive energy production when energy needs cannot be immediately met by our mitochondria. Supplementation works by increasing the amount of available creatine within our muscles.
This not only increases muscular performance, but also helps stimulate mitochondrial energy production when faced with signals to do so (like being physically active) [28], enhance mitochondrial biogenesis and integrity [29], and protect mitochondria from oxidative damage [30,31].
Accordingly, creatine is one of the most extensively researched supplements for improving exercise performance, muscle strength, and power output in people of all ages [32–36].
Magnesium is required for over 300 enzymes to function properly — muscle contractions, blood vessel regulation, insulin signaling, the synthesis of DNA and proteins, and nerve transmission all require magnesium [37].
One of the enzymes that relies on magnesium is ATP synthase, which is responsible for generating cellular energy (ATP) within mitochondria. Without magnesium, your mitochondria simply can’t function efficiently [38,39].
Energenesis provides two forms of magnesium, citrate and malate, which are both cofactors for mitochondrial energy production themselves.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential component of mitochondrial energy production, serving as both an antioxidant and an energy-transferring molecule. As such, deficits in CoQ10 will not only lead to a cessation of energy production, but also an increase in oxidative damage.
Individuals with chronic fatigue regularly show deficiencies in CoQ10 concentrations throughout the body [40], as do those with conditions in which fatigue is a common symptom, like fibromyalgia [41–43], those who have survived heart attacks or heart failure [44,45], and multiple sclerosis [46,47].
Supplementation with CoQ10 improves fatigue, autonomic nervous system activity (the part of the nervous system involved in rest and recovery), and biochemical parameters of mitochondrial energy production in those with chronic fatigue [48–51], and reduces general fatigue and oxidative stress in healthy adults [52,53].
Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Defense Complex
Green Tea Catechins
Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) catechins are four phytochemical molecules, the most potent one being epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). It has been implicated in benefiting almost every organ system in the body in doses you can obtain easily from simply drinking green tea [54–56].
EGCG is neuroprotective [57,58], cardioprotective [59,60], anti-obesity [61–63], anti-carcinogenic [64,65], and anti-diabetic [66], all due primarily to its ability to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, enhance energy production, and protect mitochondria from oxidative stress [67,68].
Supplementation of EGCG plus resveratrol (another ingredient of Energenesis) has been shown to significantly increase mitochondrial function and the use of fatty acids for energy production [69], and several meta-analyses have concluded that EGCG reduces body weight and body fat [70–73], particularly abdominal fat [74].
Pomegranate is a rich source of ellagitannins, potent antioxidant molecules that can be further metabolized into other antioxidant derivatives like ellagic acid and urolithins [75,76]. These substances have been heavily investigated for their mitochondrial and cardiovascular benefits.
Pomegranate ellagitannins and their derivatives have been shown to enhance mitochondrial function [77] and increase rates of mitophagy (mitochondria + autophagy) [78,79], which is a quality control pathway that preserves mitochondrial health by targeting damaged mitochondria for autophagic degradation, making anything that facilitates mitophagy absolutely vital for optimal health and disease prevention.
In recreational endurance athletes, supplementing with pomegranate extract for just two weeks increased the total time the athletes could cycle before complete exhaustion by 14 percent and increased the amount of time they could rely on their mitochondria to supply most of their energy by 10 percent [80].
Moreover, pomegranate supplementation has been shown to reduce blood lipid oxidation and the accumulation of plaque in arteries [81], particularly in people who have higher levels of oxidative stress [82,83].
Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng has been used medicinally for thousands of years in China, Korea, and Japan to alleviate physical and mental fatigue. While there are several types of ginseng on the market, panax ginseng is considered the “true” ginseng.
At a fundamental level, panax ginseng works to protect mitochondria from oxidative damage and improve energy production under conditions of oxidative stress [84,85]. A systematic review and meta-analysis of five studies in chronic fatigue patients found significant benefits of ginseng supplementation for reducing fatigue severity [86], with reductions of 20 percent after one month not being uncommon [87,88].
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a nightshade revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its physical- and mental-enhancing effects [89]. Today, it’s considered an adaptogen for similar reasons, able to increase a person’s resilience to stress and help reduce anxiety [90,91].
These effects are largely due to its constituent withanolide structures, which have several important neuroprotective effects within the brain, such as scavenging free radicals, reducing neuroinflammation, and promoting neurotransmitter signaling [92]. They also improve mitochondrial function and energy production [93].
In Energenesis, we use the most potent form of ashwagandha, a 35% withanolide concentrate called the Shoden extract. Just 240 mg of Shoden ashwagandha reduces stress and anxiety by 30% in mildly stressed adults [94], while a mere 60 mg can boost DHEA-S and testosterone by 15–18% in middle-aged men
In another large randomized placebo-controlled trial of 150 men and women, supplementing 120 mg has been documented to improve physical and psychological quality of life by 8% and enhance sleep quality by 40% compared to placebo, including dramatically improving the time it took to fall asleep, total sleep time, and nightly awakenings (Deshpande et al. 2020).
Other studies have shown ashwagandha supplementation to reduce perceived stress, anxiety, and depression in mildly stressed healthy adults [95,96], adults battling chronic mental stress [97], and adults with an anxiety disorder [98].
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a mitochondrial molecule involved in energy metabolism and the antioxidant system. It is not only essential for mitochondria to create cellular energy, but also serves to function as an antioxidant, replenish other antioxidants, and stimulate the production of antioxidant enzymes like glutathione [99].
Accordingly, ALA has been heavily investigated as a mitochondrial rejunivator, able to help reverse age-related declines in mitochondrial energy production [100], particularly within the brain [101,102].
By improving mitochondrial function and protecting against oxidative stress, ALA has been shown to benefit metabolic health [103,104], as well as facilitate weight loss among those who are overweight [105–107].
ALA exists as either an S or R isomer, with unspecified ALA being a 50-50 ‘racemic’ solution of both. Most studies use the racemic solution, but only R-ALA has biological activity in the body and is more bioavailable [108], which is why we use it in Energenesis.
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is a potent stimulator of pathways involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant defenses [109,110]. In particular, it stimulates pathways shared by exercise training and is believed to potentiate and enhance activity-induced benefits on mitochondria [111].
Supplementation has been shown to reduce fatigue and increase vigor by 20 percent in adults complaining of poor sleep and energy levels, as well as improve mood, sleep quality, and overall quality of life [112]. In another study of healthy adults, PQQ reduced inflammation and improved markers of mitochondrial respiration [113].
NAD+ Regeneration Complex
Taurine is an omnipresent amino acid within the body, essential for the development and function of our cardiovascular, muscular, nervous, and ocular systems [114]. It’s also essential for mitochondrial energy production and protein synthesis [115,116]
The highest amounts of taurine are in tissues with huge energy requirements and a lot of mitochondria, such as the retina, nerves, kidney, heart, and skeletal muscle [117]. If mitochondria don’t have enough taurine, energy production decreases and oxidative stress increases [118].
Insufficient taurine has been implicated in numerous chronic disease states [119,120], and several clinical trials have shown that supplementing with taurine reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in those with metabolic dysfunction [121–123].
Additionally, a meta-analysis reported that taurine supplementation improved endurance exercise performance, particularly power output and the amount of time that people could run before exhaustion [124].
Citrus Bioflavonoids
Citrus bioflavonoids are a group of molecules, particularly hesperidin, naringenin, and rutin, which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects within the body [125]. They also increase mitochondrial energy production, biogenesis, and mitophagy [126–129].
Supplementation has been shown to increase sprint performance, power output, and exercise economy (requiring less energy to generate a given power output) in athletes [130,131].
Resveratrol is a phytochemical found primarily in grape skins and wine. It works primarily through hormesis [132]; it stresses our mitochondria and stimulates adaptations that ultimately make them bigger and stronger [133].
Supplementation has been shown to activate several mitochondrial regulators, including AMPK, SIRT1, and PGC-1α, while also increasing the ability of mitochondria to oxidize fat as an energy source [134,135]. Resveratrol also increases mitochondrial adaptations to exercise more than exercise alone would [136,137].
Quercetin is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule that affects an array of mitochondrial processes, including mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial energy production, and the protection of mitochondria from oxidative stress [138,139].
Several meta-analyses of clinical trials have reported that quercetin is able to improve endurance exercise performance and maximal oxygen consumption [140,141], and, in those with metabolic dysfunction, reduce markers of inflammation [142,143], improve blood lipids [144–146], and lower blood pressure [147,148].
Importantly, these all use regular unenhanced quercetin. Yet, a quercetin phytosome complex has vastly superior bioavailability, leading to quercetin levels 20-fold greater in the blood following supplementation [149], which is why we use this form in Energenesis.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is a molecule our body naturally creates from the amino acid cysteine as a precursor to one of our body’s master antioxidants, glutathione, which is not only a potent antioxidant, but a molecule required to recycle other antioxidants, detoxify and excrete toxins, and maintain mitochondrial function [150].
Supplemental NAC is an effective way at increasing glutathione concentrations in our body [151,152], and a meta-analysis of 28 clinical trials found that NAC supplementation significantly reduced biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation [153].
Through helping to sustain optimal glutathione concentrations, NAC has been demonstrated to reduce mitochondrial oxidative damage and preserve cellular life in the face of genetic mitochondrial mutations that cause dysfunction or toxic conditions that directly damage mitochondria [154–157].
Niacin is an essential component of energy-carrying molecules within the mitochondria, all of which are derivatives of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is important for energy production, mitochondrial function, and cellular repair processes.
The primary route of NAD+ synthesis is through something called the salvage pathway, in which niacinamide serves as the starting molecule. We can also make NAD+ from nicotinic acid using an alternative pathway, which is why we’ve included both forms in Energenesis to ensure that NAD+ generation is not being impeded by a simple vitamin insufficiency.
If you want to see a breakdown of the exact ingredients and amounts, you can look in the right column of the image below…

What people say about Energenesis

Your cells need a powerful recipe for energy, and Energenesis is it.
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